esix (e621) created by keishinkae
  • Comments
  • BongoDrumsOnTheHead said:
    keishinkae Esix Needs to win guys. If it doesn't, we end up with a gay/male mascot. I'll literally stop coming here if that happens.

    Big deal.

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  • it seems kinda a shame. this one's getting so much attention poured into it and it's lagging behind in fourth place.
    Chizi seems like the likely winner, but between this one, chizi and melis's I dont mind too much.
    Not that lizard thing tho.
    keishinkae's one DOES seem the most neutral and well designed, not to mention the amount of variations we're getting.

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  • BongoDrumsOnTheHead said:
    keishinkae Esix Needs to win guys. If it doesn't, we end up with a gay/male mascot. I'll literally stop coming here if that happens.

    adblock plus block image, never have to see it again

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  • King_of_Hunters said:
    umm.... no ._.

    Go fap on your little pussy cock.

    Also this really is a great submission.

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  • mr.t said:
    Its some thing everone other than gays who anything even romotey female is disusting, gets my voye :3

    Say wha?

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  • Best mascot. Not male or female, not lewd, is a furry, and the hexagon is a nice nod to chemistry
    (E621=monosodium-glutamate E926=chlorine-bleach)

    Also its clean enough to show up/show off in public or at a convention

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  • shadowstones said:
    What happened?

    In case you're still curious, when the site redesign happened (back around March I think) there were a number a features missing. Among them was the lack of mascots on the landing page (that or the landing page was missing entirely, can't quite remember), leading people to believe, for a time, that the mascots were scrapped.

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  • This is my favourite mascot.
    All the others are good, but I like this one. (top gear meme? haha)

    It does not happen to be in the mascot pool, pool #35103. Should it be added?

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