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  • Comments
  • RedneckFox96 said:
    It's okay to be gay, pal.

    Furrin_Gok said:
    Ay and Al do not rhyme.

    giggling so hard right now

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  • sergal239 said:
    Hey that rhymed! and yes I agree but only as long as your not stupid about it.

    Well a lot of people are stupid about being straight, and are you suggesting homosexuallity is, lets say, like a match? Its ok to have them as long as you dont burn your house down?

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  • sergal239 said:
    Yes exactly. just like the media and the furry fandom except the media is all the stupid gay.

    Well I wouldn't judge you for being extremely masculine... I mean I don't understand heterosexuals, for real, I have lesbian parents and practically everyone I know is bisexual

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  • sergal239 said:
    I BEG A THOUSAND PARDONS OF YOU! i made a mistake i did not know what effeminate meant at the time and only just got my dictionary out and that is not what i mean at all so sorry. what i mean is that the silly childish (and not the fun childish i mean the stupid bratty childish) gays make them all out to be like that and i myself know this is not true but if those idiots stopped acting up i think it would go a long way to creating equality in this horrid world. and the fact that there acting up on national television is no help ether. again a thousand pardons for my mistake.

    That makes more sense. But that is just the person they are. I've never met a person like that. My nickname is Princess but I don't act like that I just don't like to get my hair messed up

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  • If you like a penis,
    you just like a penis,
    you do not need to be gay for that matter.
    The best thing, I got on this is a YTP-quote, I used on some other image around here:
    "I'm not gay. I just like gay sex!"

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  • Anyone else gonna say it? No? Alright.

    Futa fans in a nutshell.

    And if you are going to deny it, I hope you have an explanation for why this is inaccurate. Otherwise, you'd be proving me right.

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  • thewhitefoxperson said:
    That makes more sense. But that is just the person they are. I've never met a person like that. My nickname is Princess but I don't act like that I just don't like to get my hair messed up

    You probably hang out around better people then, i've met alot of very very mean lgbt people, and most of the time they try to say they're morally superior to you about everything.

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  • sergal239 said:
    I BEG A THOUSAND PARDONS OF YOU! i made a mistake i did not know what effeminate meant at the time and only just got my dictionary out and that is not what i mean at all so sorry. what i mean is that the silly childish (and not the fun childish i mean the stupid bratty childish) gays make them all out to be like that and i myself know this is not true but if those idiots stopped acting up i think it would go a long way to creating equality in this horrid world. and the fact that there acting up on national television is no help ether. again a thousand pardons for my mistake.

    Um... no. Actually hell-no!

    In the bad old days of around 1990, there was a thing in the gay community: the so-called 'straight acting' gays. This is a group of guys who saw themselves as regular manly guys who just happen to like other regular manly guys, and they were not at all anything like *those* people who show up on TV and in pride parades. They also tended to be young and closeted or only recently out.

    The rest of us saw through that BS. It is a minifestation of self-loathing. They are trying to simultaneously rationalize their feelings and desires, while denying their membership in the community. They are just trying to dodge a bullet by transfering the judgment they imagine coming at them from their parrents/church/whatever onto the sissy queen sitting next to them.

    So fork your hairsplitting! You either accept gay people or you don't. For a lot of people Pride Festivals are a big party. Sure, if you gather any group of 100,000 young people trying to be cool and you can find some tacky shit. But that doesn't represent the gay community, or even those people under normal circumstances.

    The inverse of your logic would be to watch a "Girls Gone Wild" video from Spring Break and conclude that most straight people are a tacky drunken sloppy mess.

    Basically, you are blaming the victim for other people's prejudices.

    It is true that there is a spectrum of behavior and manerisms. Some gays do 'fit in' better than others. But 90% of the progress that our community has made in the last 50+ years came from the misfits who had the audacity to claim that they too had a right to exist. The Stonewall Riots (which the Pride festivals commemorate) were lead by drag queens. When the cops got their jollies by raiding gay bars back in 1969 the "straight acting" gays would dutifully march off to jail, full of shame. It was people on the fringes who said "Nope. This is BS!" and started throwing bricks and bottles at the cops!"

    Think about it. Better yet, print this out and put it in a drawer. When you find it again in a year or two I think you are going to be pretty embrassed by it.

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  • or-69 said:
    Um... no. Actually hell-no!

    In the bad old days of around 1990, there was a thing in the gay community: the so-called 'straight acting' gays. This is a group of guys who saw themselves as regular manly guys who just happen to like other regular manly guys, and they were not at all anything like *those* people who show up on TV and in pride parades. They also tended to be young and closeted or only recently out.

    The rest of us saw through that BS. It is a minifestation of self-loathing. They are trying to simultaneously rationalize their feelings and desires, while denying their membership in the community. They are just trying to dodge a bullet by transfering the judgment they imagine coming at them from their parrents/church/whatever onto the sissy queen sitting next to them.

    So fork your hairsplitting! You either accept gay people or you don't. For a lot of people Pride Festivals are a big party. Sure, if you gather any group of 100,000 young people trying to be cool and you can find some tacky shit. But that doesn't represent the gay community, or even those people under normal circumstances.

    The inverse of your logic would be to watch a "Girls Gone Wild" video from Spring Break and conclude that most straight people are a tacky drunken sloppy mess.

    Basically, you are blaming the victim for other people's prejudices.

    It is true that there is a spectrum of behavior and manerisms. Some gays do 'fit in' better than others. But 90% of the progress that our community has made in the last 50+ years came from the misfits who had the audacity to claim that they too had a right to exist. The Stonewall Riots (which the Pride festivals commemorate) were lead by drag queens. When the cops got their jollies by raiding gay bars back in 1969 the "straight acting" gays would dutifully march off to jail, full of shame. It was people on the fringes who said "Nope. This is BS!" and started throwing bricks and bottles at the cops!"

    Think about it. Better yet, print this out and put it in a drawer. When you find it again in a year or two I think you are going to be pretty embrassed by it.

    What an interesting comment section. But I just have one question. I get told a lot to “stop acting strait” when I’m around other lgbtq people and it kinda pisses me off because I’m just being myself. I don’t feel like I need to pull any attention to my sexuality nor do I really feel any pride because of it. Not that I feel shame…it’s just like a content middle ground. So I don’t know if you mean that everyone should be openly proud? Because I don’t think I’m in the wrong for it. No hate or anger towards you. Just kind of curious what you think of that perspective.

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  • b_r_u_h_m_o_m_e_n_t said:
    What an interesting comment section. But I just have one question. I get told a lot to “stop acting strait” when I’m around other lgbtq people and it kinda pisses me off because I’m just being myself. I don’t feel like I need to pull any attention to my sexuality nor do I really feel any pride because of it. Not that I feel shame…it’s just like a content middle ground. So I don’t know if you mean that everyone should be openly proud? Because I don’t think I’m in the wrong for it. No hate or anger towards you. Just kind of curious what you think of that perspective.

    My first thought is "stop acting straight" is as stupid and condescending as nominally straight kids saying "that's so gay" as a pejorative. Just be yourself. Be a good honest strong compationate person, and be proud of that.

    As for how you reply, I guess it depends on the setting and the amount of respect you have for whoever said it. But I'd try asking "what do you mean by that?" or the slighty more confrontational "what does that even mean?" Then listen to the answer. Who knows, you might learn something about yourself, or about whoever said it! In any case, I've found that pretending I don't understand and asking innocent sounding questions to force people to explain their prejudices is a great way to make them think about and confront them.

    As for how out to be in the general public, say at school or at work, that is an entirely personal decision. In my career, I have always strived to be honest. If I worked with anyone closely enought that I cared what they did on the weekend, I'd include my family life in conversations too. But you meet a lot of people in passing, and in a professional setting coming out is not a priority for the first impression I want to make. (I wouldn't discuss politics or religion either. I'd discuss whatever problem we were working on and trying to solve)

    But really, I'm *not* trying to tell you how to be. The point of my long post was that the person I replied to was putting down "those people, who make the rest of us look bad" and seemed to be directing a lot of internalized homophobia at other LGBT folk who he thought reflected poorly on himself. So I was trying to come to the defense of the outcasts and maybe teach a little LGBT history. In the *really* bad old days (say the 1950s & 60s) political progress was being made almost entirely by people would *couldn't* fit into normal society.... and were litterally fighting for their lives. Then the AIDS crisis outted a lot of people who had been living double lives, and forced the larger society to recognize a larger LGBT community.

    The world has changed a lot since I came out.... for 20-somethings these days in some parts of the world, it may be such a non-issue that a concept of "Pride" seems contrived. Which I think is wonderful. That's just not the world I grew up in.... (I came out almost 40 years ago) and if you look at the rising intollerence in much of the world, it is also not something to be taken for granted.

    40 years ago trans-folks were invisible and Gays and Lesbians (thought mostly the gays I think, because of AIDS and general toxic masculinity) were being treated as appalingly as the trans community is now. I think it's short sighted for the "straight acting" gays to say "not my problem" and stay silent in the face of right wing anti-trans hate mongering. Same-sex marriage can be overturned just as easily as Roe V Wade was. You only keep the freedoms you are willing to fight for.

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  • What the Goddamn fucking hell is this comment section

    Laugh at the funny furry talking about dick and move on

    Don't fucking make it political.


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  • the_gun_guy said:
    What the Goddamn fucking hell is this comment section

    Laugh at the funny furry talking about dick and move on

    Don't fucking make it political.

    Laughing about a individual's feelings,about their heart and all the things that make them who they are is a way to cause disorder,sadness,strife and grief for all,by doing such things to just a single person can start a gathering mob with many lives lost from both sides,where there is conflict there could be war.All this is started by one person,just one,rallying other like minds to yell,shun,degrade and persecute those who would live with them in peace. if having the intellect and balls enough to set aside differences of the targeted group just trying to be harmlessly who they are,freedom can then be achieved.

    ^This is how freedom is made^
    And by god and our forefathers.
    We have to all come together "united" like our
    country's name says or
    The United States of America becomes the land of
    the free no longer.. she then would be nothing for
    any one who disires the great american dream.

    Sometimes you have to make things political to bring about big change that should or absolutely must be.A movement,for the good of your fellow man and the world we all call home.


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  • lago_linkle said:
    Laughing about a individual's feelings,about their heart and all the things that make them who they are is a way to cause disorder,sadness,strife and grief for all,by doing such things to just a single person can start a gathering mob with many lives lost from both sides,where there is conflict there could be war.All this is started by one person,just one,rallying other like minds to yell,shun,degrade and persecute those who would live with them in peace. if having the intellect and balls enough to set aside differences of the targeted group just trying to be harmlessly who they are,freedom can then be achieved.

    ^This is how freedom is made^
    And by god and our forefathers.
    We have to all come together "united" like our
    country's name says or
    The United States of America becomes the land of
    the free no longer.. she then would be nothing for
    any one who disires the great american dream.

    Sometimes you have to make things political to bring about big change that should or absolutely must be.A movement,for the good of your fellow man and the world we all call home.

    Yeah, but not in e6🤣

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