kyera created by unknown artist
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  • which is stranger? The fursuiters or the anime suiters?

    I know the anime might for most here but I also wanna hear from non-suiters on this.

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  • ijason said:
    there are no women in this picture, i wager

    Nah, I just looked up one of them. The first one on the left is EraDragon, who is a girl. Don't want to know about anymore. Just wanted to prove you wrong to save -some- faith in the fandom, for me <-<

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  • Greatnocturn357 said:
    which is stranger? The fursuiters or the anime suiters?

    I know the anime might for most here but I also wanna hear from non-suiters on this.

    The anime-suiters 100fuckin'%.

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  • Rykan said:
    Nah, I just looked up one of them. The first one on the left is EraDragon, who is a girl. Don't want to know about anymore. Just wanted to prove you wrong to save -some- faith in the fandom, for me <-<


    I'm not exactly claiming to be omniscient, but I was strongly under the impression that they were male.

    Also: The anime... Cosplayers isn't really right, given the faces... Are a metric fuckton creepier. As opposed to the faces just looking <i>goofy</i> on the fursuit heads... The middle two's masks are getting awfully closed to the uncanny valley.

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  • Greatnocturn357 said:
    which is stranger? The fursuiters or the anime suiters?

    I know the anime might for most here but I also wanna hear from non-suiters on this.

    I was at FWA. I wat'd reaally hard when I saw those anime suits.

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  • I had no idea anime suiters existed. Isn't it just like...really lazy/scary cosplay at that point?

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  • As far as I am aware, Kyera, aka EraDragon, is a male. This I can say with surety, having met the fellow some years ago.

    As for the Kigurumi players (anime suiters), I can't tell at all. Considering the propensity in the fandom, I would place a more-than-even-money bet that the majority of them are male under the suits.

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