keith and serah created by black-kitten
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Happy Sundays all!
Halfway through September and getting into the fall! Already seeing Hallowe'en decorations popping up here and there... (too soon imo)

I'm gonna have to think what my characters should dress for Hallowe'en this year... any suggestions? :3


If you would like to support me, I make multi-week page previews on my Patreon/Subscribestar for my supporters. As well as share various art I've been up to lately before reaching public! (Note that the system requires to be subscribed by 1st of each month in order to have tier processed and added to rewards message lists!) So get in before the first of the month!

Thanks as always for your support!

  • Comments
  • Even when is clear the story is biased towards the twins, I still side more with Keith, because I feel like this world is settled in a more realistic setting

    Even if Serah and Seb are convinced, many "higschool relationships" don't last forever

    I feel like they should both try to relax a bit, I really like the body language here, Keith trying to reach forward while Serah backs away

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  • Ultimately Keith's problem is thinking of this as a problem he has to solve. Jayden had the right idea, and I would hope he listened to her at least a little about it - trying to break them up will only make it into a "one who got away" situation. They'll either pine for eachother forever and never be sure what could have been, or they'll rebuke the very idea and run away together, this time with no in for Keith to reconnect.

    If the relationship fails, it fails. There is no way to take control of the situation, however, that will end in Keith's favor.

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  • And Keith's about to get upset and make Serah look like the victim... ugh...

    First off, Keith never said that they were "broken or messed up" meaning Serah is drawing that from somewhere else. She's either projecting or victimizing herself by assuming that Keith does think that of them.

    Secondly, 'I am happy' does not justify doing something that is overall harmful to you. Addicts are pretty happy when they are satisfying their addictions, that doesn't make it a good thing.

    "It feels right" doesn't make an argument when you are an ignorant teenager and you are doing things that are actively foolish and damaging in the long term.

    "We made our choice", did "WE" make a choice here? I said it before but a lot of what goes in in Serah's and Seb's relationship is a lot of Serah either giving direction, orcistrating things or using emotional manipulation to turn things to her favor. The moment that Black Kitten revealed that Serah was fully aware that Seb was masturbating and thus had compromised judgement, it stopped being a whirlwind romance and turned into emotional and sexual manipulation. I have to look at everything Serah is doing with the idea that she's going to do it further.

    Keith will always be right here. Just like it was right in every other incest comic that dares to bring in the aspect of reality into it. Beyond it being illegal, they run the risk of birthing a child with genetic problems and the relationship is a sign that there is underlying emotional and psychological issues going on that need to be addressed.

    Trying to read the tea leaves here, Seb was due to arrive so as mentioned a few pages ago. So what's about happen is Keith will be egged on to get further and further upset by having his concerns dismissed without a proper argument. Right as he reaches a peak, Seb will walk in and think he has to protect his love from his bad father. Which Serah will crank the tears up to high for and lay it on that they can't trust him to be part of their lives anymore.

    Seb, as far as I can see, has zero agency in this story.

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  • raenlin said:
    I agree. This might be a fictional story, but it's grounded in reality in it's own way. Incestuous relationships are healthy in their own way, but it IS still a high school relationship. Most of them fizzle out pretty quickly.

    And whether they stay together or not, what they are doing now will affect how people will see them for the rest of their lives.
    Of course as teenagers they don't see that. Tolerant people will go "Eh, they were teenagers." Others may be judgemental.

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  • purpledragon2020 said:
    And whether they stay together or not, what they are doing now will affect how people will see them for the rest of their lives.
    Of course as teenagers they don't see that. Tolerant people will go "Eh, they were teenagers." Others may be judgemental.

    I think a lot of people assume that all teenagers have no idea what's going on, why, or what consequences are. While that may be an overall mostly true assumption, I do think there are plenty who also are mature beyond their years and aren't just being driven by hormones or emotions and don't think logically.

    Hell, a lot of adults don't think logically, so it's not really fair to say "they are teenagers and don't know what they are doing".

    While there may be some amount of emotional transference going on due to family issues I also feel like seb and sarah actually do have a connection and it isn't just a fling, and if Keith doesn't at least try and acknowledge that or address it then all he's going to do is just make them more stubborn and less likely to hear what he has to say.

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  • billybobbybooby said:
    Was he, uh, expecting Serah to fold

    Has he met Serah

    I've kind of noticed in this page and the last one that Serah's kind of starting to look like her mom.

    Just the way she's holding herself.

    And from what little we saw her mom was very much unmoved by Keith's points.

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  • amaninthewoods said:
    Even when is clear the story is biased towards the twins, I still side more with Keith, because I feel like this world is settled in a more realistic setting

    Even if Serah and Seb are convinced, many "higschool relationships" don't last forever

    I feel like they should both try to relax a bit, I really like the body language here, Keith trying to reach forward while Serah backs away

    Yeah, we get to have the advantage of context.

    We SAW the relationship blossom. We know that there's plenty of good in it.

    Keith on the other hand saw essentially nothing.

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  • I feel for Keith and understand where he's coming from, but he really needs to take what Jayden said to heart. ANY interference from his end will only drive the twins to double down out of sheer defiance. It's not like he needs to give them his blessing, but waiting on the sidelines and taking a calm "it's your lives" approach is his best bet. There is either something real here between Serah and Seb that will endure, or it is something fleeting that they will move on from on their own. They are still very young and while already loved each other as siblings they may be confusing the pleasure of sex for... something else.

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  • ggdk said:
    There, fixed that for you!

    Nope, no, don't push the narrative that "real Men" are stern hardass Fathers. That kind of attitude breeds schisms between them and their kids, I grew up fearing and despising mine for it. Real Fathers are supposed to show compassion and consideration, treat your kids like people, not pets.

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  • carnivore4lyf said:
    What's with some of the random downvoting on here?

    People don't like having their kinks held up to a lens of reality and consequences would be my guess.

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  • dryinko said:
    People don't like having their kinks held up to a lens of reality and consequences would be my guess.

    It is a kink comic we’re reading…

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  • irlemperorofrome said:
    It is a kink comic we’re reading…

    The kink comic author made the mistake of applying realistic expectations.

    There is another one who did siblings as well, two black cats. But these were full adults living together away from their parents. When their parents found out, there was justified chewing out and the author had to accept that the story had to end there. A few extra comics followed that made comedic points about their situation but that's it.

    The moment you take a kink and put the spotlight of realism on it, it falls apart like a vampire viewing a sunrise.

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  • ggdk


    markmoonfang said:
    The moment you take a kink and put the spotlight of realism on it, it falls apart like a vampire viewing a sunrise.

    Wait, what? Are vampires real?

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  • "We're happy" and "it feels right" are awful arguments. Especially to be that indignant about. People can be happy doing things that are bad and can be bad for them. People can "feel right" doing things that are clearly in the wrong or hurt them.
    You can both be happy and feel right about stealing but it is still stealing and it can cause harm to both others and eventually the person doing the stealing.

    Teenagers aren't complete children but they are also oftentimes not as knowledgeable about things as they assume and Serah is showing that. Her argument so far is the childish argument that because she likes how it feels that it's good and she should be allowed to do it without consequence or thought. That because she wants to do it that it can't be criticized or questioned.
    She is not engaging the conversation or him on an adult level and is just tossing what he says to the side without reason. Honestly looking like things are going to get heated because of it too. Along with some seeming projection too.

    Oddly enough with the twins they seem opposites in a lot of ways. Serah despite being the smart one seems to lash out or act out emotionally and will fall back on mainly emotion based simple arguments like "it feels good" and pushes forward based mainly on that. Meanwhile Seb seems to have less actual input in things but is also one that we have seen put serious thought into the situation, both in planning out things in the relationship and when questioned. When he was questioned by Jayden the way he spoke about it seemed like something he put legitimate thought and care into despite effectively saying the same thing Serah is saying, which seemed to give her pause. Seb despite not being the smarter of the two seems to be a bit more emotionally mature.
    Serah ends up being her own worst enemy in a lot of parts of this comic, though I wonder if that will end up bringing the lingering issue of the mother to the forefront here

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  • markmoonfang said:
    The kink comic author made the mistake of applying realistic expectations.

    There is another one who did siblings as well, two black cats. But these were full adults living together away from their parents. When their parents found out, there was justified chewing out and the author had to accept that the story had to end there. A few extra comics followed that made comedic points about their situation but that's it.

    The moment you take a kink and put the spotlight of realism on it, it falls apart like a vampire viewing a sunrise.

    Moving In by Ratcha, right?

    There's another one in similiar vein by the same artist, but this time it seems, at the very least ONE of the parents is going to be involved in the relationship, the mother, so it looks like it's going full send into kink territory.

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  • furryryuho said:
    "We're happy" and "it feels right" are awful arguments. Especially to be that indignant about. People can be happy doing things that are bad and can be bad for them. People can "feel right" doing things that are clearly in the wrong or hurt them.
    You can both be happy and feel right about stealing but it is still stealing and it can cause harm to both others and eventually the person doing the stealing.

    I disagree to a certain extent.
    We are talking about relationships here. "We are happy" and "this feels right" are important factors when it comes to that.
    If a relationship in and of itself is harmful because at least one of the people involved is toxic, violent, and/or has ulterior motives/wants to take advantage of the other one, etc., then yeah, that's a whole different story because there is an objectively negative element involved in that relationship. In the case of Seb and Serah, it would be the sexual aspect and the associated potential genetic issues.
    Outside of that, if another person, multiple people, or society says it's wrong for irrational reasons, that argument is not valid. Otherwise, it would be a valid argument against same-sex relationships, polygamous/polyamorous relationships, relationships between people of different origins or skin color, etc., because there are and always have been idiots or whole societies who have a subjective, personal problem with that. In this case, the happiness of the people involved in the relationship is an important factor, as well as the willingness to proceed even if they are met with resistance. Historically speaking, even if they are met with violence, people have continued with relationships like the aforementioned ones.

    If Keith is concerned about their safety, that is valid. If they are actually aware of the dangers and/or repercussions and decide - both of them - it is worth it, that is valid (not speaking about the sexual aspect here... that's still an actual issue). If Keith simply follows the generic mindset of "it is wrong because everyone says so, and that's just the way it is" and isn't even trying to gauge his kids' understanding of the matter and is willing to discuss his concerns and the objective problems openly, then Serah has a right to be indignant about being brushed aside and accused to be naive and either blind to the problem or not taking it seriously. You mentioned teenagers often not being as knowledgeable as they think they are and I agree, which makes it even more important to talk about things and not just brush them aside as being too young, naive, and/or ignorant.

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  • nobunagafirst said:
    I disagree to a certain extent.
    We are talking about relationships here. "We are happy" and "this feels right" are important factors when it comes to that.
    If a relationship in and of itself is harmful because at least one of the people involved is toxic, violent, and/or has ulterior motives/wants to take advantage of the other one, etc., then yeah, that's a whole different story because there is an objectively negative element involved in that relationship. In the case of Seb and Serah, it would be the sexual aspect and the associated potential genetic issues.
    Outside of that, if another person, multiple people, or society says it's wrong for irrational reasons, that argument is not valid. Otherwise, it would be a valid argument against same-sex relationships, polygamous/polyamorous relationships, relationships between people of different origins or skin color, etc., because there are and always have been idiots or whole societies who have a subjective, personal problem with that. In this case, the happiness of the people involved in the relationship is an important factor, as well as the willingness to proceed even if they are met with resistance. Historically speaking, even if they are met with violence, people have continued with relationships like the aforementioned ones.

    If Keith is concerned about their safety, that is valid. If they are actually aware of the dangers and/or repercussions and decide - both of them - it is worth it, that is valid (not speaking about the sexual aspect here... that's still an actual issue). If Keith simply follows the generic mindset of "it is wrong because everyone says so, and that's just the way it is" and isn't even trying to gauge his kids' understanding of the matter and is willing to discuss his concerns and the objective problems openly, then Serah has a right to be indignant about being brushed aside and accused to be naive and either blind to the problem or not taking it seriously. You mentioned teenagers often not being as knowledgeable as they think they are and I agree, which makes it even more important to talk about things and not just brush them aside as being too young, naive, and/or ignorant.

    Which is also a problem here as she is immediately brushing aside any concerns he may have to the side while seeming to just not care about what he says or feels on the matter. The page literally ending on a "We're sorry you feel that way" kind of response not being promising considering how bad faith that is.
    There needs to be an actual dialogue between the two where both are willing to hear each other out. Just really hoping this doesnt follow the pattern with the rest of the comic where Serah refuses to listen until someone forces her to.

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  • furryryuho said:
    Which is also a problem here as she is immediately brushing aside any concerns he may have to the side while seeming to just not care about what he says or feels on the matter. The page literally ending on a "We're sorry you feel that way" kind of response not being promising considering how bad faith that is.
    There needs to be an actual dialogue between the two where both are willing to hear each other out. Just really hoping this doesnt follow the pattern with the rest of the comic where Serah refuses to listen until someone forces her to.

    The thing is, she is not brushing aside any arguments or points he made, she is brushing aside the fact that he immediately discards what she and Seb have as something wrong. She brushes aside that he feels that way.
    They haven't even reached a point where they talk about their reasons. They haven't made any arguments. So far, there hasn't been a discussion or conversation about the "why" and "how." Both sides have only been stating "it is this way" without any reasoning.
    They have both been jumping the gun from the beginning of this conversation. Keith by implying he thinks they are wrong and either didn't think this through or are reckless without hearing them out first, asking questions, and listening to them. And Serah by immediately being on the defensive without trying to reason with him and inquiring about his concerns and reasons for feeling that way. If both parties just stay on their respective side of the trench, stating that they will not move an inch, then they might as well not talk at all. They need to meet in the middle and at least hear each other out and actively think about what the other one says instead of just rejecting everything.

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  • moonlitsoul said:
    Ultimately Keith's problem is thinking of this as a problem he has to solve. Jayden had the right idea, and I would hope he listened to her at least a little about it - trying to break them up will only make it into a "one who got away" situation. They'll either pine for eachother forever and never be sure what could have been, or they'll rebuke the very idea and run away together, this time with no in for Keith to reconnect.

    If the relationship fails, it fails. There is no way to take control of the situation, however, that will end in Keith's favor.

    So, to answer this cause no one did. You forget these are minors, so yes, legally he is responsible for them and it /is/ his problem. We are quick to forget that just because someone acts like an adult does not mean they are. Keith is in a very tricky situation because he already has lost one relationship, but on the other he still has a responsibility for his kids who are legally not old enough to be making these decisions. It's an assumption that he's trying to "break them up" because we've yet to hear what he wants from them. No one has had a real chance to talk here, and we're already judging people based on very limited information. All we know is Serah wants to be with her brother and will resist her father, even though she's yet to hear what her father has had to say. Keith obviously wants to keep a relationship with his kids, but the situation they've put him in has made the path towards maintaining a parental/child relationship a minefield. It's not wrong to say that the kids are being selfish and assuming that just because they what something that they can just have it with zero consequences. If it was ok to do then they wouldnt be doing it in secret, hiding away from Kieth when he'd come home. They know what they are doing is wrong, and Serah is expecting Kieth to be ok with this because they are his kids and she knows that he has been having difficulties dealing with the loss of his wife/her mother, she's seen it through out this comic. It's extremely manipulative of her to do this to him. No matter what she thinks of him, she needs to come to the understanding that /they/ put him in this situation, and /they/ need to come to terms with that and help him salvage this if they want to keep a relationship with their father. It's obvious he wants to keep a relationship with them. But to act like this and not give him the time of day is not on Keith. This is something the twins are doing /to/ him, not Keith doing something to the twins.

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  • skellitor301 said:
    So, to answer this cause no one did. You forget these are minors, so yes, legally he is responsible for them and it /is/ his problem. We are quick to forget that just because someone acts like an adult does not mean they are. Keith is in a very tricky situation because he already has lost one relationship, but on the other he still has a responsibility for his kids who are legally not old enough to be making these decisions. It's an assumption that he's trying to "break them up" because we've yet to hear what he wants from them. No one has had a real chance to talk here, and we're already judging people based on very limited information. All we know is Serah wants to be with her brother and will resist her father, even though she's yet to hear what her father has had to say. Keith obviously wants to keep a relationship with his kids, but the situation they've put him in has made the path towards maintaining a parental/child relationship a minefield. It's not wrong to say that the kids are being selfish and assuming that just because they what something that they can just have it with zero consequences. If it was ok to do then they wouldnt be doing it in secret, hiding away from Kieth when he'd come home. They know what they are doing is wrong, and Serah is expecting Kieth to be ok with this because they are his kids and she knows that he has been having difficulties dealing with the loss of his wife/her mother, she's seen it through out this comic. It's extremely manipulative of her to do this to him. No matter what she thinks of him, she needs to come to the understanding that /they/ put him in this situation, and /they/ need to come to terms with that and help him salvage this if they want to keep a relationship with their father. It's obvious he wants to keep a relationship with them. But to act like this and not give him the time of day is not on Keith. This is something the twins are doing /to/ him, not Keith doing something to the twins.

    There is one thing in your statement here that I simply can't agree with: "If it was ok to do, then they wouldn't be doing it in secret."
    That completely disregards the fact that a whole lot of people decide or have to hide something out of fear. Depending on where or when you live, things like having a different sexuality or gender identity, coming from a different cultural background, having a different religious belief, wanting to be with someone of a different cultural background/religious belief/gender identity etc., etc. can earn you the scorn or even hatred of others. Sometimes, it's your close social environment, like, e.g., neighbors; sometimes, it's your own family; sometimes, it's the majority of the society you live in. And that can range from you being shunned/ostracized to (in the worst case) people using violence against you. Heck, some people get murdered for being gay! Just because a lot of people blindly follow what the masses believe doesn't make them right. And hiding from people like that because you are afraid of the repercussions doesn't mean you are wrong.

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  • markmoonfang said:
    The kink comic author made the mistake of applying realistic expectations.

    There is another one who did siblings as well, two black cats. But these were full adults living together away from their parents. When their parents found out, there was justified chewing out and the author had to accept that the story had to end there. A few extra comics followed that made comedic points about their situation but that's it.

    The moment you take a kink and put the spotlight of realism on it, it falls apart like a vampire viewing a sunrise.

    If it's the same comic I'm thinking of, it got continued with them after they had kids.

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  • carnivore4lyf said:
    What's with some of the random downvoting on here?

    Sometimes people forget that the things that happen in this comic actually happen in the real world sometimes and people don't like being reminded of that.

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  • amaninthewoods said:
    Even when is clear the story is biased towards the twins, I still side more with Keith, because I feel like this world is settled in a more realistic setting

    Even if Serah and Seb are convinced, many "higschool relationships" don't last forever

    I feel like they should both try to relax a bit, I really like the body language here, Keith trying to reach forward while Serah backs away

    You have a point there, relationships around this age seldom last very long, some do but I think they are in the minority.

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  • drakkenfyre said:
    If it's the same comic I'm thinking of, it got continued with them after they had kids.

    I only saw a few strips that were very comedic in tone aside from one where it was half kink, half funny. I'll poke it again later.

    uncreativeusername69 said:
    Moving In by Ratcha, right?

    There's another one in similiar vein by the same artist, but this time it seems, at the very least ONE of the parents is going to be involved in the relationship, the mother, so it looks like it's going full send into kink territory.


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