inuki created by inuki and melloque

Inuki ID 2015

a bust comission I could sneak from the very talented melloque <333
the steak kinda becomes her trademark loooool

(even when I eat chicken a lot atm XD;;; )

  • Comments
  • calne-kuro said:
    haven't had steak in so long

    If it's because of the price, follow my "cheap-ass furry" recipe.

    •Buy a cheaper cut of steak.
    •salt it HEAVILY with KOSHER salt and seasonings, both sides
    •Let it set for at least 2 hours
    •RINSE OFF THE SALT. Meat will still have flavor, trust me.
    •Get a cast iron pan rocket hot.
    •Cook a thin steak on both sides for about 2 minutes (less if you like it bloody)
    •Cook a thick steak on one side for 2 minutes, flip, then put in a 500 degree oven till done as you like.

    This'll turn a cheap cut into a poor man's filet mignon.

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  • Acolyte said:
    If it's because of the price, follow my "cheap-ass furry" recipe.

    (Read Recipe Above)

    ...I eat meat well done. I don't trust meat to not get me sick... not after having food poisoning. Especially when I'm not a wolf. ;-;

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  • Astral_Haze said:
    Raw meat is actually bad for many species besides humans. Wolves can get food poisoning from raw meat.

    Despite popular belief, dog's can't really eat anything

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  • TheDimLamp said:
    ...I eat meat well done. I don't trust meat to not get me sick... not after having food poisoning. Especially when I'm not a wolf. ;-;

    i've gotten food poisioning 2 or 3 times still like a bit of blood or at least pink in my meat though the only meat i'd ever eat done is chicken besides unless you eat it rotten or completely raw it's basically impossible to get food poisioning from beef besides the fact that i've never needed a hospital visit for food poisioning

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  • 8lkj said:
    i've gotten food poisioning 2 or 3 times still like a bit of blood or at least pink in my meat though the only meat i'd ever eat done is chicken besides unless you eat it rotten or completely raw it's basically impossible to get food poisioning from beef besides the fact that i've never needed a hospital visit for food poisioning

    also despite popular belief humans past the age of 2 or 3 can eat almost anything they can chew our immune system is among the best in the animalia kingdom and the hydrochloric acid and e. coli in our stomach is great at breaking down dissolvible material

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  • I would like it more, but it made me hungry. Please excuse me while I thaw out a steak and cook it. And add some green beans and mashed- wait, I'm out of potatoes. Well, crap. I guess two out of three ain't bad.

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