taki created by kemono inukai
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Story by Takistuff on FA

Taki yawned as he swept the shower curtain to the side. Mornings always sucked before his shower woke him up. He moved to step into the tub, but caught sight of an odd pink blob on the side. That was odd. It looked almost like someone stuck some chewed gum there, but that was impossible. He lived alone, and didn’t chew gum.
Out of curiosity, he poked it with a toe claw, and growled when it did nothing but stick to his claw. The blue skunk annoyedly brushed it with his other foot, trying to get it off, but only succeeded in spreading it across both feet. Apparently it wasn’t gum at all, but something else. Spread thin, it seemed to acquire the same white shade of the fur on his feet, and oddly seemed to keep spreading after he stopped messing with it. “What the hell?”
The strange, shine substance slid across his feet and under, making his skin feel warm and tingly wherever it touched. In only a few seconds his paws were entirely covered in the rubbery substance, and it began to work its way toward his ankles. The tingling wasn’t objectionable, and actually felt pleasant, but he couldn’t say he was happy about what was happening.
Taki dropped to his knees, turning to get a better look at his feet. His formerly impressive claws looked blunted, like on a toy, and his paws looked like rubber replicas up to the ankle. He was struck by the urge to grab at the substance and try to pull it off, but didn’t want it spreading to his hands. Instead, he could do nothing but watch it expand up his legs, engulfing more of his fur in shiny rubber, reasserting its original bright pink color over top his blue leg fur.
The tingling warmth filled his calves, and the rubber seemed to tighten. His muscles slimmed down, assuming a smoother, more feminine shape. The skunk yelled, realizing things were even worse than he thought. Taki wanted to run, but he was frozen in fear and shock, and he had no idea who could help him.
The pink rubber continued to consume his legs, making them more sleek and attractive, the warmth feeling almost erotic. He moaned and leaned forward, just barely resisting resting his hands on his thighs as they too got covered. With a start he realized what would get enveloped next and struggled and twisted, trying to dislodge the strange substance, but it only squeaked and held tight. It seemed to be bonded direct to his skin, and he didn’t want to think about what had happened to his fur.
The rubber reached his hips and spread toward his crotch from either leg. As he feared, it quickly covered his crotch, tightly squeezing his penis and balls as the warmth bled into them. The skunk moaned deeply in involuntary arousal, his cock jumping to full erection in seconds. He gasped, and shoved his hands under his armpits to keep them away from his crotch. The rubber seemed to be caressing him, teasing him with movement along with the heat and tingling. His legs felt entirely normal now, save the absence of sensation from fur.
All the strange feelings concentrated in his crotch, focusing his attention as he watched his rubber-covered erection shrink, his balls pressed up inside him. In just moments his crotch looked completely smooth, not a bulge in sight. “No, please not that.” The skunk’s complaints did no good. The rubber started to dig into his crotch, forming a small cleft that shifted into a pair of fleshy lips, all covered and continuously stimulated by the strange latexy stuff. Where once he had a proud manhood, he, now she, had a puffy, damp female sex, arousal slowly dripping down her thighs.
While she couldn’t control her body’s excitement, in her mind she was yelling for it all to stop, but anything she could think to do was only likely to make things worse. Now finished with her unmanning, the rubber continued its trek up her torso, still copying her fur pattern while changing her dark blue fur to bright pink latex. She could feel it creeping up her tail, converting her fluff into slick rubber, adding a slight amount of weight, but all her attention was on her chest. After widening her hips and compressing her waist slightly, the rubber had arrived at her chest and paused, a very bad sign.
It was subtle at first, a slight swelling under her nipples, which were still visible poking through the white rubber. The change accelerated, a pair of breasts seeming to inflate on her chest up to an impressive, almost obscene size. Though the rubber gave them the illusion of being filled with air, they hung with a very real weight. Taki had no idea where the flesh to fill them came from.
She could no longer resist the urge to try something, grabbing at a heavy breast with her left hand, lifting to test its weight. She felt the slick rubber under her touch for just a moment before it spread onto her hand, covering it up to her wrist in under a second. Both her arms were quickly covered, leaving only her head still furry.
Fear grabbed her as the rubber neared her mouth. Would she still be able to breathe? She could, as the strange substance only coated her fur, leaving her mouth, nose, and eyes open, but it gave her hair the same treatment as her tail, leaving her ponytail a single rubbery unit.
It was over. The fluffy blue skunk had become a sleek, pink, rubbery female. The warmth and tingling had faded, except for in her groin, where the rubber seemed determined to keep her aroused, the new female sex leaking onto the floor. With a squeak of rubber on rubber, she touched the damp lips, finding them impressively slippery as her finger slipped easily inside, making her moan in delight. It was real. She was a girl now, some sort of latex sex object.
Taki tried to remove her hand from her sex, but only succeeded in stroking it more. The rubber seemed to ripple on her, and the pleasant warmth returned, rewarding her for pleasuring herself. Her conditioning had begun. She was in for a very long day.

  • Comments
  • Actually, the story by the commissioner tells that the character is male and is turned female by the latex symbiote. So this is also transgender...

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  • Heh said:
    Actually, the story by the commissioner tells that the character is male and is turned female by the latex symbiote. So this is also transgender...

    And where Ш can read the story itself? Give link plz

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  • NightSerfer said:
    And where Ш can read the story itself? Give link plz

    Added a link to t he source field so you can read my silly story. :3

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  • I'm afraid to save this. I've seen so many of these 'latex taking over the body things' where the person ends uip either dead , seriously hurt, or absolutely miserable.

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  • If only it came in different colours, and not pink, similar to some of Dr Comet's Krystal recolours. I'd love to see a black or blueish version of the coating substance. And of course a 'finished' one where Taki is fully enveloped by it.

    In any case, I really, really like this.

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