kaede and pazhi created by cosmicminerals
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Truce at the Fork-Tongue Crossroads 5

Kaede made him promise to pull out...but the naga had other plans
Art by cosmicminerals
Sexy Naga owned by t-four

  • Comments
  • Can I just say I think ever ounce of that body mass is incredibly hot an appealing to me. Just look at that passion! THIGH HOLD, DEEP KISS, MID ORGASM. God damn this is an awesome comic, so well made :3

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  • Dominass_Triton said:
    Nagas have such an extreme amount of body mass thats just nothing.

    SleeptilSober said:
    Like a normal snake it's probably mostly muscle

    GtheOtter said:
    Can I just say I think ever ounce of that body mass is incredibly hot an appealing to me. Just look at that passion! THIGH HOLD, DEEP KISS, MID ORGASM. God damn this is an awesome comic, so well made :3

    90% of artist actually screw up the anatomy.

    Just like a centaur, where the "human" hip ends, the animal body begins. You see a couple, but not many 'taurs with penis/vagina between the front legs. Most people nowadays don't so that since it looks silly and instead put the bits where they belong in the animal body.

    This has been true in everything except snakes.

    Snakes have all the organs of a normal animal, but they are all stretched along the length of the body. The sexual organs are still where they should be, which is at the base of a SHORT tail. Snakes have very little tail.

    This long body primarily contains the digestive tract, which as you know, intestines are quite long and if you stretch it out, you can end up with around 12 feet of intestine, and that's just an average human. A human with a body accommodating a straight line digestive tract would be quite the wild looking creature with a massively long torso, however the sexual organs would remain where they are.

    Anyone who has a snake/naga and puts the bits THERE is saying that the snake body is a glorified sleeping bag and means nothing; you'd be better off with a snake anthro. As it is, this means the sex organs are basically on his upper chest, and unless he as a flatworm, that's not where they go.

    The sex organs on a character like this would be about where his tail is at the small of her back.

    yeah yeah, someone out there is going to yell "ARTISTIC LICENSE", but I have every right to say "your anatomy is shit" in response.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    ignored reasonable post

    One of the banes of my existence will forever be the fact that people happily and consciously defend feral snakes having the genitals a couple feet away from their head. Leading to so much of what little feral snake porn that exists, pokemon or not, being shit.

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  • Daneasaur said:

    personally i think this snake is very well made, author making him more anthrophopic by placing his genitals where they are and as you are saying they shouldnt be done pretty good job in my opinion

    love face expressions and passionate love keep it up

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  • Dominass_Triton said:
    One of the banes of my existence will forever be the fact that people happily and consciously defend feral snakes having the genitals a couple feet away from their head. Leading to so much of what little feral snake porn that exists, pokemon or not, being shit.

    Preaching to the choir on that one.

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  • Dominass_Triton said:
    One of the banes of my existence will forever be the fact that people happily and consciously defend feral snakes having the genitals a couple feet away from their head. Leading to so much of what little feral snake porn that exists, pokemon or not, being shit.

    I like how me agreeing with this guy gets me voted down into oblivion, but he's being voted up by the same people.

    Do you think we're arguing or something?

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  • Daneasaur said:
    I like how me agreeing with this guy gets me voted down into oblivion, but he's being voted up by the same people.

    Do you think we're arguing or something?

    You sound surprised by the amount of truly stupid people on-site.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    I like how me agreeing with this guy gets me voted down into oblivion, but he's being voted up by the same people.

    Do you think we're arguing or something?

    gj stiring up a load of drama, have a report.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    I like how me agreeing with this guy gets me voted down into oblivion, but he's being voted up by the same people.

    Do you think we're arguing or something?

    I just think 97.79% of furries are retarded.
    No, you're only furry if you actually consider yourself to be so. Don't any of you give me your bullshit

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  • Daneasaur said:
    I like how me agreeing with this guy gets me voted down into oblivion, but he's being voted up by the same people.

    Do you think we're arguing or something?

    Daneasaur, you've been here a long time and tend to have intelligent or funny comments, and I respect and appreciate you. Because of this, I must give you some harsh honesty: you're not being downvoted because people disagree with your statement, you're being downvoted because you're acting like a dick.

    Your first comment has a net positive score, and that's because you're right; it is kind of weird that nagas (which are essentially the snake equivalent of taurs) have their gonads on their human hips instead of their snake hips. Furthermore, the people who were speaking out against you are getting downvoted for not saying anything productive.

    However, you're responding to them in a condescending tone, which practically guarantees that they will downvote you, and makes it less likely that the people who agree with you will upvote you, just because they think you're being excessively rude.

    Again, I have nothing but respect and admiration for you, which is why I've got to let you know what's going on here.

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  • Hudson

    Former Staff

    electricatom said:
    would be possible to upload memes here on site for avatar purposes?

    Only if they are relevant and not just existing images with Impact text slapped onto it.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    90% of artist actually screw up the anatomy.

    Just like a centaur, where the "human" hip ends, the animal body begins. You see a couple, but not many 'taurs with penis/vagina between the front legs. Most people nowadays don't so that since it looks silly and instead put the bits where they belong in the animal body.

    This has been true in everything except snakes.

    Snakes have all the organs of a normal animal, but they are all stretched along the length of the body. The sexual organs are still where they should be, which is at the base of a SHORT tail. Snakes have very little tail.

    This long body primarily contains the digestive tract, which as you know, intestines are quite long and if you stretch it out, you can end up with around 12 feet of intestine, and that's just an average human. A human with a body accommodating a straight line digestive tract would be quite the wild looking creature with a massively long torso, however the sexual organs would remain where they are.

    Anyone who has a snake/naga and puts the bits THERE is saying that the snake body is a glorified sleeping bag and means nothing; you'd be better off with a snake anthro. As it is, this means the sex organs are basically on his upper chest, and unless he as a flatworm, that's not where they go.

    The sex organs on a character like this would be about where his tail is at the small of her back.

    yeah yeah, someone out there is going to yell "ARTISTIC LICENSE", but I have every right to say "your anatomy is shit" in response.

    I get that this is old(ish), but a Naga having the genitals between the hips, rather than the base of the body, doesn't necessarily mean that the digestive tract ends there as well.

    This design could be viewed as a (potentially)benefitial evolutionary trait, in the sense of;
    -If a normal snake's body is severed above a..certain point, not only is it's digestive tract shortend (and damaged), but it loses it's ability to reproduce.

    A Naga (of this design) wouldn't suffer (as badly) from this issue, at least in the sense that the same injury the normal snake suffered doesn't remove the Naga's ability to reproduce...

    In any case, that's just my interpretation.
    (as long as the artist doesn't place the anus between the hips, I guess)

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  • WALTHERS14 said:
    I get that this is old(ish), but a Naga having the genitals between the hips, rather than the base of the body, doesn't necessarily mean that the digestive tract ends there as well.

    This design could be viewed as a (potentially)benefitial evolutionary trait, in the sense of;
    -If a normal snake's body is severed above a..certain point, not only is it's digestive tract shortend (and damaged), but it loses it's ability to reproduce.

    A Naga (of this design) wouldn't suffer (as badly) from this issue, at least in the sense that the same injury the normal snake suffered doesn't remove the Naga's ability to reproduce...

    In any case, that's just my interpretation.
    (as long as the artist doesn't place the anus between the hips, I guess)

    I know what you're referring to, but what that means is that the character is basically an anthro with a giant tail, at which point they are most CERTAINLY not a snake since snakes don't have tails that are long at all.

    I personally would be happier with a full humanoid body with legs with a massive tail stretching behind it, even if the creature would be doing "tigger tail standing". At least then it is just using inventive anatomy and not poor anatomy.

    post #876609

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  • I think the answer to it is quite simple, really. It makes sense that a naga like this has anatomy that wouldn't make sense on a snake.

    That's because...it's a naga, and not a snake. It's not an anthro reptile or a snake, it's an entirely different species!

    Really, how the lower half functions varies between artists because we're talking about a mythical creature here. In the case of this artist, the tail seems to be more a replacement for their legs, it's a form of mobility (or in some cases, restraining prey).

    Some people draw them with the intestines going just to the top half, some going all the way through, in rare cases both. It's honestly fairly easy to explain a naga's biology regardless of how they're drawn! From a biological standpoint of course, if you're going from a genetic engineering/magical or mystical origin, then yeah you can basically do whatever you want from the get-go.

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  • daneasaur said:
    90% of artist actually screw up the anatomy.

    Just like a centaur, where the "human" hip ends, the animal body begins. You see a couple, but not many 'taurs with penis/vagina between the front legs. Most people nowadays don't so that since it looks silly and instead put the bits where they belong in the animal body.

    This has been true in everything except snakes.

    Snakes have all the organs of a normal animal, but they are all stretched along the length of the body. The sexual organs are still where they should be, which is at the base of a SHORT tail. Snakes have very little tail.

    This long body primarily contains the digestive tract, which as you know, intestines are quite long and if you stretch it out, you can end up with around 12 feet of intestine, and that's just an average human. A human with a body accommodating a straight line digestive tract would be quite the wild looking creature with a massively long torso, however the sexual organs would remain where they are.

    Anyone who has a snake/naga and puts the bits THERE is saying that the snake body is a glorified sleeping bag and means nothing; you'd be better off with a snake anthro. As it is, this means the sex organs are basically on his upper chest, and unless he as a flatworm, that's not where they go.

    The sex organs on a character like this would be about where his tail is at the small of her back.

    yeah yeah, someone out there is going to yell "ARTISTIC LICENSE", but I have every right to say "your anatomy is shit" in response.

    If the snake people in that setting don't eat like normal snakes do, then I don't see a reason for having most of the organs stop at the "waist". The XXXL digestive tract is that long cuz they are suppose to be able to eat stuff significantly larger than them, and since that wouldn't be feasible for an anthro snake to do then they wouldn't have the same anatomy to support it

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