chillet, katress, and lovander (pocketpair and etc) created by naughtycatnick
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More than Pal-suits

Is this an out of season april fools joke? Well… I guess so cause boy was I late getting this one out. Ordinarily this is this he kind of thing I’d apologize for, I’d go “I’m so sorry for unleashing this upon the world.” but the palworld devs… you knew. You knew what your were getting yourselves into with this. I regret nothing. And it gave me a chance to practice some pals I definitely will have to draw again in the future.

While I will not give up my loyalties to fuack... I have to agree that chillet won the popularity contest by a landslide. There’s a tiny bit of me tempted to imagine myself in that suit, but I already had my turn. Besides, I can always be a different chillet later. Maybe the scuba one...

This time, I’m gonna leave the “victims” of this one up to peoples imaginations. >:3

(I think just these 2 will be the only palworld stuff I share for now, but there should be one extra sketchy one going up on my socials in a bit. Consider that a bonus.) [section/]

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