amun, aten, isis, babi, hapy, and etc (middle eastern mythology and etc) created by erunroe and korwin briggs

I'm tired, I'll just add the ones for whom we have tags already right now...

  • Comments
  • Twigs said:
    "impregnated via tainted lettuce"

    That's fine.

    [remembering the ancient myth involved, then seeing it concieved Thoth]

    Oh you gotta be kidding me.

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  • Happyfaec said:
    [remembering the ancient myth involved, then seeing it concieved Thoth]

    Oh you gotta be kidding me.

    You're also forgetting that it was a dude impregnating another dude. With tainted lettuce.

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  • I like the story of Atum(Atem, Aten, Tum, Tem, Temu)ejaculating into his mouth and impregnating himself with shu and tefnut

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  • Tetsuryu said:
    I don't see Sobek anywhere. And wasn't Maat the crocodile-headed lion/hippo thing?

    Shoot, you're right, though his parentage is disputed. Guess this guy missed him. And no, you're thinking of Ammut/Ammit. Maat was the personification of truth.

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  • "hey dads how was I born"
    "well thoth, my uncle raped me so I jacked off onto his favorite lettuce and he ate it because he's a faggot and you came out of his forehead"
    "dude Horus stop bullshitting Thoth he's no-"
    "I also called out to my semen from within him and it came forth from his belly whereas his came from the nile where my mom chopped my hand off because his semen tainted it 'cause I caught it after he raped me"
    "dads you're fucking crazy"

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  • Tetsuryu said: crocodile-headed lion/hippo thing?

    I believe that's Taweret. She's supposed to be a blend of Hippo, Crocodile, and feline and many times her head is depecited as a crocodile as she can both represent the warm love of a mother as will as the vicious merciless wrath of a mother protecting her children, so the more aggressive depictions give her a nile croc head.

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  • lucred said:
    You're also forgetting that it was a dude impregnating another dude. With tainted lettuce.

    Why no one told me that was possible?
    I must have looked like an idiot trying to adopt someone else's accident

    *If you were adopted well... I don't really mean it, I'm just trying to be funny

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  • Even the ancient Egyptians knew anthropomorphic cat women were hot. That's why they came up with so many for their pantheon. That would force the devoted stone workers to chisel all the fan art they could ever want.

    Also as a Stargate fan is Apep supposed to Apophis?

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  • cyandog182 said:
    Even the ancient Egyptians knew anthropomorphic cat women were hot. That's why they came up with so many for their pantheon. That would force the devoted stone workers to chisel all the fan art they could ever want.

    Also as a Stargate fan is Apep supposed to Apophis?

    Apophis is just the Greek rendering of Apep.

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