miriizah and schrader (european mythology and etc) created by deltablackk
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Peak Breeding Season

It is not uncommon for this dragoness and wyvern to meet one another, whether that greeting be in a valley or atop the peak of a mountain. When they do meet, it can lead to almost anything, whether exciting and adventurous chase, playful combat without harm, or even a shared hunting or fishing venture. But it often always ended with at least an embrace.

Entering the dragoness’ claimed territory once again, taking a restful place atop Love’s Peak, Schrader would await the greeting he was always excited for, in the sudden presence of that blue eyed, gray backed dragoness. No sooner did he land then he received just that, the impressive visage of the dragoness he was there for dipping down through a cloud to land a mere meter away. Stretching out his wings toward the new arrival, there would be little delay between the initial greeting assessment and the embrace. Chest to chest, forehead to forehead, Miriizah placed her forepaws on the wyvern’s shoulder’s while Schrader wrapped his wings lovingly around the dragoness.

Being so close together already, there was little delay between initially settling into their loving embrace before their eyes opened to meet each other yet again, gazing deep into one another’s very souls with love and abiding affection. With that prehensile clitoral hood rubbing in teasing invitation against Schrader’s slit, he would respond by slipping his hemis out to be met with a coiling embrace. Tangling those prehensile breeding tools with that prehensile hood in a loving, pleasant dance, the two would exchange moans and groans of pleasure with each passing moment.

Slipping one of his hemipenes into the dragoness’ sex, he would go in deep enough to find her cervix, stroking his tapering tip against it until he managed to gain entrance. With that successful, deep penetration, he continued to tangle his other hemipene with that hood in loving dance, smearing his pleasure enhancing fluids against every reachable surface of her sex. Making her flesh all the more sensitive to pleasure, but increasingly dull to pain.

Keeping up this interesting, lascivious dance with his hemipene and that tapered hood, he would stretch his toes and shudder ever so slightly when he felt the tip of that hood stretch his cumslit open, slipping in to sound his hemi in a delightful way. Stilling his gaze on hers, he would pull his one hemi back within her sex, shifting and writhing within her to stretch and grind against every bit of her internal walls.

Their chests heaved together as they kept their eyes locked and foreheads together, the continuing dance of love concealed by their embrace, but made apparent by their scent.

Seeing each other’s nearing climaxes in each other’s eyes, the dragoness pulled her hood out of his hemi and guided him into her where his other breeding tool was already at steady work. Wrapping her prehensile clitoral hood around his twin lengths, she would stroke along the bases of his shafts while he continued to work toward a shared climax within her.

Only a few seconds later, and the two would stifle their calls of bliss in their throats, coming out as intimately uttered moans as the wyvern pumped his potent essence into her uterus, quickly flooding it to its capacity with his excess, forcing a good volume up her fallopian tubes and into her receptive egg chambers. As their climax continued, her walls spasmed firmly around his coiling and shifting hemipenes, her milking him for all he had to offer...

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