leshana created by cownugget
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"It Burns So Good" by Cownugget on FurAffinity

Another Arokha commission.

This one is of Leshana getting digested alive inside Arokh's belly. I labeled this one adult because well... it's pretty graphic.

Normally when I fantasize digestion, I like to think of it as more of a painless absorbtion rather than skin melting off the bones (which is what REALLY would happen). Yeah I know it's fucking unrealistic but that's the fucking way I like to think of it, so go hit yourself in the head with a hammer and some bagpipes.

Anyway, I like the linework for this, so I'll upload that to my scraps. Maybe someone else out there would ike to color it. WHEEEE!!!!!

LEshana © her player.


"To Be Digested" by Cownugget on DeviantArt

This was a commissioned piece. A bit gruesome for me, though I tried to not make it too gory. This is a fox girl being digested inside Arokha's belly.

Art © Cownugget

Characters © their players

"In the stomach" by Cownugget on Pixiv


This was commissioned by Arokha. This is Katojana inside a belly being digested. Crazy!!

  • Comments
  • This is the kind of situation where you end up desperately trying to snap your own neck... god damn this would suck.

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  • I think (almost) the same when i see a fancy car get totalled in a movie. "I could have made such good use out of that and now its being destroyed for the entertainment of others" And I am sad. I wonder if she was nice.. ='(

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  • It's best to take these kinds of drawings and just say, "Maybe the one being horribly tortured and murdered was a real dick that deserved to die."

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  • kumaxking said:
    Woah, where's her bones?

    muscle is attached to your bones so therefore the acid would eat the muscle before the bone

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  • luvdaporn said:
    muscle is attached to your bones so therefore the acid would eat the muscle before the bone

    I think he meant her feet.. They´re no longer there. Also what the hell..

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  • Silent-Hunter said:
    This is exactly why I am a willing prey voararephile!

    So I'm not the only one that loved this pic?

    Digestion <33

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  • im sad now :-( why would you do such thing to a nice and cute girl? why not use Hitler or something like this? I understand it if people like weird stuff and i also like some weird stuff and movies and games with lots of blood and gore. liked the acid-scene in SAW 6 ( ?) but this is too much. im sorry if i dissapoint someone who likes pics like these, but these are my thougts and my opinion.

    p.s. sorry if i misspelled something english is not my born language.

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  • Golly, I wonder what will happen to her glasses! :I
    Other than that thought, this is probably the best digestion picture on this site, despite the flaws.

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  • Arach said:
    I think (almost) the same when i see a fancy car get totalled in a movie. "I could have made such good use out of that and now its being destroyed for the entertainment of others" And I am sad. I wonder if she was nice.. ='(

    Personally, I like this. Not the full on death part. Perhaps if she was taken out of there at this stage, it would be even sexier. But hey. Everyone swings their own way. Unless you like Justin Beiber still. OOOOO

    Timtris said:
    It's so horrible... Can't stand to see that any longer...

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  • SomeoneYouDon'tKnow said:
    Personally, I like this. Not the full on death part. Perhaps if she was taken out of there at this stage, it would be even sexier. But hey. Everyone swings their own way. Unless you like Justin Beiber still. OOOOO

    Looks like I fucked up the order, too. XD

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  • he couldve broken his glasses take a broken piece of lens and start stabbing the shit out of the stoomach survival from vore 101

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  • GDAWS said:
    he couldve broken his glasses take a broken piece of lens and start stabbing the shit out of the stoomach survival from vore 101

    Um, dude.... Try again. Use the correct pronouns please

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