
post #204756 post #397615 post #1101265

Used where a character is supporting all of the weight of another character (not an object), raised off of the ground or other surface. Parts of the carried character may contact the ground or other surfaces, but should not bear weight.

A character carrying another may commonly use, but is not limited to supporting the other character with, arms, hands, prehensile tails, tentacles, etc.

Not to be confused with

  • Objects - For carried objects, use the holding_object tag instead.
  • Holding - If a smaller character (requires size difference) is being carried exclusively with hands, use holding_character.
  • Lifting - Used for posts where a character is partially supporting the weight of another character.
  • Riding - A concept that is distinct from carrying and lifting that involves riding on the backs of animals.


See also

"Carrying" Tags

This tag has been aliased to carrying_another (learn more).

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