gunter (cartoon network and etc) created by unknown artist
  • Comments
  • DarkShadowFlame said:
    Right now I'm thinking about a very bad joke, i won't say it though.

    But isn't that what comments are for ?

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  • "now Gunter, you can take the sign off when you've re-built my Cataclismic Unified Nullification Trap"

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  • nme22 said:
    "now Gunter, you can take the sign off when you've re-built my Cataclismic Unified Nullification Trap"

    You sir just earned yourself an internet

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  • This is the sign he like to whear when the ice king try to get laid /kiddnaps a princess (I think you know who gets the laideis in the end

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  • fuckbuttchicken said:
    what does that even mean!

    An internet = Some general praise, or being deemed as noteworthy.

    The internet is an intricate emotion apparantly.

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  • C.Spicyweener said:

    Frisky.Fox69 said:
    What the F' i was just trying to load a profile picture.

    *puts on reproachful mother glasses*

    You heard the man, Spicyweener. Now, take it off your profile, and let the nice Mr. Frisky Fox have it for himself like he intended... >BI

    I'll buy you an internet-flavored ice cream cone if you doooo~โ™ช

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  • The_Masked_Newfag said:
    *puts on reproachful mother glasses*

    You heard the man, Spicyweener. Now, take it off your profile, and let the nice Mr. Frisky Fox have it for himself like he intended... >BI

    I'll buy you an internet-flavored ice cream cone if you doooo~โ™ช


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  • Tรญpota_Whooves said:
    Not only is it annoying and a waste of comment space, it's also against the rules.

    I've said this before on this site, and I'll say it again: RP'ing is when two or more people play the roles of characters in a game, story, or picture.

    What I'm doing is NOT roleplaying, it is just joking around. Learn the f**king difference. -_-;

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  • nme22 said:
    "now Gunter, you can take the sign off when you've re-built my Cataclismic Unified Nullification Trap"


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  • The_Masked_Newfag said:
    Then you leave me no choice, Spicyweener-san.

    *pulls out a massive rubber chicken*

    This is now a duel to the death! =_=

    Oh shit man! Things are about to get real!!

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  • fuckbuttchicken said:
    Oh shit man! Things are about to get real!!

    *locks and loads rubber chicken*


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  • Vergil.exe said:
    Not only is it annoying and a waste of comment space, it's also against the rules.

    they are merely playing.

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  • LPfan2000 said:
    Why does this have the ambiguous gender tag? Gunter's male.

    because gender can not be defined from outside sources of information. no gender traits in the image causes ambiguous gender to be used.

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  • LPfan2000 said:
    Why does this have the ambiguous gender tag? Gunter's male.

    But the male penguin laid an egg in one episode, which later became some sort of magical cat.

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  • I just absolutely love going down to the comments section and looking for the person with the best avatar, then repeating on a different picture.

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  • Are you sure this qualifies as questionable? The only relevant criteria I see is "characters with revealing clothing with obvious erotic or teasing intent" and I'm not sure if it's the case here...

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  • Is this Gunter, Gลซnter, Gรผnter, Gรนnter, Gรปnter, Gรบnter, Guntฤ“r, Guntรชr, Guntรซr, Guntรจr, Guntรฉr, Gลซntฤ“r, Gลซntรชr, Gลซntรซr, Gลซntรจr, Gลซntรฉr, Gรผntฤ“r, Gรผntรชr, Gรผntรซr, Gรผntรจr, Gรผntรฉr, Gรนntฤ“r, Gรนntรชr, Gรนntรซr, Gรนntรจr, Gรนntรฉr, Gรปntฤ“r, Gรปntรชr, Gรปntรซr, Gรปntรจr, Gรปntรฉr, Gรบntฤ“r, Gรบntรชr, Gรบntรซr, Gรบntรจr, or Gรบntรฉr? (Serious question, I only jack off to Gรบntรฉr)

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