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  • Comments
  • NaitoOokami said:
    finally this was uploaded lol

    Are all you guys new? I've seen this uploaded twice, in greater resolution at that. What happened to the old one?

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  • Answer found: "Image already exists. Deleted because it's a Poster still being sold."

    In other words, this wont be around long.

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  • Caroway said:
    Now, how many of these are possible when both partners weigh above 380 pounds?


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  • Caroway said:
    Now, how many of these are possible when both partners weigh above 380 pounds?

    People heavier than 380 should be baned from sexual activity. (and being shown on this site!)

    Graphically nearly perfect poster though.

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  • Anonym said:
    Answer found: "Image already exists. Deleted because it's a Poster still being sold."

    In other words, this wont be around long.

    Nope, this is the official post of this picture. The poster is now out of print. SO this version is actually fine.

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  • The reference URL was broken/forbidden. I have edited the reference to the large version on Zaush's FA site.

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  • mosh_grizzly said:

    dude1982 said:
    no "Crap on the Lap?"

    it's incomplete.

    Or "Peppermint Patty"? Or "Rolling Brown-out"?

    Yeah.. those sound like ones that not everyone will want to do.

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  • The-Lone_Wolf said:
    For the Fucking Bronko why only eight seconds?


    The Fucking Poster said:
    Make sure this ride last LONGER then eight seconds

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  • For the Glamour-Slammer, use a garter belt with a stuck on tail, well sewn. Where do you think I can get a print of this? And I mean the real ones. eBay, maybe?

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  • Oh man......I want it sooooo hard up the ass now.....Damn you,adam! I shall have my revenge! Right after this jerk off session..... XD

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  • JPEG_Artifacts said:
    Being interested in furries period makes you a furfag. :3

    What the Fuck... actually no it doesn't I know people that watch furries for fun and don't go into furry fandom, in other words it really doesn't make you a fur-fag

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  • dude1982 said:
    no "Crap on the Lap?"

    it's incomplete.

    Would you happen to be Australian, my good man?

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