fan character, mew tuely, and milftwo (nintendo and etc) created by ocho
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Blissful Morning (commission by Ocho)

Another corporate-y picture I commissioned to ocho ocho. Go check that gallery !

This picture is not a part of my ongoing series featuring Mewtwo and Tails.

I had a wall of text to go with it but it was just a mess that went in all the directions and the further I tried to enhance it, the cheesier it got, so you know what ? Screw it !

One day, Mewtwo had sex with her boss and that's how she got her Super Smash DLC deal. She was so happy that she forgot her top was undone and her panties around her knees and is now heading home after grabbing a cup of Starbocks, blissfully unaware. The end !

(If people are really interested/curious about what I came up with, I might post it but be warned...I'm French and even I can't handle the cheesiness...Yes, it was that bad...)


Here's said cheesy-awful story. Some of you guys asked for it...I (shamefuly) deliver.

Did you ever have a crazy fever-dream ? Nuts, right ? Well, this is basically a fever-writing. I wasn't quite right when I put this together but dammit, it's just too long to go to waste.


This morning, Mewtwo had a very important meeting at the NintenFreaks-GameDo headquarters. They told her that they were to discuss her future in the company. It had been years since she had been part of any significant project. Of course, she made an appearance in almost every new Pokémon game, but it didn't have the same flavor it had back in the days, at the very beginning of her career. In Red and Blue, she was the star, the endgame, the ultimate goal, the one worthy of the Master Ball. She even starred in two animated features named after her. She dearly missed those days. That and her salary had slowly shrunk over the years to the point where she had seriously considered doing "extras" in the metro's public bathroom before going home, but luckily never got around to do it. Whatever happened today would have long lasting effects on her life, for better or for worse.

She had put her finest suit on, pinned the honorary badge she was awarded by the company at the highest of her fame to her shirt's neckband, had packed all important legal documents that had ever been issued to her in her briefcase and headed to work.

She was nervous. She didn't stop for her usual cup of Starbocks, by fear of staining her immaculate suit. She had dropped her son, an adorable little Mew to school and hopped in her usual metro ride. As she got into her building's elevator, pushing the highest floor button, where the CEO's office was, she started thinking about her son.

Ever since his dad went away, he had become a lot closer to his mom and vice-versa. She felt guilty about her divorce and the scar it left on her child. He never could sleep well alone since then. No amount of therapy seemed to help. So finally she had gave up and let him sleep with her every night. Some morning, she would find her pajama's top undone, some nights, she would feel her son's hands feeling around her breasts. She never had the courage to confront him about it, telling herself it was just a harmless way to cope. Worse, to her utmost shame she had come to enjoy the treatment.

It was only halfway through the 100-stories elevator ride that she realized she forgot to put on a bra. Still having her son on the mind, her nipples were creating two rather visible bumps through the fabric. Panicked, she threw open her briefcase and frantically searched for a small pack of paper tissues. By the time she found it, she had already passed the 50th floor. She unbuttoned her suit and shirt as fast as her three-fingered hands would allow her. Her eyes darted to the elevator's panel as the number 60 was already lit-up. Hands shaking, she hurriedly started hiding her nipples under several layers of paper tissues, hoping to smooth out the bump. Once her breasts properly covered, she started tucking them back inside her suit. Unfortunately, she was a little too rough in the process.

Her immense psychic abilities had the unfortunate side effect of throwing her hormones levels all over the place. Perfectly aware of that, she used her powers as rarely as possible, but lately she had been tasked to sort 10 years worth of company paperwork, down in the archives. That meant a lot of heavy-lifting that she'd rather not submit her spine to. She had to keep spare panties and bras nearby ever since.

She started lactating, soaking her makeshift pads in seconds. Luckily, she managed to pull her breasts back out without staining her suit but she could already feel the palm of her hands getting wet. She cursed her forgetfulness, now realizing she also skipped her morning milking session, being so busy triple-checking the content of her briefcase and adjusting her tie more times than she could remember. As the floor counter tauntingly displayed a bright red "70", she let out a desperate moan.

She had already used most of her tissues and those were too soaked to be of any use now. Reluctantly, she lifted her breasts with both hands and put her nipples in her mouth. She sucked as hard as she could, trying not to choke on the seemingly endless stream of warm, sugary milk. She used her arms to squeeze her breasts together, holding her breath as she could feel the warm liquid running straight down to her stomach, without having to swallow. Finally, just as she couldn't possibly drink anymore without being sick, the flow stopped. The last few seconds it took for her mouth to be empty seemed like ages. She collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. She looked up, her vision blurred by tears.

Squinting, she made out what looked like an 80 on the floor panel. She was running out of time. She carefully wiped her tears, hoping to Arceus her make-up didn't run. Her breasts had stopped leaking for now but judging by the quantity she usually got out of them at home, they were far from empty and could start soaking her again at the slightest stimuli. She picked up her box of paper tissues. Only two of them were left. She quickly folded them several times and carefully put them in the place of their predecessors.

She tucked back her bosom ever so gently and started closing her shirt when the elevator reached the 90th floor. She closed the last button, quickly readjusted her tie in the mirror and considered the pile of used, drenched paper at her feet. She couldn't just let it here on the floor, but she couldn't put it in her case either. This would ruin all the important documents contained within. Her pockets were also out of the question, since she put so much effort in keeping her clothes pristine. With only five floors left, she picked up the wet mess, squeezed it over her open mouth, making sure not to spill anything. She was left with a moist, shapeless, soggy-looking thing. Only two floors left. Panicking, she quickly lifted her skirt and stuffed the embarrassing remnants of her accident in her panties. She closed her case shut at the very moment the elevator stopped.

As the door slowly opened, she took one last glance at her appearance in the mirror. Looks like she was in the clear for now. She made her way to the CEO's secretary's desk. A female Lugia wearing the same kind of attire as her own came out of a staff bathroom door, located on the far wall. Her build was much larger than Mewtwo's, towering over her by at least 4 feet. She was much heavier than her but wore her weight very well. From profile and behind, her most impressive feature was an imposingly long tail gracefully swinging left and right as she walked. However, her most noticeable front feature, besides her long, slender neck was her massive bust. Mewtwo couldn't help but notice the secretary's jacket was very revealing, mainly because it was partially undone. The neckline was low enough that she could see the underside of her breasts and wide enough that her nipples were threatening to slip free at any moment. She could hardly blame her for her appearance though, as the stretched fabric already looked on the verge of ripping up. Mewtwo herself had to buy a new suit for the occasion, ever since her swollen breasts ripped her usual one open on her friday night ride home a few days ago. She guessed she was also a Psy type.

The Lugia sat down on her chair, her breasts bouncing slightly as she did and glanced at her over her glasses with a polite smile.

"Greetings Miss ! How may I help you ?"

"Good morning. I have an appointment in ten minutes with upper management."

"Okay, let me just che..."

As she leaned forward to check her computer, her sentence was interrupted by the continuous beeping her computer produced. Surprised, she sat up straight and the noise stopped.

"...check you in on today's sched..."

The noise started again. She cocked her head to the side, before realizing her breasts were resting on top of the keyboard.

"Oh, my...This is worst than I thought." she spoke to herself.

For a minute or so, she tried to push her bust to either side of her, tuck it under the desk but to no avail, the stressed fabric making her bosom bounce back in position no matter what. She also tried to have the keyboard rest on top of her chest but the cable was too short. She finally let out a defeated whimper. She hesitantly looked up to Mewtwo, her cheeks red.

"I-I'm sorry, miss, this will just be a minute."

She buried her hands in her cleavage and pulled her breasts out, resting them on either side of the keyboard. Mewtwo squeezed her briefcase's handle a little tighter. She tried to look away but her gaze just kept turning back to the poor secretary. Her massive breasts pushing against the desk surface, her nervous typing making her miss a half her keystrokes, each punctuated by another sad moan.

"No...nooo...this isn't good...My hands are shaking, I can't even type properly...Aww...Why is the application not responding...No...Oh god she's looking at me... and here I am with my stupidly large fingers and my tits out like a slut...I'm gonna get fired for sure...No...Don't fade to white...No I don't wanna close the program...Aww, sweet Arceus what am I gonna do ?..."

When a Psy Pokemon loses his calm, its telepathic abilities end up turning against their owner and broadcasting their thoughts to any other Psy type nearby. Mewtwo was unwillingly reading her mind as if she was speaking it out loud.

"Come on, come on...restart faster you piece of junk...So nervous...No please don't leak...I just milked you in the bathroom sink for 30 minutes for Arceus' sake..."

A few minutes of embarrassed struggle later she hit the final key with a sigh of relief and clumsily tucked back her bosom in her suit, which emitted a few concerning sounds as the seams were stretched to their limits.

"Right this way, miss. The CEO will see you in his office."

As she got up, Mewtwo noticed that the fabric of Lugia's suit looked a bit wrinkled, like it had been handled roughly. When she got in front of her, leading the way, she could also notice her skirt was askew. Finally, the way she walked in short, wobbling looking strides brought back in her head rumors she had heard recently.

Not long ago, the company had found itself with very poor financial health. It was expected, the current generation of gaming consoles having reached past it's mature stage and the next systems were still to be announced. Still, they needed money to continue without facing major problems. That is when Satoru Tajiri, the very kind man who was CEO at the time, decided to sell part of his 50% share in stocks, hoping to buy them back once the rough time was over. What he didn't know is that someone had been stalking such an opportunity and by the end of the week, that mysterious person had become the new majority shareholder. After months of lobbying, he had finally managed to kick Mr. Tajiri to the Vice-President seat while he took over the throne for himself. Ever since, rumors of unorthodox performance review methods and abusive NDA's towards the female staff had begun circulating. She had brushed them off as mere rumors, which they were, positive that at least one complain would have been filed by now, were those hearsay true. As she followed Lugia to her destination, she seriously began to re-evaluate her position on the subject.

They finally came to a stop in front of large, wooden, double doors. A shiny new metal plate on the door read : "Giovanni Sakari, CEO of NintenFreak-GameDo". Lugia closed her eyes, took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in" a male voice sounded through the door.

The secretary went through the door frame. "Sir, your 7-30 appointment is here."

"Good, let her in." the voice replied.

The legendary dragon turned around, concerned eyes staring at her. "Right this way, Miss."

"Good luck." she whispered as she passed by her. Mewtwo shot a glance back at her but she was already heading back to her office, wobbling and supporting herself against the wall.

Mewtwo stepped inside the CEO's office. She was expecting to meet a board of people but was surprised to find only one person. A man with brown hair and an orange business suit sat in a leather chair, a glass of Bourbon in his hand.

"Please. Have a seat, Miss." he waved her to a chair in front of his desk. She had been in this office before, back when Mr. Tajiri was still in charge. His office had a simple yet welcoming design to it, much like its owner. Since he got demoted, the place had drastically changed. It had a much more sophisticated, expensive, albeit oppressive look. The large backrest of the chair gave an imposing look to whoever sat in it.

She sat in the chair, making her best to cover the squishy noise the wet tissues in her panties made. She sat upright, with her briefcase on her lap.

The man stared at her, with a cold smile. He picked some papers from a folder sitting on his desk and began leafing through them.

"Miss Mewtwo...One of our first and most important employees. Has vastly contributed to this company's excellent reputation, has worked on several major projects, such as..." and he began enumerating some of her achievements. She had prepared herself to argue for her case, make negotiations, but she didn't expect the CEO to do it for her. Maybe this was going to be easier than she thought.

She slightly shifted her position, the wet and warm heap of paper gently rubbing against her nether regions. As it settled in an uncomfortable spot, she slightly shifted position again, without much success. As she moved a few more times, the tissues started rubbing against sensitive spots. She felt a heating sensation rise from her crotch, the hormone-filled milk that still impregnated the used tissues acting as an aphrodisiac. A wave of panic crept on her as she powerlessly felt her pelvis ever so slowly start grinding against the chair, of its own accord. She bit her lower lip and tried to refocus her attention back to the conversation at hand, hoping it would take her mind off her lust.

"And has an overall impressive record." Giovanni finished. His eyes darted back to her. "But that was many years ago..."

She opened her mouth, ready to present a counter-argument, but before she could speak, the man calmly lifted his hand to signify he wasn't done talking.

"One can only impute such a waste of potential on incompetent upper-management. But ever since I became the CEO of this company, I have taken it upon myself to review each and every single employee, to see how their qualifications could benefit this company better than being wasted on paperwork sorting."

He took a sip of his glass and set it besides him.

"Before we discuss things any further, we need to get a few...administrative formalities out of the way." He reached into one of his desk's drawers and took out a small pile of papers. "Non-Disclosure Agreement" was printed in big black letters on top of the first page.

"We are going to discuss this company's future projects, most of them are critical and still to be announced. Of course, you will understand that I need to take the necessities to ensure this company has a fighting chance in this market."

"O-Off course, sir." she replied, still making a conscious effort to keep her composure, her grinding still going strong. Luckily for her, the desk was covering her lower-half pretty well but her blushing cheeks and salivating mouth would start betraying her soon enough. The man handed her a pen and pushed the pile of document towards her.

As she started taking a closer look at them the man interrupted her.

"Miss Mewtwo. I take it that you have signed your fair share of NDA's before, am I right ? This one is no different and we still have a lot of ground to cover in the short amount of time we have left."

"Right, sir. Excuse me." She leafed through it a little faster, faking looking for areas to sign. Giovanni was right, this looked just like every other NDA she had signed before. She would have been a little more suspicious had her brain not been more occupied dealing with the waves of pleasure hormones that were assaulting it. With a slightly shaking hand, she scribbled her signature on the last few pages and handed back the papers and the pen to the CEO. He took the papers with a smile, got up and put them inside a safe that had been mounted inside the wall, behind a large, imposing painting of himself. Once the door securely closed and locked, he went back to his chair.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now one last thing before we get business. Like I said before, your record with this company is exemplary. Had we had this meeting in 2001, I wouldn't even have to ask, but since you've been "out of the loop" for quite some time, I need to make sure that you still have what it takes. Now I'm listening : what are your best assets for this company ?"

Mewtwo clenched her legs to try and stop her thrusts, swallowed a mouthful of sticky saliva and took a deep breath. She began describing her investment in past major projects and smaller recent ones, her devotion to the company, how she kept herself up-to-date with the market trends, how recent polls performed by the company confirmed that she still had a great amount of popularity among fans, old and young, she pulled several papers out of her case to further prove her points and she made an all around compelling and sound case for her. Unfortunately for her, this concentration-heavy exercise didn't take her mind of what was going on between her legs in the slightest. She had to fake clearing her throat several time when she felt she was about to moan. At the end of her speech, Giovanni leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chin and taking all the information in.

"Hmm...As much as I can see you've remained invested in this company and greatly dedicated to your work, I have the feeling that you're holding back...two very big arguments for some reason." A sinister smile grew on his face. "Aren't you sure you don't have show me ?"

"What do you mean sir ?" She had noticed the way he pronounced his last sentence.

"Oh, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean, Miss Mewtwo." His eyes slowly drifted to her chest, lingered there for several seconds, before looking back up again. "Don't think I haven't noticed the way you're polishing the leather of the chair you're sitting on ever since you got here."

She felt a hot wave of shame wash over her. She had done her best to hide it and she was sure he hadn't noticed. She tried to form a coherent answer. "But I-I..."

"Highly unprofessional. A lesser man would certainly fire you for indecent behavior right away. One would even think you're doing this as a way to obtain favors in a male upper management environment. Fortunately for you, I am no lesser man and I'm ready to listen to any argument you may have...Think about it. This is your career we're talking about. I do believe your wage and bonuses have slowly plummeted over the years. I know that you have a son to take care of. I have the potential to restore your past glory. No more paper-sorting, you will take your rightful place as the franchise's new face. I have big projects in mind for you..."

"I-I don't..."

"Besides...I would hate to have to terminate early such a brilliant career...But I won't hesitate. And need I remind you that you are now under one of MY NDA's ? I took the liberty to add a few...additional restrictions and heavier fines to it."


"You have a choice. Your cooperation or your contract termination. The latter would be unwise. Nobody would hire a senior employee with a reputation of sexual harassment. I know what you want and so do you apparently. Give in."

So the rumors were true after all. And yet she was powerless to do anything. Everything this man just said was right. She needed that boost in her career, she longed for her past glory. Heck, swimming in hormones as she currently was, she also needed someone to take her right here and now. There was nothing else she could do. She hung her head low as her hips started moving again, not bothering to hide it anymore. Slowly, she unbuttoned her top. She pulled it aside, letting her big, round, hot breasts out of their fabric prison. They rolled for a few seconds before settling on her chest. She looked away, her cheeks flushed red.

Enjoying the show, Giovanni slowly finished his glass.

"What are those for ?" he nodded at the paper tissues that were still placed over her nipples.

"I...I forgot to milk my breasts this morning. Whenever I use my powers...they...fill up. I started leaking in the elevator and I didn't want to stain my suit." she replied shamefully.

"Take them off, please." he calmly directed her.

She did as she was told and gently peeled them off. A single drop of milk ran along both her breasts.

"Good. Now stand up...and pull down your panties. Don't remove them."

She obeyed, slowly sliding down her now soaked undergarment.

"More paper tissues, I presume ?" asked Giovanni, looking at the shapeless pile resting inside her silk underwear.

"Y-Yes...This was my first failed attempt. I couldn't put them in my case nor in my pockets..."

"Your improvisation skills have been duly noted. Now eat them."

"E-excuse me ?"

"You heard me. Put them in your mouth, enjoy the taste and swallow."

She bent down to pick up the sticky wet mess, hesitantly held it up to her mouth then reluctantly shoved it whole.

"Now don't rush, take your time to appreciate every nuance of the flavor of your own shame, Miss Mewtwo" he commanded, a nasty grin on his face. "And now...swallow."

As she felt it go down her throat, Mewtwo felt more and more aroused. All the milk she drank before started kicking in, the hormone progressively making their way into her bloodstream and nervous system. She started panting with her tongue sticking out. Soon enough, long streams of saliva started dripping down on her chest. She was nervously twisting her hands, the burning sensation in her nether regions becoming more and more intense.

"Heh. I see you are really getting into this. My secretary could certainly take a page from your book. Now why don't you come closer ?" he waved her around the desk.

With her panties still around her ankles, she wobbled over to him. Still sitting down, he leaned forward and gently unbuttoned the rest of her top. He pulled it behind her shoulders and let it drop on the ground. In the same calm fashion, he removed her skirt, leaving her with only her tie, panties and glasses. Her crotch was dripping wet and a thin stream of milk gently made its way down her belly. Her breasts were bouncing softly to the rhythm of her panting. Smiling at her, Giovanni pushed a button on his desk. Mewtwo could hear the doors to the office lock with a sharp sound. Then the CEO pressed another button on his desk intercom.

"Miss Lugia. Would you be so kind as to cancel all of my other appointments for today ?"

"Y-Yes sir" replied the shy and nervous voice of his secretary.

Turning back to Mewtwo, who looked at him expectantly, slightly shaking, he asked : "Now dear, shall we proceed to your performance review ?"

"I..." she trailed off. Her brain was trying to dissuade her to go any further with all its might but it had both logic arguments and a sea of pleasure hormones against it.


"Well, then. Follow me."

Grabbing her tie like a leash, he guided her to a small door in the corner of his office. Behind it, a dimly lit room with a single bed, large enough for two or three, with clean, white bedsheets.

"Please, make yourself comfortable. But keep what you're wearing."

She slid under the bedsheets and turned to face the wall. A minute or so later, she felt the mattress shift and shake. Two warm arms wrapped around her waist and she felt the man breathing down her neck.

"Don't worry, I know how to treat my ladies gently, whatever the species."

For several minutes, she felt his hands gently massaging her. From her shoulders to her tights, no curve was left unexplored. She could tell he was willingly avoiding her more sensitive spots for now. As time went on, she found herself as turned by this simple, gentle rubbing than by a full intercourse. The way his fingertips barely brushed her skin made every single square inch of her skin shiver with pleasure. Finally, out of nowhere, she felt her entire body tense up. She was close. She threw her head back, let out a long, deep cry of pleasure and felt her pelvis making four, deep, long thrusts. Once her head stopped spinning and her panting went down a few levels, she felt her warm fluids running down her tights. Her chest also felt quite damp. She was profusely lactating again.

"So...How was that for a simple back rub ?"

She tried to articulate an answer but all that came out was a lustful moan. She now felt his hands running between her legs and rubbing her breasts, meticulously spreading her milk over every square inch of her skin. As she was about to reach another orgasm, Giovanni took her hand and closed it around her tie. He put his hand over hers and slowly dragged it down, tightening her tie around her neck. She quickly felt lightheaded and her vision blurred. The CEO removed his hand, giving her full control over when to stop. Her breathing turned into gasping and suddenly her whole body started shaking and tensing. As her second orgasm lingered over her for an additional minute, Giovanni loosened the fabric around her neck and wrapped his arms around her waist, preventing her from falling off the bed and hurting herself.

She progressively calmed down, her legs occasionally shaking. Her side of the mattress was now drenched.

"Now don't go try this on your own, alright ? I'd hate for something bad to happen to you."

He pulled her left shoulder back and she rolled on her back. Her glasses were askew, long, black trails of make-up ran across her cheeks, mixed with tears from her climax. She was broken. All semblance of reasoning gone from her mind. She needed more. She clumsily passed an arm behind his head and pulled it towards her own. Their lips made contact and soon their tongues were wrapped around each other. Her state of pure pleasure made her slobber a lot, so she had to swallow every ten or so seconds. The last thing she rembered past this point was her, willingly spreading her legs and wrapping them around his body. The minutes turned into hours. They made love more time than she could remember. She found her boss' stamina quite impressive for a human.

When she woke up she realized she had passed out on top of her boss. As she clumsily tried to get up, her panties still around her ankles, she felt a hand gently pushing her back down.

"Up so soon ?"

"W...What time is it ?" she asked.

"Around 15 o' clock. Your evaluation was more than satisfactory. You are definitely up to the task."

"Oh my...this late already ? I'm so very sorry, sir but I have to go pick up my son at school soon..."

"Well you certainly can't go pick him up in such a state. The door to your right leads to my personal bathroom."

"Thank you sir..."

She tried to get up but her head started spinning again. She clumsily fell back on the soaked mattress with a loud squishy sound.

"Still a bit dizzy, I see ?"

"I'm okay, sir. I just need ..."

She fell back again, unable to maintain her balance.

"...someone to carry you over to the bathroom ? Happy to oblige." Giovanni finished her sentence. He went around the bed over to her side and gently picked her up in his arms. She was much taller than him and also heavier, but he seemed to have no problem.

"You don't get to be the best gym leader of your region just by sitting around." he replied after seeing her rather surprised expression.

He pushed the door open to a small bathroom, fit with a sink, a toilet and a large shower cabin. Inside, a small protrusion acted as a seat. He cautiously lowered her there and went on to turn the water. A refreshing spray of water ran down their body. Still having weak legs and arms, she let Giovanni scrub her from head to toes, always ever so carefully. After a few minutes, she regained enough senses to try and stand up on her own. Her boss caught her just in time as she was about to slip. For a few moments they just stood there, wrapped in each other arms.

Moments later they went back into the bedroom, wrapped in large white towels. As they were drying themselves up, Mewtwo spoke up.

"So...what about those projects you had for me ?"

"We will start small, first. As an immediate reward for your cooperation, I thought about giving you two temporary evolutions for the next game. We call them Mega-evolutions. The name is silly, I know, but it tested great."

"T-thank you, sir..."

"I'm also tossing in a new movie for you to play in, as one of the main role, of course. This will enable us to showcase said evolutions before the games launch. We also have another cross-license fighting game in the works and some projects about collector figurines, but we will have ample time to discuss those during our next appointment. Same day next week ?"

"Y-yes. Thank you so much, sir."

"Ha, wait until you receive your next paycheck before thanking me."

They were still half-dressed when a clock on the wall chimed in 4PM.

"Oh sweet Arceus. I'm sorry sir but I have to go or I'll be late for picking up my son."

"Fair enough, this meeting is over anyway." he replied, still fixing up his tie.

She stormed out of the room and the office, barely remembering to pick up her suit case on the way out. The secretary heavily blushed when she ran past her, shouting a goodbye over her shoulder. She power-walked to her metro station who was relatively empty at the time. People kept staring at her but she was too lost in her thoughts to notice anything.

Her career was going to pick up again. Her own movie...again. She could barely believe it.

When her metro stopped, she glanced at the station's clock and with a smile, realized she had enough time to make a quick detour to her local Starbocks. After ordering her usual to a very uneasy cashier, she leisurely headed towards her son's school, blissfully unaware that her breasts were bouncing free on her chest, barely noticing her strides were hindered by her panties still around her knees.

Now that I took another, more sober look at it, I'm just realizing something...I just wrote 50 shades of Gr-ech meets Pokemon...didn't I ?


  • Comments
  • klffighter said:
    She is going to freeze her tits off

    She'll be ok, she can just pour the coffee over them.

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  • Danjen said:
    How do you miss the female tag?

    I know seeing a female isn't your thing, but you could have just added the tag and moved on without the snark.

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  • Huuuhh...while your all thinking of her tits. I am thinking about her psychic powers. Cause what if she. is like...abusing them so she can do lewd acts but appear normal to everyone-{mind blown}-

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  • Drakeotar said:
    Huuuhh...while your all thinking of her tits. I am thinking about her psychic powers. Cause what if she. is like...abusing them so she can do lewd acts but appear normal to everyone-{mind blown}-

    Oooh, I like that :O

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  • I think her tits took some of the thickness away from her thighs. it's either that or they're just so big, thats the way it looks.

    Fucking bravo though, I like the use of the blurring in this one. Looks better than other artists who I've seen do it.

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