stitch (creative commons and etc) created by orlandofox
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  • Comments
  • USA wide legalization of same sex marriage will forever be known as "626 day".

    While I'm happy for the law passing, I'm not happy that I'll probably never see anymore straight art with 626 again O_o

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  • Daneasaur said:
    USA wide legalization of same sex marriage will forever be known as "626 day".

    While I'm happy for the law passing, I'm not happy that I'll probably never see anymore straight art with 626 again O_o

    At least you've got your priorities straight.

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  • Daneasaur said:
    USA wide legalization of same sex marriage will forever be known as "626 day".

    While I'm happy for the law passing, I'm not happy that I'll probably never see anymore straight art with 626 again O_o

    You definitely will, there is hardly any gay art of him...well there is quite a lot but there is hardly any of him being the top. I think there is what...2 images? :P

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  • I think we're all missing the important issue here, which is that his face has apparently been replaced with 625's.

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  • Im happy for gay couples and all, I dont mind them, but am i the only one whos getting tired of seeing nonstop news on this topic? I wanna be filled in on ISIS or the recent UN summits

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  • DirtyRatMatt said:
    You know, mayble if you guys wouldn't constantly shove rainbow colored flags down mine or others' throats, you wouldn't get name-called, beaten up or even killed so much in the world.

    Just saying.

    Lgbt people getting name-called, beaten up, or killed is exactly the reason why gay pride exists, you fucking bellend.

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  • DirtyRatMatt said:
    You know, mayble if you guys wouldn't constantly shove rainbow colored flags down mine or others' throats, you wouldn't get name-called, beaten up or even killed so much in the world.

    Just saying.

    Let me guess you went to a furry website to judge people just by who they are. Yeah you want to know your kinda getting yourself shove into gay pride by looking at this picture. Really you could've easily avoided it by oh I don't know how about try to not click on the picture. You could see at the thumbnail and see it was stitch holding a gay pride flag.

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  • Oer said:
    I think we're all missing the important issue here, which is that his face has apparently been replaced with 625's.

    oh my god youre right

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  • Syderen said:
    It's kinda funny how there are no gays in my country...

    Anyway, I don't see this as a pro-gay pic. It's just a rainbow pattern, since when did the rainbow become a gay symbol? One of my fellow SS Officers has a rainbow circle on his armband, and he doesn't even acknowledge homosexuality.

    Stitch looks funny by the way.

    Ah, you must be hailing from Nutzi land!

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  • ramadan_steve said:
    Im happy for gay couples and all, I dont mind them, but am i the only one whos getting tired of seeing nonstop news on this topic? I wanna be filled in on ISIS or the recent UN summits

    I just wanna say i completely forgot i made this comment, i 100% disagree with this nowadays. Funny thing is i was still bi back then but in denial

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  • toboe


    ramadan_steve said:
    I just wanna say i completely forgot i made this comment, i 100% disagree with this nowadays. Funny thing is i was still bi back then but in denial

    Welcome home

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