barney, horace, and robin hood (robin hood (disney) and etc) created by vir-no-vigoratus
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Rhino's Other Horn [COM]

Horace has sent Robin on the wild dungeon adventure but now it's Barney's turn to have fun with the rogue.

Is Robin up to dealing with the two kinky guards for his freedom?

Story by Tiranmaster

“What an asshole,” Barney growled, clutching his spear tightly in one hand as the Sheriff walked away, his bulk bouncing with every step, his whistles painful in the tight stone hallways of the castle. The large oaf of a wolf had taken it upon himself to walk about the castle, insulting each of the guards of the castle, instructing them on how their ineptitude was what had allowed Robin Hood free access to the prince’s goods. “Couldn’t possibly be because you were out drinkin’ and visiting the ladies in town,” Barney grumbled, scowling down at the ground as he shook his head. “Need ta find a new job, this ain’t worth it...”
Standing guard in the tower, Barney stared out the window at the green landscape underneath, imagining himself going off and finding a more appealing job. “Maybe a blacksmith,” he pondered aloud.
“I don’t think a blacksmith’s gonna fix up the ol’ Sheriff’s problems,” a voice chuckled from beside the rhino. Barney jumped in surprise, causing the floor to shake a bit as he glanced down to see Horace standing there, smiling slyly. “Hey there, big guy.”
Glancing around nervously, Barney leaned in to keep his voice low. “What are you doing here?! Aren’t you supposed to be on duty too?”
“Everyone’s taking the day off at this point,” Horace said with a shrug, “they suspect Robin wouldn’t double dip so soon after getting such a big win. Now, why don’t you come with me? The Sheriff’s already done chewing your head off, and I have something to show you.”
There was a moment where Barney considered turning down his friend’s offer, after all, he really didn’t want to get in trouble... though when he glanced out the window again, he saw that the Sheriff was already walking his way towards the village. “Probably gonna get drunk again,” he grumbled, glaring down at the huge man before his eyes turned back to his wolven friend. “Fine, what’cha got ta show me?”
Leaving his post felt wrong, but Barney was feeling rather rebellious, and he’d heard the fuss the prince had been making after he’d discovered his missing things. Doubtless, was in there trying to calm him down, and with the Sheriff gone it would be hours before anyone paid too much attention to the guards again. The pair slipped down into the main hall of the castle, guards all over were similarly being lazy, barely seeming to care who was watching as they talked casually and relaxed. Horace and Barney passed them by, slipping into the deeper depths of the castle, an area that Barney was certain he’d never been in before. “Where are we going?” he asked, his voice bouncing off of the hollow walls.
Horace didn’t immediately answer though, instead bringing his friend further into the depths, deeper and deeper, far past where any of the prisoners were normally held, and even deeper until they finally reached rooms that were more covered in dust and cobwebs than the dustiest crypts. Throwing his arms wide, Horace grinned up at his friend. “Welcome, my dear comrade, to Naughty-ham!”
At first, Barney gave his friend a cocked eyebrow. “You’re serious?” Horace just gave him a goofy grin, and despite himself Horace snorted in amusement before glancing around the room. “So, what did you have in mind for ‘Naughty-ham’?”
Smiling lewdly, Horace slipped his hood and shirt off to reveal what he’d been hiding underneath, a rubber bodysuit that hugged his figure tightly. “Don’t play coy, you know exactly what I mean. I have some great ideas for this place, imagine the kinda dirty fun we could get up to here.”
“I don’t know...” Barney murmured, but already he could feel his cock starting to harden at the idea. He and Horace had kept their shared interest a secret of course, they’d only disclosed their kinks to one another when they’d both gotten way too drunk at the bar. Now, looking at his friend clad in rubber, and imagining what they might get up to in the depths of the castle... “Well, I suppose we could put some new chains up on the walls, might make it fun,” he said with a smile of his own.
“That’s what I thought, and just for the occasion, I brought a gift for you down here.” Horace gestured to a nearby chest, the only thing in the room that wasn’t covered in dust. Cracking it open, Barney’s eyes lit up as he looked down into it to see the rubber outfit within, a recreation of his regular guard outfit in gleaming colors. “Go on, put it on,” Horace chuckled, “we have some redecorating to do.”

Grunting as he woke up from his slumber, Robin blinked a few times, groaning around the ball in his mouth, the flavor of the rubber rich on his tongue. Note to self, don’t sleep in chains... or with a ball in my mouth... Glancing around, he realized that he was no longer in the rubber dungeon he’d been in before. Honestly, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t taken the offer to leave the dungeon when he’d been offered it. Some more rational part of him knew that this could be a trap, all the wolf had to do was get the prince and the Sheriff, and he would be thrown into jail for the rest of his (probably short) life.
Despite his own momentary hesitation, memories of the events within the dungeon lingered in his head. All of the rubbing he’d had while in the rubber suit, pinned between the tight spaces, his bulge being constantly nudged and teased. It paled in comparison to the attention Horace had given his bulge, suckling on it, stroking it. Letting out an aroused huff, Robin felt himself warming up already as he glanced around the room. Despite his reservations, he found himself looking forward to what the wolf might have in store for him.
Judging by the window in the wall though, Robin was no longer in a dungeon, instead it appeared that he was possibly in a room of the castle, or possibly even in a tower. It was sometime in the night though, so he was unable to make out any features outside of the window that might give him a hint to where he’d been taken. Glancing around, Robin could hear the squeaking of rubber, and the tight pressure around his cock reminded him that he was indeed still wearing the bodysuit. I shouldn’t have let them lock up my hands like this, there’s no way I can get myself out of these chains. With the sky being so dark outside, Robin was sure that the others had noticed his disappearance and were likely out looking for him. If things went south, he was sure that Little John and the others would eventually find him... though admittedly, he really didn’t feel like being found still clad in such a revealing outfit.
On the far side of the room, a door swung open, revealing a huge form that filled out the doorway. In front of that looming form though was a more familiar one, the wolf from before though he’d changed his ensemble since the last time Robin had seen him. Gone was the brown rubber suit, with black gloves and black boots that wrapped around his body firmly. On his head was a rubber cap that resembled a knight’s helm, covering his eyes from sight, though the small slots in the front of it hinted at his being able to see. “Glad ta see you awake, Robin!” Horace said, walking in through the doorway, throwing his arms wide. “Welcome to the tower, where we can pleasure you better!”
From behind the wolf, the huge form slipped into the room, unfurling himself to reveal that he was one of the rhino guards, and like the wolf in front of him he was clad in a full rubber outfit. His uniform resembled the uniforms that all of the rhino guards wore, though it glittered in the torchlight of the room, and it wrapped far more lewdly around his body than any guard uniform that Robin had seen before. “Greetin’s,” the rhino said in a deep bass, his expression seemingly grim, though his eyes were tracing up and down Robin’s own body. “Damn, that outfit does look good on ‘im.”
“What did I tell ya?” Horace said, grinning as he walked over to Robin and grabbed his bulge greedily, the fox yelping through his ball gag as the wolf squeezed. “He’s plenty padded as well, I’m sure you’ll find there’s plenty o’ fun to be had with him.”
Robin blushed and wiggled, his cock hardening under the grasp of the wolf’s hand, his motions causing the rubber to squeak as he ground up against Horace’s hand. “Looks like he’s pretty eager to get started to me,” the wolf said with a sly smile. Reaching up, he unlocked each of Robin’s handcuffs, causing the fox’s arms to finally come down in a wave of relief for his poor shoulders. Standing up straighter, Robin couldn’t help but reach for his bulge before Horace smacked them away lightly. “No ruining the fun now, Robin, you’ve not even started playin’ with Barney yet.”
While he was stretching out, Robin grunted in surprise as Horace hooked a chain onto the collar at his throat with a smile. “Just in case you get antsy, you chose to stay with us for a bit longer, and I don’t want you leaving before Barney’s gotten his turn. I’m sure you’ll understand.”
Trying to frown proved to be a problem around the gag in his mouth, but Robin managed a rather good interpretation of one while Barney walked forward. The rhino towered over the fox, the rubber on his body making an almighty amount of squeaking noises. That was intimidating enough, but Robin was also face to face with a bulge that made him feel positively tiny by comparison. “Nice ta meet ya, Robin, ya can call me Barney,” the rhino growled, his eyes glittering with excitement as he gestured towards a bench in the room. “Why don’t you follow me over here? We’ll have some fun, I promise I won’t keep ya too long.”
As the rhino lumbered over to the bench and took a seat, Robin felt his legs shaking slightly as he ogled the rhino’s massive manhood, barely contained by the rubber. He glanced over at Horace who swung his head in the rhino’s direction. “Get a move on, he’s been waitin’ for this for hours.” He let out a wicked little giggle as he leaned up against a wall, groping his own arousal as he watched Robin.
Remembering how good it had felt to be rubbed and stroked in the rubber, Robin couldn’t deny that he was feeling rather excited about the experience... though he was also very pent up as he’d not been allowed to cum yet. Still, he walked over to the rhino, the chain giving him plenty of slack to cross the room. The bench had heavily bent under Barney’s weight, but the rhino only had eyes for the fox as he patted his lap. “Got a little game for ya, if you want to get that ball out of your mouth.” He reached behind him and plucked keys off of his belt, holding them out as he jingled them. “We’ll give that rubbers of yours a nice polish, and then you’ve got ta stay on my lap for a few minutes. If you succeed, then I’ll take that gag right out’a your mouth. How does that sound?”

Robin stared at the massive bulge once, shifting slightly in embarrassment as he felt himself hardening up a bit at the thought. Already Horace was approaching him with a bottle of lube, starting to polish his rear up causing the fox tense up at the touch.
“We’ll say ten minutes, you last that long, and I’ll unlock your gag.” Barney said with a lewd smile, patting his lap. Robin shook his head fiercely, glaring up at the rhino, not willing to give. “Seven,” Barney retorted. The pair stayed silent for a moment, eying each other, and then finally they both nodded in agreement. Once Horace was done polishing up Robin’s rear, he slapped the fox’s ass with a big grin.
“Almost ready!” the wolf said, giggling as he leaned down and picked something else up. Robin yelped as something slipped over his eyes, the world going dark. “We want you to really enjoy this show, but don't worry yourself, you’ll know when time is up! We got a special alarm set up, just for this game!” The world was dark, Robin’s mouth was gagged, and he was completely defenseless. “Here, let me guide ya in the right direction,” Horace said, and Robin felt himself being moved and positioned.
The fox yelped as he felt large hands slipping under his armpits, and he was hoisted up until he sat upon Horace’s lap. The rhino’s bulge looked large, but it felt even larger, especially without any sight to distract Robin from anything else. The rhino’s hands wrapped around his waist to pull him up into a more comfortable position, though Robin found himself blushing almost immediately as he was perched up atop Barney’s lap, though immediately he could feel himself slipping somewhat “There ya go, that’s a good fox,” Barney growled, his groin grinding up against Robin’s ass causing the thief to blush and let out a small moan. “Needy, ain’cha?”
Blushing, Robin couldn’t disagree, his own arousal was starting to press up against the rubber, stretching out the paw on the front of his crotch. Barney’s cock bounced underneath Robin’s body, the fox grunting as he could feel it pulsing in a rhythmic beat, everything accentuated by the lack of sight. Their rubber bodysuits squeaked and stretched as Barney pressed up tight against the fox’s rear, the manhood feeling dense under the fox’s ass. Robin’s face felt redhot as he moaned and shifted about, the lube on his rear making it hard to sit still, constantly shifting and trying to keep his balance so as not to fall off. “Horace, why don’t you join in on the fun?” Barney asked, nodding towards the fox’s vulnerable bulge.
“Thought you’d never offer,” Horace said, the sound of his rubber on the stone below the only clue to Robin that he was getting closer. The fox’s eyes widened in surprise before rolling back in ecstasy as he felt something starting to fondle his balls, the sensation heightened and caused him to nearly slip. He wanted to shout that they weren’t playing fair, but he had to concentrate on his balance, though it was much harder to do with the new distraction. “That’s a good on’, just enjoy the ride,” the wolf chuckled.
Barney meanwhile started to hump up against Robin with gusto, growling deep in his throat as he bounced Robin up and down on his rubberclad shaft. The fox’s senses were in overdrive as the sounds and smells of rubber and musk filled the air, his rear feeling wonderful as he felt his cheeks being parted by the movement of the rhino’s bulge. The slick feeling of rubber on rubber was something that Robin found himself wanting to get more acquainted with, though he found himself cursing it at that moment as he was close to falling off at any moment. Horace meanwhile was giving Robin plenty of attention as well, suckling and stroking his cock, though careful not to allow him any release. If Robin could, he might’ve begged them to stop, but as it was he could only chew on the ball and groan as he was used as a plaything.

The sounds of rubber squeaking and their moans bounced off of the walls, and if Robin were in a more reasonable state of mind, he might’ve worried that someone might have overheard them. As it was, the thief was caught in the thrall of lust, riding the rhino’s cock, humping into the wolf’s mouth. He huffed and moaned, shifting in the rubber, trying to get off as he humped hard against the rubber confines of his suit. No release came immediately though, Horace sometimes clenching his hand on the rubber bulge as he grinned up at the fox. “Not quite yet, foxy, soon, but not yet.”
Robin’s mind begged for release, but the other two were enjoying themselves too much, and so his torturous pleasure continued. Finally, after what felt like hours, Horace’s touch on his crotch suddenly vanished. The sound of an alarm ringing in the room signaled the end of Robin’s. The fox stumbled up, still moaning, and he gasped in relief when he felt the rhino behind him release the clasp on the ballgag. The moment it was released from his mouth, Robin moaned as his mouth shut. “That... was... painful...” he groaned, rubbing his mouth, though... somehow he missed the feeling of having it there.
What the fox wasn’t expecting was when Barney grabbed him, turning him around to face the rhino and was pulled into a deep kiss. At first Robin yelped and tried to pull away, though he was feeling plenty hot and ready for the affection as the rhino pulled him closer to embrace him as they kissed. Robin’s panic subsided as his face burned once more, his eyes closing as he started to kiss the massive male back. He allowed his tongue to dance with Barney’s, their rubber suits grinding and creaking as they made out for a while. Robin felt like he was running out of air when they finally broke the kiss, Barney licking his lips as he smiled. “I always thought you looked like you’d be a good kisser, look like I wasn’t wrong.”
Setting the fox back down, Barney coughed as he saw Horace looking up at him with an amused expression. “You can leave now, if you want,” Barney said, his own cheeks flushed with color as he gently stroked himself through the rubber of his bodysuit. “Though, we have one more offer if you’re willin’ to hear us out.”
Horace smirked as he nodded in agreement, the pair seeming to buzz with excitement in whatever they had to say next. “We can treat you to a proper grinding between us, and I promise we’ll let ya release this time too.” The wolf’s arousal throbbed within the rubber, his expression expectant, he was certain that Robin would join them for the offer.
Glancing outside, Robin was sure that it was starting to get lighter outside, and his friends would likely be going crazy with worry... even so, he was so very hot, and the idea of being pinned between the two rubber clad men was... very appealing. “If I say yes,” he started, trying to make it seem like he wasn’t eager about the idea himself, “you’ll let me go free, right? We do this, and then I can go back to my friends.”
“Oh yes, I think we’ll have had our fun by then,” Horace said, rubbing his hands together, the squeaking making Robin blush as he couldn’t help but associate the sound with pleasure.
“Alright then... I accept,” the fox said, smiling as Barney stood up, the massive rhino stepping forward and bumping Robin in his back with his bulge. “So... how do we start?” Robin asked, feeling a bit embarrassed and more than a little ready to finally be allowed to cum.
Approaching Robin, Horace reached forward and tugged on the front of Robin’s rubber costume, motioning for him to bend over. “Ain’t too hard, is it? Just gotta get ya in position.” Robin realized what the wolf meant, and though he felt slightly embarrassed at the absurdity of it, he allowed himself to get bent over until he was facing the wolf’s arousal. “Go on in whenever you’re ready, and we can take the rest.”
Hesitating for a moment, Robin found himself wondering what it might be like to suck down the wolf’s rubber clad cock... so he leaned forward and indulged in the thought. Wrapping his muzzle around the wolf’s rubber bulge, he started to suckle on it just as Horace had done on his own before. The rubber around Horace’s cock had a slightly musky scent about it, but once his tongue touched the smooth rubber he recognized the flavor of the ball he’d had in his mouth. Letting out a small moan, Robin moaned as he pressed his face up against the wolf’s crotch, trying to get more of the bulge in his muzzle.. “Wow, you don’t go half in, do ya?” Horace groaned, humping up against Robin’s hungry mouth. “Well, are ya gonna wait for an invitation?” he asked, looking up at Barney.
The rhino didn’t need any more prodding, he stepped forward and pressed his own bulge up against Robin’s ass, pushing up against him and pinning the fox between himself and the wolf. Robin grunted in surprise at the sudden pressure from both sides, and was soon being subjected to plenty of grinding from either side. Horace grabbing onto his head gently, humping and grinding his bulge up against Robin’s open mouth, not allowing the fox a moment to close it. “Hope you’re enjoying yourself, Robin!” Horace said with a wide grin, “cause we’re lovin’ this!”
While Horace’s cock was impressive in size for a wolf, Barney’s manhood was huge and powerful, pressing up against his rear and making Robin moan the rubber squeaked loudly. The fox’s eyes glazed over in pleasure as he was pressed tightly between the two, his nostrils pinned up against Horace’s crotch, the scent of rubber and wolf mingling in his nostrils. He bucked and whimpered as he felt the arousal growing in his loins, his mind lost in the pleasure of the moment. He’d never thought of being into something like this before, but all of a sudden he found himself deeply interested in what else he might be able to do with rubber. His mind flashed to Little John wearing rubber, and that image made him moan as his cock flexed in the bulge.
Wolf and rhino both lost themselves similarly in the pleasure, leaning over Robin and giving each other a big messy kiss of their own. Robin was nothing more than a plaything at that moment, not that he particularly minded, enjoying himself too much. He could feel their cocks clenching and twisting, and Horace was the first to release, letting out a growl as he pushed heavily into Robin’s mouth. The rubber grew warm as he shot several times into it, making a mess on the inside of his suit as he moaned in pleasure. Barney wasn’t too far after himself, his hands wrapping heavily around Robin’s ass as he pushed hard up against him, spasm after spasm hitting the rhino as he humped heavily.
Robin soon staggered away as the two sat in their afterglow, both of them holding their bulges, eyes glazed and faces smiling widely. Dazed from all the attention, Robin glanced towards the window, knowing he could leave... but he hadn’t gotten his chance to cum just yet. “Before I leave...” he said, turning towards them with a sly smile. “I think I’ve earned myself a reward, don’t you?’
“What... were you thinking?” Horace groaned, clearly lost in the pleasure still.
“You both got to have your chance with me,” Robin said, putting a hand on his side as he smiled mischievously, “but I haven’t gotten my proper chance yet, now have I?”

The rhino and wolf both exchanged a glance before smiling, climbing to their feet as they turned around to reveal their ample behinds. “Well, have your pick,” Barney said, gesturing to his large rear. “Take your prize, thief.”
Robin was only too glad to, approaching and sticking his bulge up into the cleft of the rhino’s ass first, hugging tightly to Barney’s hips. He growled and yipped as he humped, enjoying the feeling of rubber on rubber, his mind singing with pleasure. He slapped the rubber cheeks, enjoying the sound and feeling of rubber, his mind flush with arousal. He didn’t finish though, not yet, he wanted to try out both of them. Horace was next, the wolf whimpering with pleasure as the fox pushed him over and started to hump him as well. The thief groaned and growled, his breathes heavy as he wrapped himself around the wolf’s body, pressing his muzzle up against Horace’s ear. “I don’t think I would mind too much if we were to do this again in the future,” he purred.
Horace could only groan as Robin’s humping grew stronger, his grip grew tighter, and the fox moaned as he finally came. After hours of being edged, denied the satisfaction of cumming, he clenched up and came in his rubber suit. Part of him was aware it would be a nightmare to clean up, but he didn’t really care as wave after wave of orgasm overcame him. He closed his eyes as he was finally relieved, soon releasing his grip on Horace as he staggered back to his feet. “Well... boys...” he panted, feeling weak in the legs as he approached the window. “I’ll see you again soon... until then... have a good night.” With that, he clambered out of the window, carefully picking his way down the tower as the two guards recovered.
With the fox having left, the pair of guards glanced at one another, each of them grinning broadly. “Guess that’s Robin for ya. Comes in, takes the booty, and sneaks away,” Barney murmured, leaning against a wall for support.
Horace laughed loudly, falling onto his friend’s shoulder, leaning up against him as their outfits creaked and squeaked. “Told ya it’d be worth it.”

Little John lumbered into their hideout, exhausted, his muscles all aching, and his nerves
completely fried as he debated if he should try and get some sleep before he went back out to look for Robin again. Nobody had seen where the fox had gone following their partying, and none of the guards were openly boasting about having caught the legendary thief. “Robin, where are ya, buddy?” he groaned, flopping onto a chair that heaved under the weight of the bear.
“Mind lending me a hand, big guy?” a familiar voice asked from the shadows.
“Not now, Robin, I’m looking for...” Little John started, his eyes sinking into slumber... and then his eyes jolted open before he jumped to his feet. “Robin?!” he yelped, looking around until his eyes settled on his dearest friend... and then he froze.
It was indeed Robin Hood, the fox in the flesh... though he wasn’t wearing his normal outfit, and he smelled rather ripe. The fox had at some point donned a green skintight suit that showed off far more than Little John had ever seen, his manhood openly bulging the front. Robin seemed less phased by it than he probably should, though he did seem a bit frustrated. “They got me into this suit, and I cannot figure out how to get out of it.”
“They? They who, Robin? Heck, what happened to you?!” Little John got up and walked over to his friend, trying to peel back the suit, but finding that it was surprisingly resilient to any force he could use.

“It’s a long story, big guy,” Robin chuckled, grinning up at his friend. “I’ll tell you once we’ve gotten some sleep, but first, please help me out of this suit. Don’t rip it though, I think I’ll have some more use for it in the future.” Little John was completely confused, and more than a little awkward at the sight of his friend in such a provocative outfit, but all he knew was that he was relieved to see Robin okay.
“Okay, well, you’ll have to explain this to me as soon as you can. Now, let’s see if we can peel you out of this.” Little John started to pull and tug at the rubber suit, Robin grunting in surprise as he was lifted bodily from the bear’s attempts. “Dang, did they paint you in this thing?” he grunted, tugging Robin closer as he stretched and yanked at the suit’s material. Robin found himself starting to blush as he tried to stop any moans escaping his mouth, his bulge being rubbed up against the bear’s large stomach.
“Careful, big guy, careful,” Robin said, blushing as he glanced away from his friend’s face. With how rough Little John was, it reminded him of Barney humping up against him, his cock tensing up with arousal.
Little John readjusted Robin once more, trying to yank back at the neck of the suit, bumping up against the fox’s rear. Despite his attempts to stay quiet, Robin couldn’t help but let out a small moan as his eyes fluttered. Little John’s eyes widened and he backed up a bit, his own cheeks flushing. “You... you okay there?”
Robin coughed in embarrassment, unable to meet his friends' eyes. “E... everything’s fine, big guy, just uh... help me out.” The fox’s mind became fixated on an image he tried to push out of his head, but it swam there despite his best attempts. He couldn’t help but think of the bear in a rubber outfit as well, tight about that big belly, their mouths meeting... As they struggled and fought with the rubber suit, the bear paused as a card toppled from the neck of the suit, falling to the ground in the process. Leaning down, he picked it up and glanced at it, reading it over. “Looks like there’s a note for ya, Robin.” Robin took the card and read it over, a smile forming on his face before he started to laugh. “What is it?”
Robin gave his friend a big grin, waving the card as he couldn’t stop himself from letting out another laugh. “Looks like I’ve made some new friends, and they’re gonna give us a bit of a hand with our big problems.”

The Sheriff was the first to awaken, his head groggy, the room spinning around him as he sat up, the squeaking causing him to wince. He faintly recalled having a grand time with the prince, the pair drinking away their shame at having been robbed by Robin Hood. He’d thought the drinks had tasted especially potent, but everything had gone black after the third goblet. He faintly recalled seeing the prince’s head hit the table, but he’d been too lost in the drink to care.
Trying to open his mouth, the Sheriff realized that it was already open, held up by a strange tasting ball in his mouth. Lying near him was someone clad in a strange striped outfit... in fact, it was Prince John himself. “Hmph?!” he grunted, trying to speak around the ball, but finding it impossible. When he looked down, the wolf realized that he was wearing a similar outfit, the material squeaky and clinging tight to his body.
Shortly after he’d awoken, the prince also jerked awake, the lion growling in surprise and frustration as he tried to speak around the ball in his mouth. Wolf and lion alike both realized they were in the dungeons, though instead of the normal stone walls, they were surrounded by shiny and squeaky material. Not only that, but both of them had chains attached to their legs leading away into the darkness, a clear sign they had been captured and trapped by someone. “Oh, glad ta see you’re both awake!” a voice said from the darkness.
Peering into the shadows, the Sheriff struggled to make out who it was, until they stepped into the torchlight. The pair, a wolf and rhino both in rubber gear, smiled confidently down at the trapped pair. “Glad to see you’re awake, ‘your highness’,” the rhino said, a mocking tone in his voice as he bowed. Prince John tried to voice his anger and frustration, but only managed to grunt and slobber over the ball in his mouth. “Did you hear that, buddy? Seems like the king’s speechless for once,” the rhino chuckled.
“Right you are, friend,” the wolf said, peering up at his friend with a wide grin. “Now, if you two would calm down, I think it’s time we have a talk for once. This time, you have to listen, and we can fully express our issues.” He lifted his finger to reveal the keys to their handcuffs hanging about his finger, the metal jingling as he shook them in his hand.
Barney picked up a bottle of lube, giving the royal and his loyal sheriff a suggestive wink as he smirked broadly. “But first, we have a little game we have in mind, and just maybe you can get yourself out of this predicament.” The Sheriff and Prince John exchanged worried glances, unable to do anything but listen and struggle, their rubber bindings keeping them completely at the whim of the two guards. “Want ta play?”

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