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  • Comments
  • therabbidwanker said:
    *Looks in pants*
    the plot thickens...

    i just laughed and laughed and laughed till i peed a little... o-o;

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  • Oh... also missed the pun... so did everyone else... North Korea has a series of short range missiles called "Taipedong"... short, get it? Hahahaha.

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  • Also, Don't forget to make it look like a grotesque Chilly Pepper.. That's the most important part, with the giant bulge of extra underneath that people seem to draw... oh wait..

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  • Ryukurai said:
    Oh... also missed the pun... so did everyone else... North Korea has a series of short range missiles called "Taipedong"... short, get it? Hahahaha.

    Funny now, though the Taepodong-2 they're working on improving may be capable of reaching U.S. soil.

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  • Leeham991dark said:
    I hate these types of pic. Always makes me depressed to be a victim of male genital mutilation :(

    You can always restore, did you know that?

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  • I couldnt help but catch that Tim and Eric bit in there.
    "I've got chubs for you! Little bitty chubs for you!"

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  • Leeham991dark said:
    I hate these types of pic. Always makes me depressed to be a victim of male genital mutilation :(

    Well, at least you don't have a snake in a turtleneck like I do.

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