glauki and herman created by elpatrixf
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Yes that HUMAN right there is Herman, most definitely the character of mine that I've neglected the most (It's been almost 3 entire years since I last drew something about him. I think I had about 200 watchers back then) bUT I TOLD YA ONCE AND I TELL YOU ONCE AGAIN I DO NOT FORGET BOUT MY CHARACTErS

I'm sure, though, that most of you should remember Glauki, the blue sea slug monster girl cutie, even though I haven't drawn her in a good while, save for a bunch of pencil doodles.

I had planned to draw this thing for over half a year but for WHATEVER REASON I never actually sat down to do it until these late days.
And yeah the chair was going to be double the height as it's supposed to help the lifeguard see everything, but I shortened it to make the whole thing look cuter.

Anyway Imma tell you a bit about these two because why the heck not:

Glauki is a monster-girl right? but she's, like, more monster than girl or whatever you want to call it; so this dude Herman is her, uh, caretaker I guess? (I have it noted down as a pet-owner relationship but I don't wanna call it that way because Glauki is WAAAAY smarter than your average contest dog, and stuff).
I mean for starters, Glauki is mute, so she was taught sign language. And your average dog doesn't know sign language does it?.

Also that whistle, she carries it not only for emergencies and because she's a lifeguard and all but also to say HEY because since she cannot emit any kind of noise, it does come in handy.
She could just whistle with her lips, yeah, I know, but whistling isn't nearly as loud as blowing an actual whistle, and those big ass fingers don't help.

Don't ask me how she manages to stay moist outside of the water, I guess she goes down to the shore to soak herself back every now and then idk she surely knows a thing or two about staying fukkin alive I mean she's a LIFEGUARD RIGHT?

So there you have it, these two.

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