Species: hybrid

A hybrid is the offspring of two different species of animal. This tag applies to mainly odd combinations of distantly related species.

Note that this tag does not apply to humans. 'Hybrid humans' are covered by body type tags such as animal humanoid, taur, and anthro.

Real-world examples

Fictional hybrids

In order to find the specific species of hybrid you want, search for the component animal tags along with the hybrid tag. Using fictional species tags such as cabbit, folf, and wolingo are not allowed, and will not work if you try to search for them. Try to make sure the fictional species can be discerned from the image before you tag. Sometimes the hybrid parts will be obscured from view.

Note: Winged versions of various species do not typically get treated as hybrids.

Not to be confused with

  • chimera, creatures that have mixed parts from multiple distinct species, for example a fox with butterfly wings
  • transformation, mid-transformation forms are not tagged as hybrid
  • Hybrid, a draconic humanoid character from Fortnite.

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: aardeer, alicorn_husky_hybrid, angel_fosky, angelchu, animal_hybrid, anthro_hybrid, aquadox, arctic_folf, arctic_pegafox, arctic_pegafox_(species), bat_rabbit, batcoon, batcoon_mimiff, batdragon, batfox, bear_fox, bearbull, bearshark, bearwolf, bee_cat, bird_hybrid, bolfy, botter, bragon, buizanine_(species), bullbear, bullgon, buncat, buncoon, bunk, bunnicorn, bunnycoon, bunnydragon, bunnywolf, bunwolf, burrdog, burrdog_(species), cabbit, caidoberman, cangaroo, canguroo, cat-bird, cat-shark, cat/wolf, cat/wolf_hybrid, cat_dragon, cat_fish_(pun), cat_fox, cataroo, catcoon_(species), catdragon_(species), catfox, cathorse, catibou, catox, catpony, catpup, catskunk, catspider, cattolf, catvixen, catxolotl, cheefox, cheeger, cheetox, cheolf, cheolfs, chicken_gryphon, chilla_fox, cholf, chox, colf, cowbee, coyfox, coyogon, coyote_dragon, crocofox, crossbreed, crox, croxen, cusky, dalox, darflox, deer-crossfox, deer_canine_hybrid, deercat, deerfox, deergon, deerhorse, deeroo, deerwolf_hybrid, demfox, demon_fox, demon_lion, demon_wolf, demonhusky, demonic_fox_dragon, demonic_lion_(species), demonskunk, demonwolf, dergal, dingofox, dirdwolf, diregon, dobber_deer, dober_deer, dober_rat, dogfox, doggot, donkeroo, dox, doxen, draard, drabbit_(hybrid), dracat, draco_rat, dracobat, dracobra, dracogriff, dracogryph, dracohorse, dracolf, draconicorn, dracoon, dracophin, dracoraptor, dracorat_(species), dracorn, dracovix, dracowolf, dracubus, dragadillo, dragark, draginni, dragnine, dragolf, dragon-goat, dragon-ox, dragon-wolf, dragon-zebra, dragon/deer, dragon/hyena_hybrid, dragon_cat, dragon_fox, dragon_hybrid, dragon_lion, dragon_shark, dragon_turtle, dragon_wolf, dragon_wolf_fox, dragonbat, dragonbear, dragoncat, dragonchu, dragondog, dragonfox, dragonhorse, dragonicorn, dragonine, dragonraptor, dragonwolf, dragonwolfhybrid, dragorca, dragorse, dragosect, dragox, dragriffin, drakitterwolf, draquine, drat, dratter, dravali, drawolf, draxen, drayenote, driger, drolf, drotter, drox, drusky, dryeena, drygerskunk, dusky, eeldragon, fabbit, falcon_hybrid, faxby, feasox, feazox, feer, felinfox, fenfolf, fennec_cat, fennec_lion, fennecoon, fennmink, fensky, feox, feral_hybrid, ferrox, fiox, fishcat, fishdog, fishfox, flottsky, fobbit, folf, folfbold, folfsky, foo_doggon, forgi, fosky, fot, fotter, fougar, fox-cat, fox-hyena, fox-moth, fox-wolf, fox/cat, fox/cat/hybred, fox/cat/hybrid, fox/cat_hybrid, fox/jerboa, fox/wolf, fox_bat, fox_corgi, fox_dog, fox_dragon, fox_goat, fox_panda, fox_pony, fox_slug, foxal, foxaroo, foxat, foxbat, foxbat_hybrid, foxbee, foxbird, foxcario, foxcat, foxcoon, foxcoon_(species), foxda, foxdeer, foxdemon, foxdog, foxdragon, foxger, foxgon, foxhemoth, foxhog, foxhyena, foxibou, foxkitty, foxleopard, foxmoogle, foxmutt, foxoon, foxote, foxotter, foxpanda, foxroo, foxsky, foxttercoon, foxxgoat, foyote, fraccoon, froslosion, fruitbatcat, fusky, fusky_(species), fynx, gatorfox_(species), gatorsnake, gatox, giramon, goat/horse, goat_cat_fox, goat_dog, goat_gorilla, goatbun, goatfox, griffox, growldramon, half-fox, half-otter, half-snake, half_dragon, hedgefox, hedgewolf, hibrid, horse-lynx, horse_goat, horsebird, hubrid, human_hybrid, huskena, huskoon, husky-wolf, husky_rabbit, huskyena, huskyfox, hybid, hybird, hybrid_(species), hybrid_cat, hybrid_fur, hybrid_specie, hybrid_species, hybrid_wolf_phoenix, hybride, hybrids, hydrabbit, hyenadeer, hyenapuss, hyenkel, hypno_(lopunny), hyrbid, hyrid, ice_draconic_horse, iguolf, kaibun, kangayote, kangootter, kardox, kecha_wox, kiraptagon, kitsuragon, kitty/otter, kittydog(species), kittydog_(species), kittydragon, kittyfox, kittypup, koicat, kotterox, krystariomon, lemurbat, leobbog, leofox, leogarg, leolynx, leopanda, leopard_dragon, ligerwolf, ligon, liolf, lionbear, liondragon, lionfox, lionroo, lionwolf, liox, lizard-mouse, loporeon, lotteron, lucachu, lucaridon, luskandox, lynx/domestic_cat, macunny, mewgia_(species), mewlava, mix, mixed_species, monkey-bird, monkeybird, moth_dragon, multiple_species, mystgoose, octoraccoon, octoskunk, octowolf, orca-dragon, orca_dragon, orcadragon, orcagon, orcat, orcdragon, otsky, ottagon, otter/wolf, otter_bat, otter_hybrid, otterbat, otterbear, ottercat, otterdog, otterfox, otteritty, otteroo, otterroo, ottershark, ottox, ottsky, owl_gryphon, owlox, pancoon, pandafox, pandafox_(species), pandapard, pandauren, pandragon, pangoose, panther_wolf_hybrid, phoegon, pikachumbreon, planedragon, protocrow, rabbit-dragon, rabbit_wolf, rabbitcat, raccat, raccoon_fox, raigon, rampox, ratcat, ratdragon, ratdragon_(species), ratwolf, renaskunk, rodragon, roofox, roogryph, roolacine, roosky, rosechu_(species), saber_cat, saber_dog, saber_lynx, sabercat, saberdragon, sabershark, sabersune, saberwolf, sableroo, salugia, sandlava, scaled_fox, schnolf, sergal-fox, sergal_dragon, sergal_moth, serpent_peahen, shargon, shark/fox, shark_dog, shark_fox, shark_pony, sharkdragon, sharkfox, sharkgon, sharkpony, sharktopus, shennec, shepcoon, shepherds_fox, shox, shoxy, skoon_(species), skotter, skox, skunk-bat, skunk-bear, skunk-fox, skunk_bunny, skunk_cat, skunk_fox, skunk_pony, skunk_rat, skunkaroo, skunkat, skunkbax, skunkbunny, skunkcoon, skunkfox, skunkkangaroo, skunkmink, skunkpony, skunksum, skunkubus, skunkwolf, skunx, skusky, skwolf, slime_hybrid, snail_cat, snailkit, snake_dragon, snolf, snowpanda, snowval, sonichu_(species), sox, spiderhorse, spidox, squabit, squabit_(species), squid-skunk, squidfox, squirrel_dragon, swolfpert, sylbreon, sylviark, sylvox, tabbit, tabby-twogon, tegu_dragon, teragon, tifox, tiger-bear, tiger-striped_skunk, tiger/otter_hybrid, tigerbunny, tigerchu, tigerfox, tigerskunk, tigerwolf, tigotter, tigox, tixagon, tolf, totter, toucat, tox, tycoon, umbreon_cat, umbrox, unibunny, unigon, unisky, vaporunny, velocelox, vulpeer, wadger, wallaroo, weagle, werehybrid, werewolf_dragon, wokitah, wolcon, wolf-cat, wolf-dragon, wolf-tail_hare, wolf-tailed_hare, wolf/panther_hybrid, wolf/tiger_hybrid, wolf_bat, wolf_dragon, wolf_falcon, wolf_falcon_hybrid, wolf_fox, wolf_hybrid, wolf_panda, wolf_rabbit, wolf_tailed_hare, wolf_tiger, wolfa, wolfbear, wolfbird, wolfbreon, wolfbreon_(hybrid), wolfbreon_(species), wolfbull, wolfbunny, wolfcat, wolfcoon, wolfdagon, wolfdragon, wolfdrake, wolffox, wolfhawk, wolflope, wolfmouse, wolfox, wolfrabbit, wolfroo, wolfshark, wolfskunk, wolfsune, wolfvern, wolfyena, wolger, wolgon, wolingo, wolphin, wolther, wolvern, wolviex, wolyena, woox, worgi, worval, wotter_(hybrid), wox, woyote, wuffoon, wulfion, wunnyroo, wynx, xoox, yveltvoir, zorocario, zorupix (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: alangasaurus, coydog, coywolf, grolar_bear, hinny, hybrid_taur, khonorik, labyrinthosaurus, leopon, liger, mule, pumapard, sheep-goat, tigon, ultimasaurus, wereliger, wholphin, wolfdog, zebroid (learn more).

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