raised index finger

post #3214865 post #3133008 post #569117 post #341115

When the index finger is raised, while all other fingers are contracted.

In many cases a character may be shown (usually in portrait "pin up" images) raising their index finger for no reason in particular, aside from adding some "attitude" or expressiveness to the character's pose. However, a raised index finger is used to communicate a broad range of different meanings, depending on the context, direction of the finger, and where the finger is being held.

Some examples of the meaning of a raised index finger:
  • Used to point out something that is "up"
  • When touching or raised near the character's chin, can indicate thinking
  • The character just had an idea come to them (an "a-ha" or "eureka" moment), may be paired with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, and a cartoon light bulb symbol
  • When raised into the air, a victorious or boastful gesture - "I'm #1!"
  • Telling someone else to "wait" or "hold on"
  • Indicates "one" or the "first" of something - "I want one apple" or "my first point..."
  • Wagging the raised finger at someone to warn or reprimand them
  • Explaining an idea to the viewer or another character
  • Indicates for listeners to pay special attention to the words spoken following the raised finger
  • A "shushing" gesture, when the index finger is raised to the lips or near the mouth, often paired with a "shhh" verbalization
    • This can mean "be quiet", "stop talking", "keep this a secret", or "I'm being sneaky/hiding, don't tell anyone"
  • A raised finger to the lips, near the mouth, or to the cheek can also indicate confusion, playfulness, cheekiness, flirtation, or the character being "coy", depending on the facial expression of the character
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The following tags are aliased to this tag: index_finger_lift, index_finger_lifted, index_finger_lifting, index_finger_raised, index_finger_up, lift_index_finger, lifted_index_finger, lifting_index_finger (learn more).

This tag implicates hand_gesture, raised_finger (learn more).

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