cat breading created by piper thibodeau
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  • Just so you all know... this bird is going places. Just you watch. Going to be a hero and a star someday.

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  • OverAndUnder said:

    Those were seagulls, but this little guys looks just as drugged out of his mind, if not more. so I'll allow it.

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  • *National Geographic voice* Now, if you observe closely, you'll notice a pigeon with bread on it's neck. In pigeon society, that is considered a sign of wealth, fame and social status. The higher the quality and thickness of the bread, the higher the pigeon's social status. In fact, what were looking at here is a member of the lower class pigeon nobility. The bread can also serve as food in case of an extreme emergency. And with that, we shall leave this episode about pigeon nobility. In the next one, we'll explore sandwich cats from outer space. Goodbye.

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  • Dario58030 said:
    *National Geographic voice* Now, if you observe closely, you'll notice a pigeon with bread on it's neck. In pigeon society, that is considered a sign of wealth, fame and social status. The higher the quality and thickness of the bread, the higher the pigeon's social status. In fact, what were looking at here is a member of the lower class pigeon nobility. The bread can also serve as food in case of an extreme emergency. And with that, we shall leave this episode about pigeon nobility. In the next one, we'll explore sandwich cats from outer space. Goodbye.

    I felt the need to read this in a Demoman voice.

    So i did.

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  • sometimes we get tags like what_has_science_done or where_is_your_god_now

    sometimes we just search tags of what we want.

    sometimes we find images through people having them as their profile picture.

    SOMETIMES, we just stumble upon gold.

    the in_bread COPYRIGHTED(apparently) tag, is possibly the most smile inducing tag to exist, because in these comments, there is no drama, there is no one kink shaming, there is no hard feelings or enemies or toxicity.

    there is only bread and puns...

    and its...beautiful...

    your all beautiful, and you should feel happy about yourselves... oh, and happy for this bird, it got breadlace to monch on.

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  • dario58030 said:
    *National Geographic voice* Now, if you observe closely, you'll notice a pigeon with bread on it's neck. In pigeon society, that is considered a sign of wealth, fame and social status. The higher the quality and thickness of the bread, the higher the pigeon's social status. In fact, what were looking at here is a member of the lower class pigeon nobility. The bread can also serve as food in case of an extreme emergency. And with that, we shall leave this episode about pigeon nobility. In the next one, we'll explore sandwich cats from outer space. Goodbye.

    Lord Pijon

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