sunset shimmer (equestria girls and etc) created by mykegreywolf
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Sunset's Team

Sunset Shimmer obviously has an affinity with fire. Of course she started out with a Ponyta, and just couldn't get enough flames. Water, ground and rock opponents be damned.

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  • Add in Volcanion (Fire/Water) and a shiney Salazzle and she's got a much better lineup.

    Victini, and once Braixen evolves into Delphox, that's 2 Fire/Psychic types, a straight fire type with Rapidash and a fire/flying type with Talonflame. Not the best team, but not the worst. Trade out one of the Psychics with another type to expand on typing, then she would have an even better rounded team, despite them all being fire to begin with.

    Also, I bet her Rapidash is male >_>

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