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Some cheats do the same thing, they are grouped here.

Liss | Frost Milf | CHTRSNRPRSPR

Vijounne | Space Milf | GSHNTTBNCTPRDCRD

JRSSCHT | yordel | more

BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND | NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK | boogie | meloetta | aria | pirouette

nigel | smashing | dugongs | THBST

[Youtube Links]
Bobert | pelican | kernel | kero | roy | shuze | bryce | logan | muffet

braum | mustache | jessy | bandlebro

Shadow Milf | THSSLKSCL

[Best Wife]
best wife | SNFFRR




fuck | shit | piss | suck | aintsmart | su | ropii | midna

history | ruto

marie | callie | shantae | splash | honey | jenny | xj


Special thanks to SHM for decompiling the animation and gathering the codes.
Press [Space Bar] to cum

  • Comments
  • Making the easter eggs arbitrarily difficult to find is not a good choice. You can never replay this thing without having to take notes on a cheat sheet.

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  • Bucket said:
    1. Pressing 'Enter' brings up a cheat code prompt. Typing 'THSSLKSCL' into that starts a Shadow Queen titfuck scene.

    2. Boogie linked a magic eye image at source. I don't know howtodo them but if someone could figure it out that'd be great.

    The magic eye thingy is SNFFRR.
    Seems to be another League of Legends character.

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  • Fuck it, I just decompiled the damn thing. Here's the code line for the easter eggs:

    this.eggStuff.setKeys([["Liss", "Frost Milf", "CHTRSNRPRSPR"], ["Vijounne", "Space Milf", "GSHNTTBNCTPRDCRD"], ["JRSSCHT", "yordel", "more"], ["BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND", "NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK", "boogie", "meloetta", "aria", "pirouette"], ["nigel", "smashing", "dugongs", "THBST"], ["Bobert", "pelican", "kernel", "kero", "roy", "shuze", "bryce", "logan"], ["muffet"], ["braum", "mustache", "jessy", "bandlebro"], ["stair"], ["Shadow Milf", "THSSLKSCL"], ["best wife", "SNFFRR"], ["poopy", "BLLTSRRFRND"], ["zeena"], ["rouge"], ["fuck", "shit", "piss", "suck", "aintsmart", "su", "ropii", "midna"], ["history", "ruto"], ["marie", "callie", "shantae", "splash", "honey", "jenny", "xj"]]);

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  • shm said:
    Fuck it, I just decompiled the damn thing. Here's the code line for the easter eggs:

    this.eggStuff.setKeys([["Liss", "Frost Milf", "CHTRSNRPRSPR"], ["Vijounne", "Space Milf", "GSHNTTBNCTPRDCRD"], ["JRSSCHT", "yordel", "more"], ["BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND", "NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK", "boogie", "meloetta", "aria", "pirouette"], ["nigel", "smashing", "dugongs", "THBST"], ["Bobert", "pelican", "kernel", "kero", "roy", "shuze", "bryce", "logan"], ["muffet"], ["braum", "mustache", "jessy", "bandlebro"], ["stair"], ["Shadow Milf", "THSSLKSCL"], ["best wife", "SNFFRR"], ["poopy", "BLLTSRRFRND"], ["zeena"], ["rouge"], ["fuck", "shit", "piss", "suck", "aintsmart", "su", "ropii", "midna"], ["history", "ruto"], ["marie", "callie", "shantae", "splash", "honey", "jenny", "xj"]]);

    Well then...

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  • shm said:
    Fuck it, I just decompiled the damn thing. Here's the code line for the easter eggs:

    this.eggStuff.setKeys([["Liss", "Frost Milf", "CHTRSNRPRSPR"], ["Vijounne", "Space Milf", "GSHNTTBNCTPRDCRD"], ["JRSSCHT", "yordel", "more"], ["BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND", "NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK", "boogie", "meloetta", "aria", "pirouette"], ["nigel", "smashing", "dugongs", "THBST"], ["Bobert", "pelican", "kernel", "kero", "roy", "shuze", "bryce", "logan"], ["muffet"], ["braum", "mustache", "jessy", "bandlebro"], ["stair"], ["Shadow Milf", "THSSLKSCL"], ["best wife", "SNFFRR"], ["poopy", "BLLTSRRFRND"], ["zeena"], ["rouge"], ["fuck", "shit", "piss", "suck", "aintsmart", "su", "ropii", "midna"], ["history", "ruto"], ["marie", "callie", "shantae", "splash", "honey", "jenny", "xj"]]);

    Nicely done

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  • shm said:
    Fuck it, I just decompiled the damn thing. Here's the code line for the easter eggs:

    this.eggStuff.setKeys([["Liss", "Frost Milf", "CHTRSNRPRSPR"], ["Vijounne", "Space Milf", "GSHNTTBNCTPRDCRD"], ["JRSSCHT", "yordel", "more"], ["BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND", "NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK", "boogie", "meloetta", "aria", "pirouette"], ["nigel", "smashing", "dugongs", "THBST"], ["Bobert", "pelican", "kernel", "kero", "roy", "shuze", "bryce", "logan"], ["muffet"], ["braum", "mustache", "jessy", "bandlebro"], ["stair"], ["Shadow Milf", "THSSLKSCL"], ["best wife", "SNFFRR"], ["poopy", "BLLTSRRFRND"], ["zeena"], ["rouge"], ["fuck", "shit", "piss", "suck", "aintsmart", "su", "ropii", "midna"], ["history", "ruto"], ["marie", "callie", "shantae", "splash", "honey", "jenny", "xj"]]);

    Thanks. This whole guessing game was really not a thing that should have existed.
    If the hints were at least IN the game/animation you could remember it, but this is just... just LOOK AT THOSE WORDS. Who could come up with that stuff for a little bit of porn!?

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  • -Frazzledragon said:
    Thanks. This whole guessing game was really not a thing that should have existed.
    If the hints were at least IN the game/animation you could remember it, but this is just... just LOOK AT THOSE WORDS. Who could come up with that stuff for a little bit of porn!?

    Boogie. Boogie would do that.

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  • Is it just me.... Or is the flash repeating its self over and over again making the "Clang" sound ;-;

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  • Bucket said:
    I tagged all the stuff from the 2016 easter egg. Here's a gif of the egg.

    ok im kind of shocked you didnt realize the black and white face with five eyes is muffet from undertale as she has five eyes in that same pattern and two fangs which it has as well

    ps. i dont know how to change tags or i would add it

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  • sonicblade13 said:
    ok im kind of shocked you didnt realize the black and white face with five eyes is muffet from undertale as she has five eyes in that same pattern and two fangs which it has as well

    ps. i dont know how to change tags or i would add it

    I didn't tag it because it's possible that the face is a Meloetta with 4 eyes, which is sort of theboogie's mascot.

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  • Oh boy, I can't wait for the Shantae thing.

    Also, those are some weird Youtube links for some of those codes. One of them was a REACT video to some Racist Mario video.

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  • I typed Nigel before I looked at the comments because I knew it was in there... I still don't know WHY I did though...

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  • Anybody else getting this really loud, annoying sound effect? It keeps repeating until all the sound becomes unintelligible garbage.

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  • Bucket said:
    I tagged all the stuff from the 2016 easter egg. Here's a gif of the egg.

    Damn. I hope Jenny isn't going be raped in that upcoming video. =/

    It doesn't seem fair that everything else is consensual, yet she's the only one that's nonconsensual.

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  • types nigel while having a good idea of what it would be.presses enter
    presumes to Beat face into the floor at same pace.

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  • holy fuck what is wrong with the sound here? theres this one noise that loops over and over to the point it blows your fucking ears

    why is the window smaller than in FA and why are there white bars to the sides?

    nigga fix this shit/10

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  • shm said:
    Fuck it, I just decompiled the damn thing. Here's the code line for the easter eggs:

    this.eggStuff.setKeys([["Liss", "Frost Milf", "CHTRSNRPRSPR"], ["Vijounne", "Space Milf", "GSHNTTBNCTPRDCRD"], ["JRSSCHT", "yordel", "more"], ["BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND", "NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK", "boogie", "meloetta", "aria", "pirouette"], ["nigel", "smashing", "dugongs", "THBST"], ["Bobert", "pelican", "kernel", "kero", "roy", "shuze", "bryce", "logan"], ["muffet"], ["braum", "mustache", "jessy", "bandlebro"], ["stair"], ["Shadow Milf", "THSSLKSCL"], ["best wife", "SNFFRR"], ["poopy", "BLLTSRRFRND"], ["zeena"], ["rouge"], ["fuck", "shit", "piss", "suck", "aintsmart", "su", "ropii", "midna"], ["history", "ruto"], ["marie", "callie", "shantae", "splash", "honey", "jenny", "xj"]]);

    just a question
    it looks like a list of lists
    how did you do that?
    is it in python?

    well thx anyway

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  • Aw hell yes, Shadow Queen~ Her theme brings back so many memories... Thousand Year Door was my childhood... So many good memories! To this day; TTYD is still one of the best RPGs I've ever played.

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  • When i saw Nigel Thornberry, and I heard his voice (knew it was gonna be him) i just thought, "that's awful!"

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  • "By my grandmother's beard! This is worse than that time I was linked to an animated hentai porno! STARRING GIRLS!"

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  • Okay, how the hell are you even supposed to enter the bloody codes? I am definitely not seeing how this is supposed to work.

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  • TheUntoldStories said:
    Okay, how the hell are you even supposed to enter the bloody codes? I am definitely not seeing how this is supposed to work.

    You see, there are these two wonderful keys that are used to confirm a selection, and if you click on this text you can see their location. (Click here for Mac) And in the off chance you are using Puffin for iOS, bring up the keyboard, then tap the flash and then tap the return key, Shown here. Now, in no time flat, you'll be able to enjoy those sweet easter eggs! (Oh and Pro-tip, don't use shift! The text is auto capitalized!)

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  • USSRDragon said:
    You see, there are these two wonderful keys that are used to confirm a selection, and if you click on this text you can see their location. (Click here for Mac) And in the off chance you are using Puffin for iOS, bring up the keyboard, then tap the flash and then tap the return key, Shown here. Now, in no time flat, you'll be able to enjoy those sweet easter eggs! (Oh and Pro-tip, don't use shift! The text is auto capitalized!)

    I meant on how you're even suppposed to bloody see what it is you're typing in, dammit!

    Honestly I even tried typing something in to see what would happen just incase it decided on not displaying it and then trying to see if it would confirm it, got nothing. Just, NOTHING!

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  • Okay nevermind, I just found out the flash is rather slow on letting me enter cheat codes.
    ...Just where exactly is "Gardevoir"? That's what got me curious into looking at this flash.

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  • Guys... where even is Gardevoir in this thing?

    Not that I fantasize about pokemon or anything, I actually don't but, I do sometimes get interested in any pokemon related content so, does anyone know where Gardevoir is?

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    because its exactly in need of support..

    next time they should put a "DONATE TO BILL GATES" button

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  • The unanswered question: where is gardevoir?
    she's tagged so it's either an error or someone hasn't found the code yet.
    anyone know what is is/if she's in the flash?

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  • lunarcheesecake said:
    I didn't tag it because it's possible that the face is a Meloetta with 4 eyes, which is sort of theboogie's mascot.

    Suuuuure. When the only code to get that scene is literally "muffet" it could be ANYONE. I'd say get the fuck outta here but you got banned somewhere between then and now. And "at the discretion of management" as weird as that sounds.

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