
A type of projectile weapon, it is a pointed shaft that is designed to be launched from a bow.

NOTE: The weapon system is often referred to collectively as "bow and arrows", but they are still tagged separately with bow_(weapon) and arrow.

Details about the design of a bow and arrow system:
  • An arrow generally consists of an arm length shaft, with a pointed blade on one end and stabilizing fins on the other. The shaft is traditionally made of wood, although modern arrows are often made of aluminum or resin composites.
  • The tip of an arrow is referred to as the "arrowhead", and comes in a wide variety of designs. Most modern arrowheads are made of metal, although historically they were made from worked flint.
  • The stabilizing fins are traditionally made of feathers inset into the shaft, and called the "fletching". Modern arrows may be fletched with plastic or metal fins in place of feathers.

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This tag has been aliased to arrow_(disambiguation) (learn more).