post #211 post #78461 post #89228
Used for posts depicting voyeurism, the act of one or more characters taking sexual pleasure from watching one or more other characters who are exposed or engaging in sexual activities.
This can range from consensual, such as a romantic couple allowing a friend to watch them have sex, to illegal invasions of privacy, such as peeping or installing a camera in a hotel room to secretly watch strangers having sex.
Because of the sexualized content, this tag should never be tagged for Safe-rated posts.
Related Tags
- incestuous_voyeur - When the voyeur character is related to one or more of the characters being watched.
- pseudo_incestuous_voyeur - When the voyeur character is related legally but not biologically to one or more of the characters being watched.
Not To Be Confused With:
- being_watched - Tagged when the watcher(s) don't seem aroused by what they're watching.
See Also:
The following tags are aliased to this tag: peeping_tom, vouyer, vouyerism, vouyeur, vouyeurism, vouyuer, vouyuerism, voyer, voyerism, voyeurism, voyuer, voyuerism (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: incestuous_voyeur_(lore), pseudo_incestuous_voyeur_(lore) (learn more).