fursecution fox and gandhi (lgbt pride month) created by taurin fox
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  • loldongs said:
    lol Foxes don't have slitted pupils. Anatomy fail tee-hee.

    You're right. The anatomy is way off. First off, foxes don't stand up-right and they have forelegs not arms... oh wait, this art is based on a fantasy creature. My bad. How silly of me to critique the anatomy of a non-existent creature.

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  • I would like it more if the fox wasn't shedding the cliche "single tear." I know all of us in the GLBT community approach the fight for equal rights with our own personal difference - personally, I don't care to play up the victim side of it. You're showing your belly to the wolves when you do that.

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  • mr.t said:
    i hate this kind of shit,we get it your gay no one with half a brain cares, look if your gay i dont care but this kind of sit is embassing, how can you take pride in something you were born as, thats like black pride, its fucking pointless, we no you want equal right but than an't gonna happen because most people are fucking bigots and retards, instead do something that take talent or give something to the cometity or something, i play guitar myself.

    on the plus side the arts good

    Generally, gays aren't proud of being gay. We're proud of still being alive and functional in spite of rampant bigotry.

    That said, sorry Taurin, but this is pretty lame.

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  • mr.t said:
    i hate this kind of shit,we get it your gay no one with half a brain cares, look if your gay i dont care but this kind of sit is embassing, how can you take pride in something you were born as, thats like black pride, its fucking pointless, we no you want equal right but than an't gonna happen because most people are fucking bigots and retards, instead do something that take talent or give something to the cometity or something, i play guitar myself.

    on the plus side the arts good

    Somewhat good point. The only missing factor is that gays such as myself (sorta) are capable of enforcing equal rights (duh), and the blacks have fought for respect in the same regard!

    On the arts, I also play guitar, but it doesn't do much unless the music stands out, which is why I take it up a notch (bam?).

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  • you're either seeming homophobic, self-obsessed (if gay) or neutral here. I suggest that you all fall under neutral to stop being annoying. I'm speaking for future reference, not to the guys from 3 months ago.

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  • fastchapter said:
    I would like it more if the fox wasn't shedding the cliche "single tear." I know all of us in the GLBT community approach the fight for equal rights with our own personal difference - personally, I don't care to play up the victim side of it. You're showing your belly to the wolves when you do that.

    Well, we can't see his left eye or cheek, so he may be shedding more than just that one.

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  • SerathDarklands said:
    Well, we can't see his left eye or cheek, so he may be shedding more than just that one.

    Perhaps, but this is just pretentious. I'm part of the GLBT community and this is just emberassing. I'm proud of being trans and all, but it's crap like this that paints a target on us. It's one thing to stand against bigotry, but when you do stuff like this, you are just making us look like idiots ><.

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  • One of my favorite furry pictures of all time. One that isn't yiff. I can assume this is the original pic that inspired the parodies, yes?

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  • the ghandi quote is very appropriate because it has recently been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that ghandi was bi

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  • FerrisOnFire said:
    I really hate when people try to prove "Oh so an so was gay or bi omfg!!!" You CANNOT prove ANYONE'S sexual orientation for sure, especially when they've been dead for so long. I just can't stand when people base their entire personality on their sexual identity. "So, what would you say is your style?" "Gay." "What's your personality?" "Gay."
    "Who are you?" "Gay." They let it dominate their lifestyle. I try my hardest to make sure no one can figure out that I'm gay without telling them myself. Not because I'm afraid, I'm out to everyone, but just to make sure I don't turn into one of those motherfuckers who prance around and talk with a fagccent.

    You can prove someone's orientation, actually. Find a male, and a female that each fucked Ghandi. Ask if he enjoyed it. Done.

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  • Tiger_12 said:
    You can prove someone's orientation, actually. Find a male, and a female that each fucked Ghandi. Ask if he enjoyed it. Done.

    I just don't get it. But I want to.

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  • I always thought it was dumb how this is called "fursecution fox" when it's actually about LGBT rights and just happens to have a furry... Oh well, Taurin's a great animator regardless of a misinterpreted picture. Y'all should go watch A Fox in the Stable if you're into the gay sex.

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  • All of you are up there ranting and raving about gay rights this and bigotry that and gay pride and stuffs...BUT...and just hear me out here...WHAT IF...We stopped caring what other people think hm? People can only hurt you as much as you let them you know

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  • Slade said:
    What really pisses me off is how this image blatantly associates gay pride with the fandom, as if furry is just a tangent of homosexuality.

    I understand wheat your saying but what the artist is saying is that he/she is pro-homosexual rights. The artist may be a furry who is gay., but its there choose and if you doing like it blacklist it. I personally am open to the Idea of homosexuality and will defend it but that doesn't mean I'm gay. I just don't think that people who are put down for there own beliefs should be judged for something that they have chosen to be. This isn't just applying to just Slade, its applying to all the anti-gay comments. If you don't like it blacklist it and stop complaining!

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  • Slade said:
    What really pisses me off is how this image blatantly associates gay pride with the fandom, as if furry is just a tangent of homosexuality.

    so... I know this comment was over 5 years ago but I just want to bring this up. this guy has the same first name as me and mentioned my username 5 years before I made it (made this account a few weeks ago to keep track of a few things). what are the fucking odds on that?

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  • The_Archangel said:
    All of you are up there ranting and raving about gay rights this and bigotry that and gay pride and stuffs...BUT...and just hear me out here...WHAT IF...We stopped caring what other people think hm? People can only hurt you as much as you let them you know

    I suppose because change has only been achieved by people making enough noise to get other folks aware and involved. One day I too do hope protesting about gay rights will be as pointless as protesting against sliced bread, because such rights already exist and folks are altogether happy with leaving other folks be.

    Meanwhile, well, gotta rattle the saber.

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  • Dopplereffectdva said:
    Well done reversing progress with this bullshit.
    You already have equal rights in your masturbatorium.

    Maybe in some places but not all.
    I'd like to think that not getting killed because you like a guy is progress, as the fact that killing someone over that is pretty savage.
    In some places, gay people are thrown off of two story buildings and women who marry more than once are expected to be executed.
    This kind of ignorance is why people should do research even if it's about something that they hate, otherwise these types of things reappear even in advanced countries.

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  • Man, remember how we all made fun of how silly this was years ago when it was first made?

    Certainly hits different now, don't it?

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  • aedryn_vyx said:
    Maybe in some places but not all.
    I'd like to think that not getting killed because you like a guy is progress, as the fact that killing someone over that is pretty savage.
    In some places, gay people are thrown off of two story buildings and women who marry more than once are expected to be executed.
    This kind of ignorance is why people should do research even if it's about something that they hate, otherwise these types of things reappear even in advanced countries.

    Sadly in advanced countries the advancements are made by few where there rest are mere followers. The "leaders" say what is right and wrong based off of bias and ignorance rather than consideration. The followers are forced to follow and adapt to those rules. The leaders' mindsets are medival and appalling. Maybe in some countries when boomer become no longer present, The next gen will no longer be so tolerant by ignorance.

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  • mr._spooky said:
    We still are.

    Sigh... history repeats itself with the zigzagging of tolerance and ignorance. This is an inevitable trend in societies...

    But relatively speaking, progress for visible and invisible minorities seem to have skyrocketed in the last 50 years or so (in the Western world anyway) as compared to the entirety of history in general.

    Still it never feels like enough. But at least the breakthroughs in recent years give us hope for more ♥


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  • I remember first seeing this image back around 2006. It kind of took off as a meme some years later, but here's the context:
    Taurin Fox drew this in 2004, after George W. Bush was re-elected in a landslide against John Kerry. Bush had made the so-called 'sanctity of marriage' a massive part of his evangelical-supported campaign, and he put that into practice during his second term. About a decade later, a Supreme Court ruling would make same-sex marriage legal throughout the US.

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  • ektb said:
    Sigh... history repeats itself with the zigzagging of tolerance and ignorance. But relatively speaking, progress for visible and invisible minorities seem to have skyrocketed in the last 50 years or so (in the Western world anyway)

    if minorities get treated so well then whites should be comfortable being minorities themselves. Also I find it physically impossible to be a furry and hold such racist beliefs at the same time without being a hypocrite

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  • nice art 😊 such hunks gay pride forever (: im German, Pennsylvania dutch, Jewish and Irish my boyfriends latin and Mexican hes 21 and im 27

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  • barefootslavedragon said:
    if minorities get treated so well then whites should be comfortable being minorities themselves. Also I find it physically impossible to be a furry and hold such racist beliefs at the same time without being a hypocrite

    I'm not white or Caucasian (Asian btw) though you have a fair point.

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  • ricky_spanish said:
    I suppose because change has only been achieved by people making enough noise to get other folks aware and involved. One day I too do hope protesting about gay rights will be as pointless as protesting against sliced bread, because such rights already exist and folks are altogether happy with leaving other folks be.

    Meanwhile, well, gotta rattle the saber.

    *notices the very next two comments are "we won!" and looks at current events*

    Wow this did NOT age well. I really wish society could be as ideal as you envisioned dude.

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