karisha, karisha and mena, and mena created by dracojeff
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  • mallowsal said:
    actually its been proven to be a myth for at least a decade now

    I'm sure the fact that those studies were funded by the tobacco industry is just a coincidence.

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  • But that doesn't even make sense. Second hand smoke is the same smoke that their inhaling which is bad for you and youre breathing most of it through a filterwhile second hand smoke is just full of the toxins and shit. Although Second hand smoke isn't as fast a killer it still is unpleasant and rude to nonsmokers.

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  • mallowsal said:
    take it up with the studies. not me. though in this image...im guessing they share lungs, so first hand smoke is whats happening. secondhand is no worse than inaling any other type of smoke. secondhand is more dispersed through the air.

    From what I saw on an anatomy chart, most of their internal organs are doubled, including the lungs. And Siamese twins apparently have seperate nervous systems.

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  • No, I'm certain that second hand smoking is actually dangerous. And yes, I'm sure the tobacco company funding the whole thing is a coincidence. Yup, nothing more than that.

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  • mallowsal said:
    take it up with the studies. not me. though in this image...im guessing they share lungs, so first hand smoke is whats happening. secondhand is no worse than inaling any other type of smoke. secondhand is more dispersed through the air.

    dispersed yes, filtered no. What a lot of people forget to mention when talking about smoking, are those little filters on every cigarette. The filter does a lot towards filtering out the bad, even though it doesnt filter it all out, and for those of you that dont think being around smokers can be that bad, try cleaning out the smoking breakroom at the exact time everyone in the store decides to take a smoke break. It sucks. so yes, secondhand smoking is dangerous, if it wasnt, I wouldnt have an asthma attack every time a single person lights up near enough to me to even make me smell it in the slightest, which coincidentally started after working that retail job where I had to clean the break rooms twice a day.

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  • mallowsal said:
    Yes its bad but it I still much healthier than most other pollutants in our air.

    Good to know that the leading cause of lung cancer (90%) in the US is just plain old air and not cigarette smoke. /s

    I didn't think someone could be this ignorant and biased, but you learn something new every day. You can choose to smoke, but don't twist the facts to suit your addiction man.

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  • cjkrythos said:
    dispersed yes, filtered no. What a lot of people forget to mention when talking about smoking, are those little filters on every cigarette. The filter does a lot towards filtering out the bad, even though it doesnt filter it all out, and for those of you that dont think being around smokers can be that bad, try cleaning out the smoking breakroom at the exact time everyone in the store decides to take a smoke break. It sucks. so yes, secondhand smoking is dangerous, if it wasnt, I wouldnt have an asthma attack every time a single person lights up near enough to me to even make me smell it in the slightest, which coincidentally started after working that retail job where I had to clean the break rooms twice a day.

    you mean the filters made out of materials that are in and of themselves made of carcinogenic materials (like fiberglass and plastic) with far more evidence supporting the claims that they cause cancer? isn't it odd how most of the evidence supporting the claims that smoking causes cancer came AFTER filters became mandatory and a bunch of smokers suddenly came down with cancer.

    note: I am ONLY disputing the claim that smoking causes cancer, not any of the other issues like COPD and the like. hell, with the evidence supporting that viruses thought previously benign may be causing cancer being far more conclusive than any of the evidence claimed about cigarettes perhaps there is just a virus (thought to be benign) that travels through mouth-on-mouth contact, and it's spreading through cigarette smokers more effectively because of the tendency to share a cigarette.

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