created by slashysmiley
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Part 3/4


The following is a selection of videos detailing the progress of our company’s Mental Regression Treatment. Several new hypnosis techniques, cosmetic-grade chemical cocktails, and dietary plans were introduced. Given the speed and efficiency at which the subject was transformed it is safe to say these have all been resounding successes. Please note that any attempt to transfer, duplicate, edit, or delete the following footage is grounds for termination under Clause 23-B of the standard Chimera Tech employment contract. This applies to all staff, including management.

Please enjoy.

Day One
Video Begins.

A young ground squirrel. Female. Braces and glasses. An expression of mild discomfort and anxiety is apparent. “Um, hello. My name is Trisha. I’m a senior at Oakwood High.” The background is of someone’s bedroom. Academic posters, a few framed certificates, and several polished trophies can be seen in the background. “As of this week I have begun the Mental Regression Treatment of my own free will and consent. I wish to reaffirm this because of my current lifestyle and the end-goal of the treatment. My Tutor’s name is Tanya.” Baggy clothing, including a sweater with the words ‘College Bound’ are notable. “It is Tanya’s hope that by the end my entire personality shall be re-written. I shall be someone different.” There’s a timbrel of fear in her voice now.

“I’m a bit scared…” Then there’s the smile of someone hopeful as she smiles cutely and with a whipping of her tail. “...but hopeful. I want to be happy again.” She suddenly seems to remember something. “Intelligence quotient is current one hundred and forty-seven points as of a test taken three months ago. GPA is 4.0 with an A average.” Resentment colors her voice at this and she walks over to the camera with clear agitation present.

Video Ends.

Day Eight
Video Begins.

A young ground squirrel. Female. Braces and glasses. Compared to last time, she seems calmer, but fidgeting occurs every so often. Her clothing has become a bit more conventional. T-shirt with Einstein's well-known Theory of Relativity present, plus some blue jeans and white socks. “Hi. This is Trisha. It’s been a week since my treatment began. My Tutor notes that I’m responding well, but I don’t feel all that different.” A moment passes when the squirrel seems to lose focus and swallows, a nervous quirk I presume, both her hands brought together to allow Trisha to fiddle with her fingers. “I mean...there was a mistake on my last test. A little one. Just a simple question which I was sure had been right.” Her thoughts are difficult to make out from expression at first. Further review almost makes one think she’s sharing a secret. “It wasn’t even a hard question. But I didn’t get it right.” Both of her eyes are screwed shut immediately after saying this and the girl is visibly trembling, both her hands held together tightly. Hints of her pre-treatment lifestyle in play, one would assume.

Trish calms in short order though. “I want this. To make mistakes. To not be so brilliant. But it scares me too.” She looks back up at the camera. “I don’t know if this was the right choice sometimes. Late at night when I’m all alone with just me and my thoughts.” There’s another shudder as she looks down again, then back up with a tiny blush. “But that felt good.” She says with a wider smile. “After the shock and the lectures from my parents, I came upstairs and…” Trisha pauses at this point. “Um, anyhow!” A massive blush has erupted on the young squirrel’s face following this near slip of the tongue. “It’s not important what I did or for how long or the way ache.” Positively crimson at this point. “My intelligence quotient has dropped five points, according to Tanya’s testing. And I’m now at a GPA of 3.9.” She worries at a knuckle for a bit before speaking soft enough that we have provided subtitles. “I’m not perfect.” Trisha leans as she looks at the screen. “And I’m not a virgin.” The blush has not receded. “Tanya and Candi have made sure of that.” She smiles. “In fact, they’ve made sure of it everytime I go over there.”

Video Ends.

Day Twelve
Video Begins

“Trisha. It’s working.” The squirrel has set up the camera a desk in her room to put us eye-level with her. She’s wearing a tight attractive top of butter yellow which reveals a generous amount of cleavage to the camera. “I keep making more mistakes. My mind wanders all the time.” She licks her lips and looks off to the side. “I’m horny all the time now.” Ears flick. “Plus it turns out I’m bisexual. Or at least that’s what I assume, since showering in the gym is my favorite part of that class.” A few moments go back as she seems lost in a memory before snapping back. “See. Lost my focus again. Happens so often these days that I’ll stop noticing it before long. It’ll be the norm.” The squirrel rests her cheek on her forearms and looks into the camera with an oddly contented smile.

“Tanya and Candi are so supportive. They’re like the family I used to have before Mom and Dad tried to make me into something great. Before my little sister Vette became jealous of the attention and focus I never wanted. Before…” She sighs. “...I didn’t take the process seriously. I do now. My IQ is down another five points, my GPA has slipped further after the last batch of As, not a plus in sight but several minuses, and one B-plus to a 3.6 average.” Trisha leans back and looks...nervous, excited, this individual is not sure. “Future me. It was as bad as you might remember. But I hope when I re-watch this, I’ll be in a better place. That I’ll be as happy as Tanya keeps promising I’ll end up as.” The squirrel grins. “Tanya’s gotten me some tapes to listen to. And a few study aids when I’m alone at home.” Our subject pauses. “I still like the way Tanya does it better than me. She knows just where to touch me. And I’ve been learning to take more of the strap-on without gagging. Even if Candi is much better at it than me. And Tanya is better than Canid.” There a desk drawer opened. “I gotta study now.”

Video Ends.

Day Fifteen
Video Begins.

A young ground squirrel. Female. Braces and glasses. Expression is of quiet excitement, judging by the persistent smile and swaying tail. Ears have become more erect since last time. “Hi! My name is Trisha. I’m a Senior at Oakwood High.” A giggle is given as she holds both hands behind her back. “I hope you like my new outfit.” She does a spin and provides us with a good look at her change in fashion. A semi-transparent nightie of a smokey grey color can be see on her torso. White stockings rise just past the knees on her legs. White thong panties cling to the squirrel’s hips and appear to be...discolored at the crotch. “I just got done with another session of my Tutor’s lesson plan you see, and Tanya’s giving me a new outfit every time to help me see how pretty I am.” There’s a giddy and brilliant smile provided for us at that. It is hard not to notice that her choice of clothing at the beginning was not flattering to her figure. “Every day I feel a bit less like myself. A little less of the anxiety, the depression, and the constant worry about being good enough slips away and…” She brings up her hands and spreads them. “...floats off like a bubble. Then pops!” The squirrel wraps her arms tightly around herself as she shudders and moans softly.

“You have no idea how wonderful this feels. I’m happy. Without qualifications.” A brief moment where our subject is out of the camera’s field of view takes place, followed by the results of a test covering the camera’s field of view. “See this?” In the upper righthand corner is a red B with a dash on it’s left, several questions circled in the same red ink, and numerous hearts can be seen dotted around the borders of the paper in the pencil used to mark the answers down. There also appears to be a heart in place of a dot over the i in Trisha. “I tried my best. My very very best. And this is what I could manage.”

The test is pulled away, crumpled up, and tossed off-camera to the left. “Tanya, my Tutor, said that this is how I’d know it was working.” The prior quivering and dreamy tone from before has been supplanted by a zero to sixty burst of manic energy. She’s positively ecstatic. “My IQ is currently at one hundred and fifteen points. My GPA will become a B average at this rate.” There’s a smile that’s a great deal more vapid than before. “The new diet and exercise routine I’ll be on for the future is pretty exciting. Candi says she never felt healthier after getting on it. She also says her tits got huge because of it but…” She frowns and pouts her lip. “...I hope Trisha is still gonna do the old routine stuff. I don’t mind the extra work.” Clearly not, from her dreamy smile and the hard nipples that her nightie is doing nothing to hide. “We were just getting started with anal last week, after all.”

Video Ends.

Day Thirty-Two
Video Begins.

“...glad I don’t have to do that anymore. Time for some fun.” The camera has just been switched on, but it’s clear from the tone and words of the squirrel, that she does not realize this to be the case. “School is boring. My teachers are boring. My parents are so lame.” Clothing of a decidedly immodest style is wrapped around her body. Or maybe painted on is a better descriptor. “It’s like...don’t they get how hard this is for me?” A bright pink shirt with the bottom cut off to expose her lower torso, and the underside of her tits, is stripped and left on the floor. Jean shorts with frayed edges that reach her buttocks are slipped off. This individual is treated to the sight of a large ass, facing away from the camera while Trisha was disrobing, with her tail lifted into the air giving unrestricted view to her privates. “Trisha, why can’t you be like yourself? Trisha, what happened to you? Trisha, this clothing is not appropriate for school!” She cutely stomps her right foot three times as her mocking tone turns angry. “It’s difficult for me too! The old me always wants to come back. I have to keep her away.” Hints of fear present.

Arms wrap themselves around her form as she looks to the side. We catch a glimpse of the fear which sounds off in her voice. “I won’t go back.” Eyes burn with determination. “I know what’ll make old me stay away.” Something is recovered off-camera. Observation of the bedroom gives us a look at some changes made. Trophies celebrating excellence are gone, the certificates have been put into storage or thrown out, and the posters have been replaced with pictures of males, females, and herms of famous or infamous status. Most are presented in sexually enticing poses.

“I’ll pop them. All of them. Every last bubble.” Trisha is on the bed with a cardboard box that had ‘College Prep’ written on it in black marker, but was crossed out at some point. Above it are the words ‘Bimbo Prep’ and the first item recovered appears to be a phallic purple sex toy of impressive girth. Naked as she is, it is obvious that Trisha responded well to our company’s cosmetic treatment, as the hefty dildo disappears between her now much larger breasts and can be held in place with the squirrel forearms pressing them together. The effect is quite spectacular to those of both medical mindsets for the fact that this is an entirely natural process of growth without synthetic implants being used, plus the layman’s enjoyment of some big squirrel tits right in our face. “Time for my exercise routine~”

The battery has clearly not been charged for the camera, as this short period is all the power seems to allow.

Video Ends.

Day Sixty-Eight
Video Begins.

“Hi! I’m Trish.” Ground Squirrel. Female. Holy fuck, look at those knockers., the subject appears to have transformed completely in the thirty-six days since the last recording was made. “I was a straight A student but I’m down to a D and falling fast!” Constant but subtle bouncing indicates a lack of focus and an overabundance of energy. “My tutor is the bestest!” Her subtle slur and inflections are considered cute by this individual. As is the disheveled and, to use less than professional language, whorish clothing she wears. One sock is falling down to her ankle, unable to grasp the shapely thigh, bundled close to the neon-colored high-heeled boots on her feet. Her skirt is possibly shorter than the squirrel’s attention span, if that were possible by the way a second, and clearly female, voice has to keep pulling her attention back to the camera throughout the video. Each time with a soft puppy-dog pout of utter sincerity as she apologizes before a minute, at most, passes that she has to be corrected again.

“Okay, so, it’s been a long time since I did one of these. I mean it wasn’t like I was ignoring anyone. But I can’t work the camera sometimes. Or I forget to charge it.” She’s sad, but quickly returns to her bubbly personality, which seems to have become her default. “It’ nice to fail. Not on purpose. Because that’s not really failure, it’s just success in a different way.” Hands cup and heft her bountiful cleavage for the camera. “I’m not Trisha anymore. Body or mind. I’m beautiful, I’m sexy, and I’m almost a bimbo!” The shirt has writing on it and anyone would be forgiven for failing to notice such an inconsequential detail in the face of two mountains like those. Bimbo-in-Training, it reads. “But I got an extra special present from Tanya for being such a terrible student and especially disruptive.” She lifts up her head and the camera zooms in on the small collar around her throat. “See! Bimbo! B-I-B-M-O. Bimbo.” It’s...of this individual's opinion that this mistake in spelling was entirely accidental. And proof of her drop of nearly fifty points from her starting Intellectual Quotient of one hundred and forty-five points.

“Trisha’s got me new energy drinks to try out by the way. They’re super sweet and pink, which is my favorite color these days.” Papers are scattered across the floor. Bunched up but still showing a series of below average to abysmal grades upon further study. Though college textbooks can be seen, they’re outnumbered by fashion magazines...some, or most, of which might just be pornographic in nature. “I’ve had three of them every day for a couple weeks and they’ve made me hotter than ever. Even if I’m hornier than ever after having one. Speaking of which...” What follows is several hours of pronographic material between the squirrel and two unseen lagomorphic women, both of whom seem to be related, and have been positively identified as Tanya and Candi from earlier videos, but as nothing of value is said, we have chosen to end the recording here. It should be noted that despite the girth and length of the two does’ toys of choice Trish shows no signs of discomfort or difficulty with handling them. She demonstrates that while her intellect has faded, she remains uniquely skilled in at least one area, even if it’s not one most would praise.

Video Ends.

Those wishing for a comprehensive review of the several hours cut from this final video may use any computer terminal on the premises during breaks. Once again, please note that attempting to transfer this footage to an outside server, or attempting to break security protocols to remotely view material at home, will be grounds for immediate termination from the company.

You have been warned.

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