... What's that? Phoebe looks different? No no, she always looked like this, remember?
Alright, gaslighting aside, she may look different because I went ahead and tweaked her design a bit! There are multiple reasons for this change, but the short version of things is that I removed a lot of repetitive and busy elements of her design to make it both easier to draw for myself, and easier for readers to parse her different body parts in certain poses. Between the prongs on her antlers, sharp angles of her face, double layered feather wings, and literal fluff, it was very easy for me to forget which body part belonged where between sketching, lining, and coloring. I bet you probably didn't even notice I forgot to give Phoebe ears in this panel until several hours after the page was public!
Since the comic is in its infancy, I went ahead and added these changes on all existing pages. You may be asking, "is all that editing why it took so long for updates to resume?" and the answer to that is... no, it took less than 24 hours for me to redraw all those panels. Updates were just put on hold while I slowly recovered from work injuries and was trying to refill buffer for On Borrowed Time, which is my main priority. I do plan on doing either double weekly updates or a daily update event at some point to compensate for missed pages, but to keep myself from burning out I'm just gonna go back to the normal update schedule until I have enough pages in my buffer to catch up. Nice to be getting back into updating!
vine boom sfx
Cherish Hill
MemberYeah, I was trying to pin down why Phoebe's design felt off to me.
At first I just chalked it up to being too cluttered. Too many things going on.
But this new design looks fine despite most of the details I noticed still being present.
What I think actually did it for me was the nose.
Looking back at the prior design, there were a few panels where it really does just seem like Phoebe is a straight up reskin of Rune. Especially with from the side angles.
That certainly wasn't helped by their similar color palette, but with the nose now taking a flat angle to the head instead of the fox muzzle look Phoebe's new design seems much more like an original character.
MemberAh so she fell so hard that her design changed
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