created by rajii
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Butt First... V2

Alright, here's the alt version without the camera HUD as promised, and now without the chromatic aberration effect because some of you had issues with it in the original pic.
As for the blur effect it's called depth of field and it's supposed to look like that, so it stays!

And for the poeple hoping the full pic was a female I say [in the most loving and passive-aggressive way] learn how to read and check this link

As for an eventual female version of won't happen, at least not by me. If I ever post a mare it'll be a new pic entirely =]

Hope you guys enjoy it and use it as your phone's wallpaper =3

EDIT: If you want to really 'get in there' click here for higher resolution! <3<3

  • Comments
  • superkevin said:
    It must be a very smelly ass <3

    Not really. Horses generally smell rather clean unless something's wrong, and then you'll be able to tell visually as well.

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  • Dragonballz said:
    Wait... How would he even be able to wear that with his tail?

    He wouldn't, he's just posing for you ;)

    By the way, seriously wished more artists applied furgonomics to their art, they're doing good mostly, but could do better.

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  • I believe the proper term for this is "Stallion Pussy".
    At least, if we adhere to the prior naming conventions.

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  • So sad there is no female version too, the art is so great otherwise...

    (Feel free to enjoy it like this if it's your taste of course)

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