blink the mole, bruno, hunter, sgt. james byrd, and spyro (subway (restaurant) and etc) created by nitroxidle
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  • Comments
  • Inu-Kun said:
    What is he touching it with? O_O

    That would be cheese. And this picture is disgusting, none of the characters are wearing gloves while preparing food. They could spread diseases that way.

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  • This could have been so awesome, but I'm definitely not a fan of scat... damn, this guy's a pretty good artist

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  • Chard said:
    That would be cheese. And this picture is disgusting, none of the characters are wearing gloves while preparing food. They could spread diseases that way.

    That, good sir, made me lol.

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  • ListenToDaBeat said:
    What happens when you piss off the subway workers?

    They pin you down and give it to you straight from the source.

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  • lizardlover said:

    It's people like you that need to wash their mouths out with buckshot

    It's people like you that need to learn what sarcasm is.

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  • assassinsrul3 said:
    It's people like you that need to learn what sarcasm is.

    Hmm yes you're right, he was being incredibly sarcastic. Should've saved that for someone else.

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  • What is he eating to make such a perfectly cylindrical log?

    Also, this picture is disgusting. Why aren't they wearing body hairnets? That's a health code violation!

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  • niko_bellic said:
    subway tastes like shit badumptish

    To me it tastes good, but the first time i ate it i got to go to bathroom for a few hours...after that i never went there again..

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  • Lonewolfalfa777 said:
    it's kinda like blowfish. there is potential of death from eating it(disease most likely), but if you finish it, you get a prize!

    ... but the prize is probably another sub

    And I would probably want that too... Side effect of being into everything

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  • If there's one thing positive I can say about this image, it's that it's pretty impressive that Hunter (I assume that's the cheetah's name) can defecate so evenly over a foot-long bun that way.

    Do they take turns doing that? Do customers specify who's poop they want?

    I'm guessing Sgt. Byrd is worried about what Bruno's thinking and planning on doing.

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  • trickyluna said:
    The people in here saying they would eat shit in a bun. Are most likely some dudes that haven’t showered in days and are into diapers. Please find help and stop eating shit and drinking piss. You are ill

    It's a cartoon. It could taste like cookies for all you know.

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  • i dont know what subs yall eat to hate subway but i love my toasted white bread with onions and lettuce and mayo and ham and bacon it taste good.

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  • pro_mantis said:
    Why Vinny

    post #2196865

    I legit wonder how many people are going to end up on this site JUST because they tried to find this image, and then started to read the comments

    In which case: welcome fellow weirdos, there is also a small collection of vinesauce related content here (but the site is generally anthro stuff only)

    EDIT: and Mike recently tried to trick Joel into seeing the image, leading to Jobel showing an image with a subway sandwich and a copy of the Spyro remake for Switch, which I'm interpreting as Jorbel already having seen the image

    In conclusion, at least three members of Vinesauce have seen this image already


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  • chozogoat said:
    Knowing Subway, it'll probably still taste the exact same as any other option in the menu.

    i would say it would be even better :3

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