alphys (undertale (series) and etc) created by cubewatermelon
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  • Unpopular opinions time:

    Alphys is the Huey of this game. She's annoying and awkward, she's a cockblock for stealing Undyne (Huey was a figurative cockblock for completely cheapening the death of Skullface, and I'm equally bitter about both), her motives are more often than not questionable, and she has some dark secrets to keep such as the fact that she was solely responsible for the creation of the game's greatest threat. No amount of neat gadgets will completely make up for that. Plus, she's a serious weeb, but that's more Otacon than Huey. It's like the worst of both worlds.

    Anyway, think what you want about her, but for me she's the perfect storm of things I could really do without. No apologies.

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  • secretfaux said:
    Who is huey?

    Huey Emmerich from MGS V: The Phantom Pain. Never has a once-endearing character become so insufferable over the course of a single subsequent installment as Huey Emmerich.

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  • ArcOfDark said:
    she's a cockblock for stealing Undyne

    Undyne wouldn't fuck a child.
    That would be creepy.

    I can't say I agree with your premise but I can see the Alphys/Hal parallels.
    I will have to take your word for the MGSV thing, I hated that game way too much to bother finishing it.

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  • Fara_Phoenix said:
    >posting unpopular opinions
    >posting unpopular opinions that are objectively wrong

    Are we related?

    Fuckin' IDK man.

    And just what do you mean by "objectively" wrong?

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  • BillyButts said:
    Undyne wouldn't fuck a child.
    That would be creepy.

    I can't say I agree with your premise but I can see the Alphys/Hal parallels.
    I will have to take your word for the MGSV thing, I hated that game way too much to bother finishing it.

    Bah! Honestly, I don't even care that much about it anymore. I just need to have my occasional bitter episodes to avoid being an all-around shitty person. I still have my problems with the character, but she's not absolutely insufferable.

    As for The Phantom Pain, gameplay-wise it was everything I could've asked for in a series conclusion. Story-wise I have mixed feelings but I'm overall satisfied. It's very bittersweet, but it works. So far it's my GOTY.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I think Undertale is fantastic, but I can't really see myself replaying it much more than I already have. And even as "unfinished" as The Phantom Pain is, objectively it still has far more to it than this finished game.

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  • BillyButts said:
    Undyne wouldn't fuck a child.
    That would be creepy.

    Truth be told, I'm actually way more of a Muffet guy, but again, I was just having one of my bitter episodes. And since when was Frisk's age ever an issue? It didn't stop Papyrus from boning that shit ^_^

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  • ArcOfDark said:
    Truth be told, I'm actually way more of a Muffet guy, but again, I was just having one of my bitter episodes. And since when was Frisk's age ever an issue? It didn't stop Papyrus from boning that shit ^_^

    Once again. Papyrus never fucked Frisk. No one did. There are no sex scenes in Undertale.
    Stop, please.

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  • Monster_Kid said:
    Once again. Papyrus never fucked Frisk. No one did. There are no sex scenes in Undertale.
    Stop, please.

    ----The joke-->
    (Flew right over)
    ^^Your head^^

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  • BillyButts said:
    Undyne wouldn't fuck a child.
    That would be creepy.

    Actually, on second thought I really feel like I should explain myself in this regard.

    I am physically incapable of getting off to a lesbian no matter how much I would otherwise find her attractive. Its basically a big, bold "OFF LIMITS, DO NOT ENTER" sign that my brain repeatedly shoves in my face until I lose my hard-on. As far as I or anyone else is aware, Undyne is a lesbian, and this knowledge frustrates me. I wouldn't have this knowledge if it weren't for Alphys, so that frustration gets passed onto her, and it thereby makes her - at least in my case - a true blue cockblock.

    There. The tangent is over.

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  • ArcOfDark said:
    Huey Emmerich from MGS V: The Phantom Pain. Never has a once-endearing character become so insufferable over the course of a single subsequent installment as Huey Emmerich.

    NO. Huey from Peace Walker you damn stereotypical bastards.

    I did not state this with real salt, the game does look good gameplay wise

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