horace and robin hood (robin hood (disney) and etc) created by g00da and kandlin
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Shackled, Nudged, and Sucked [COM]

The great Robin Hood just hit off yet another great escapade, only to get caught during one of his rare bar crawls. His capturer decides not to turn him into the prince or sheriff, but instead bringing him into a perverted game of rubber hallways.

Story by Tiranmaster

Robin had been out having a wonderful time with his best friend Little John out at the local taverns, celebrating a recent victory against Prince John. They’d managed to steal into a larder full of food and make away with plenty to be able to feed the locals for a couple of weeks. The fox and bear were both more than aware that it would be only a matter of time before the Sheriff came into town to try and find the foods they had distributed, but they hoped that with the help they’d given the people the grumpy wolf wouldn’t be able to find a crumb of the food. Little john had been a little uncertain if they should so openly celebrate, but Robin had assured him it was fine, telling him that it would be nice to relax for a change, especially after such a large victory.

The pair had gone out to the local tavern and had ordered themselves some drinks, delicious meads and wines that would sate their thirsts for the night. Robin was normally very careful about keeping an eye on his drinks, after all, he had enemies. That night the fox was riding high off of a victory, so he had allowed himself a moment to walk away to sing a song with some of the others at the tavern, leaving his drink unattended for just a few minutes. He had been too full of himself, not noticing a wolf lurking in the midst of the crowd.

This wasn’t the sheriff, no, this wolf was a measly archer by the name of Horace who’d happened into some luck as he was sulking at the bar. He’d just been yelled at earlier in the day for his incompetence, how could he have allowed the thief Robin Hood the chance to steal from the king’s personal food stores? For some of the other archers, this would have been the chance of a lifetime to turn the rogue fox into the sheriff, or better yet the king. Capture Robin Hood, and his life would become much better... and to an extent he agreed, but for another reason. Seeing the fox walk away from his drink, Horace smirked to himself as he ordered an extremely potent drink from the bartender. It was the easiest thing to swap the fox’s drink with a potent ale that would make a rhino sway from the alcohol content.

By the time Robin walked back over, a drunken swagger in his step, the archer watched in anticipation as he clenched his hands around his own drink. The fox hadn’t noticed him, Horace was very good at being ignored.. Taking a swig from the goblet, Robin smiled and looked out at the crowd, smacking his lips as he surveyed the party. Horace’s eyes were only on the fox though, and he watched as Robin took a few more swigs, his eyelids started to droop ever so slightly, and his body started to grow limp. Robin Hood himself seemed to only notice that his drink had been swapped too late, he slumped back and fell asleep on the counter of the bar, nobody near enough to see it save for the wolf archer. Little John was too caught up in the fun, and nobody else in the party was paying too much mind to the fox, so nobody noticed when Horace pulled Robin Hood up onto his shoulder and slipped out the front door.

Letting out a long yawn, Robin groaned as the world spun around him, nausea hitting him like a horseshoe to the head. The fox had too much to drink, he immediately knew that, and it took him a moment to collect himself as he blinked away the bleariness in his eyes. That was about when the fox realized that something was wrong, first of all, his arms were bound up above his head. His shoulders ached from the position they were propped up in, and it made the fox wonder how long he’d been like that. The room he was in was... dungeon adjacent, it certainly had the fixings of a dungeon, chains on the walls and hanging from the ceiling, but there was a stark absence of dark stone walls. Instead, every wall was made of shimmery squeaky material, and it made Robin’s current position less uncomfortable than it might have been had he been lying on cold hard stone.

His eyes drawn downwards by the strange setting of his apparent entrapment, Robin realized that he was no longer wearing his normal outfit. Instead, the fox had been decked out in a dark forest green bodysuit that hugged him tightly, the scent of rubber coming off of it told Robin Hood everything he needed to know. Someone had captured him, and rather than just throwing him in a cell, they had apparently went to great pains to change him out of his regular clothing and into... whatever he was wearing. “Well, can’t say I’ve been in this situation before... either the prince has strange fascinations I wasn’t aware of... or someone else has kidnapped me.”

In response, the sound of squeaking could be heard from a dark corner of the dungeon, and out strode a wolven archer. Said archer though was not wearing the standard accoutrement that Robin was used to, instead he was wearing a tight rubber bodysuit. It was much like Robin’s own, save for the fact that it was a dark brown color as opposed to the dark green of Robin’s, and his version came equipped with a rubber hood that he had pulled up over his head. Robin was then made aware that his captor had gone the extra mile with his suit, as he was wearing a rubber version of his own hat. “Hello there, Robin, so glad that you could wake up,” the wolf said, grinning at the fox with a delighted glint in his eyes.

“I do not believe we’ve met before,” Robin said, trying to give off the impression of complete comfort despite his odd circumstances. “Or if we have, I’ve not had the pleasure to hear your name. I am Robin Hood, which you clearly know, who do I have the pleasure of meeting? Also, may I inquire if I should be expecting a visit from the king or sheriff?”

“‘M name’s Horace,” the wolf said, giving him a bow, the rubber squeaking with the movement. “And you won’t be meeting with his highness or the sheriff, no, ya see I grabbed you for my own enjoyment.”

That didn’t exactly answer all of the myriad questions that Robin had, but he just gave the wolf a confident smile. “Well, I suppose I can thank you for that, Horace, as I do not fancy myself in a good position to meet with either of them. Then, I will follow up my first question with, what am I wearing, and will you let me go?”

“You’re wearing a suit I had tailor made for you, and honestly never thought I would get the opportunity to get you into,” the wolf giggled, his suit’s crotch looking particularly full at that moment as he ogled Robin Hood. “As for letting you go, I might be willing. Though I don’t want to make it too easy,” he said with an ominous smile. “There are three keys, one of which I will provide for you in just a moment.. As for getting out of the dungeon proper, there are two more keys. One is hidden here in the dungeons, and the last is hidden on my person.” He ran a hand over his rubber clad body, causing the material to squeak with the movement. “I promise you, this will be the most fun you’ve had in a while, Robin.”

Robin frowned as he looked up at the wolf, feeling like he was being made fun of, but the frown quickly turned into a smile as he crossed his legs, the movement causing more squeaking. “Well, I suppose I can play along for a little while. Though I must say, you’ve put me in quite the predicament. Still, I hope you’re ready and willing to lose, Horace.”

The wolf rubbed his hands together, clearly excited in more ways than one. “I’m only too happy to lose if it means getting to spend some alone time with you, Robin.”

The fox shivered while the wolf slipped a key out from a pouch on his side, and then the key went flying through the air before landing near the fox’s feet. “Have fun getting free of the first part, Robin. I look forward to seeing you soon,” Horace said, and then he slipped off into the shadows of the dungeon, the sound of rubber on rubber squeaking off into the distance.

Glancing down at the key, Robin frowned as he realized that he would have to transfer the key from his feet all the way up to the manacles above his head. “Well, guess I’ve been in worse spots,” he sighed. With his feet, he attempted to grab the key, and found that it was easier said than done in the rubber suit. His rubber clad toes were rather cumbersome, so it was a chore to attempt to grab the keys between his toes. All the while, every movement he made caused the rubber to creak and squeak, the sensation felt... remarkably nice, much to the fox’s embarrassment. “Can’t say that I ever imagined being in this situation, glad Little John isn’t here to see it.”

Struggling with the key, Robin slowly managed to transfer the key towards himself with ample grunting and growling. The small object soon bounced onto the stomach of the fox, its golden luster standing out against the dark green of his rubber suit. “Finally,” he sighed, leaning down and attempting to grab at the key. The smell of rubber became that much stronger when his face was up against the rubber material, the squeak of rubber on rubber meeting his ears once more. He realized then that not only was he wearing a rubber hat, but a rubber hood that stretched over his head. He’d been too busy fighting through the alcoholic haze and the conversation with Horace to get a full understanding of what he was wearing. “Horace has been a busy wolf, guess he really went all out on this outfit,” he mumbled to himself, and went back to grabbing for the key with his mouth.

It took the master thief almost thirty minutes, an embarrassing amount of time, before he finally managed to wiggle the key up into one of the locks. He attempted to press it into one of his hands, but merely fumbled it when the rubber proved to make the prospect of grasping the key a chore. So with a remarkable amount of dexterity with his mouth, Robin finally managed to click one of the locks open, and he let out a huge sigh of relief as the manacle unlatched and allowed him to drop his arm. “That... was a pain,” he groaned, taking a moment to relax as he clenched and unclenched his hand, willing more circulation back into the appendage.

With the first unlocked, it was a breeze to unlock the second manacle, and soon the legendary thief was free of his first trial. Standing up, Robin found the rubber fairly accommodating to all of his movements, squeaking and creaking as he stood up. Rubbing at his shoulders, he found every sense a bit dulled by the presence of the rubber, though his nostrils were certainly drowning in the scent of the potent garment. He originally planned to immediately strip the rubber off, after all, it was making his every action harder than it had to be. This plan was quickly cut short though, he had a collar around his neck that made him unable to remove the rubber suit, and there were two bands on his legs that did the same. He was stuck in the rubber suit until he could get the proper keys to escape the suit, and he was certain that would be on Horace.

Reaching down, Robin readjusted himself within the bulge of the rubber, blushing as he felt his manhood right under the rubber. Apparently, Horace had taken off his undergarments as well, and he really didn’t want to admit to himself how good it felt to have the rubber against his sheathe, so he ignored it as best as he could. With that done, the master thief started down the hallways of the rubber dungeon, his eyes peering into the darkness in anticipation of traps. He was thankful he did, as there were indeed traps spread throughout. The first was a pit trap, which Robin easily managed to leap away from, the floor dropping out to reveal a hole in the ground filled with water. At first the fox looked at it in confusion, it wasn’t much of a trap... but then he realized that the rubber would be that much worse if it was covered in water. “No thank you,” he said aloud, turning around and walking forward with a strut.

For a master thief to be duped was a terrible thing, and the fox was indeed duped as the floor once again gave out beneath him. This time Robin didn’t get a chance to leap away as he was dunked into water, deep enough to submerge him, but not so deep that he was in danger of drowning. “That... was a dirty trick!” he shouted because coughs, and he swore he could hear laughter from somewhere nearby. Clambering out of the hole was, as he had thought, much more difficult when the rubber was slick. He fell back into the pit several times, and he had to resort to crawling up the wall, his body tight against the rubber there. He blushed as his manhood was pressed up between himself and the rubber wall, the sensation was... really pleasing.

Grunting and grumbling, Robin Hood managed to eventually crawl up out of the hole, his fur soaked wherever it showed through the rubber, and the suit extremely slick. “This is a sick joke,” he growled, almost falling onto his face as his feet tried to slip out from beneath him. Leaning up against the wall for support, the fox started down the hallway once more, his eyes locked on the ground beneath him in anticipation of another floor trap. Horace did not believe in the rules of three it seemed though as there were no more pit traps, but the wolf was proving to be rather crafty in his own way.

Walking down the hallway, the fox failed to notice the alcove hidden in the shadows. From behind Robin, Horace stepped out and grabbed onto the fox’s sides, Robin’s face flushing bright red as the wolf’s hands cupped around his groin and started to grope him openly. “Looking nice in that rubber, Robin, how does it feel? Do you like it when I do this?” Robin let out a gasp as Horace’s paw cupped and groped his manhood, the fox’s cock twitching at the attention.

“Y... you’re getting really full of yourself!” Robin snapped, attempting to twist around and grab at the wolf. What he wasn’t expecting was that Horace had lubed up his suit, making him as slick as a greased up pig, so when the fox’s arms tried to wrap around the wolf it proved ineffective. Horace pushed the fox back, knocking him off his balance as he grinned.

“C’mon, Robin, enjoy the game! I put this together just for you!” Then the wolf was off like a bolt of lightning, racing down the rubber tunnel in a way that Robin could not duplicate. He also was too embarrassed at that moment to much more than glare after the wolf, his cock having firmed up under the wolf’s groping. The rubber around his crotch was tense and bulging, and Robin knew that Horace had seen if not felt his attention. “Just two more keys!” the wolf’s voice echoed down the hallway.

Not allowing himself to wallow in his failure, Robin started forward once more, though he was also keenly aware that his bulge was now glistening with the lube from the wolf’s ministrations. He considered trying to wipe off the lube, but was worried that if he did so, he would make the situation all the worse. He made a few turns, walking through the dim rubber halfways, occasionally lit by sconces that were just out of reach. The fox started to wonder if Horace was lying, maybe there were no keys, and he would just be able to make it out through some hole in the wall.

There were no breaks in the wall though, and soon enough Robin found the first gate that required a key. With his claws bound in rubber, he wasn’t going to be able to pick the lock, and there had been nothing left around that Robin might be able to fashion into a lockpick. So he glanced around until he found what he’d missed on his first go around, a narrow hole close to the ground, one that would require him to crawl through a tight tunnel. The interior was plush with rubber, both on the ceiling and the floor, and the fox knew he wouldn’t be able to get through without making contact with the coated surface. “Go on, Robin.” The taunting voice of Horace was just beyond the gate, and when he looked over he could see the wolf watching on eagerly. “Crawl through, I promise, you’re going to love it.”

“This is weird!” Robin snapped, though secretly he found himself... anticipating the crawl? He had enjoyed the feeling of being touched through the rubber, and to drag himself through there would be... very pleasant. Just the thought alone was getting him hard, and he tried to hide that fact by turning away from the wolf. “You’d better get running, Horace. Once I get this key, I’m coming after you.” The wolf just replied with a chuckle, causing Robin to flush as he got down on all fours and started to crawl forward. As he’d thought, the space was extremely tight, almost suffocatingly so, but he could breathe, and he could push himself forward.

Dragging himself forward, inch by inch, Robin knew it was coming, but wasn’t quite prepared as his crotch was dragged against the thick bouncy rubber. He flushed as he was practically humping up against the cushion, the squeak of rubber, the pleasure of it against his manhood. “D... dang...” he gasped, blushing heavily as he continued forward. His tail was thick and fluffy, which made the process all the slower as he had to drag it behind himself, pulling forward with a lot of effort, and all the while he was being assaulted with the squeaks of rubber. The scent was intoxicating, the fox had never realized how pleasant it could smell, and how good it felt on his body.

The pressure of rubber against his cock, Robin couldn’t help but pant, his body warming up with the pleasure... and also the tight cramped space of the corridor. At one point, the fox found himself wondering if the hallway would ever end. He pushed on and on, ignoring the need of his cock, the tightness of the rubber, and the urge to stroke himself. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of crawling, he came out the other side. The air felt cool as it struck his face, the hole breaking out into a small room, and in the center of the room was a golden key sitting on the floor. “Thank goodness,” he panted, dragging himself out and laying on the floor. He twisted his body around to make sure his cock wasn’t pressed against the floor, he wasn’t certain if he could stand any more contact.

“Congratulations, Robin! It looks like you managed to squeeze through! Though, you do know you have to go back through, right?” The confident voice of Horace froze the fox as he realized that the wolf was right, he had gotten to the key... but he still needed to get back to the door. He whimpered as he stared up at the roof, the light of a torch bouncing off of the ceiling’s rubber. He idly wondered how much the wolf had gotten his paws on this much rubber... but he supposed it didn’t matter. He didn’t answer as he stood and walked over to where the key sat, picking it up and looking over to see a door standing there with Horace peering through. “Oh, hello there,” the wolf said, grinning mischievously, “If you want, I could let you through this door instead of going the other way. But there is a cost.”

Robin’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, he was certain that the answer wouldn’t be something he would like, but he decided to ask it anyways. “What’s the price?”

The wolf held something up, and Robin saw that it was... a ball attached to some leather. “Merely this, you will be gagged up by this rubber, and you won’t be able to undo it until you leave. What do you think? Do you want to crawl through the tunnel again, or no longer be able to talk?”

That... was a good question, the fox glanced at the tunnel again, and he wasn’t certain he could put up with it again. He pondered the thought, wondered if his pride could take it... and finally sighed in defeat. “Fine, I’ll take the gag.” Horace’s victorious grin made him shiver with shame, but he tried to look confident all the same. “How do you want to do this?”

“Stand in front of the door,” Horace commanded. Robin did as he was commanded, and he soon was told to open his maw which he also did. The ball was a dark green, just like the material of Robin’s suit, and though he didn’t want it, he allowed for the ball to be slipped into his waiting mouth. It tasted of rubber, and it slipped deep into his maw, clenched between his teeth as the ball was bound by straps at the back of his head. It cinched tight, and then Horace locked it in place with a small lock. “There you go, don’t you feel better now?” the wolf asked, giving him a patronizing pat on the back of the head.

All Robin could do in reply was grunt around the ball, no words able to escape, and he couldn’t help but flush heavily as he stepped away from the door. “Now wait just a moment, I’ll unlock the door, and then you can continue your chase, Robin Hood.” Horace seemed to be enjoying himself greatly, and all Robin could think was that he couldn’t wait to teach the wolf a lesson. Though... he couldn’t help but feel strangely aroused by the whole situation, he’d never realized how sexy rubber could be.

There were some sounds on the other side of the door, the wolf had vanished from sight, apparently getting some distance before he unlocked the door. One moment the door was shut tight, and the next it cracked open with a click. In the meantime, Robin had attempted to unlock the gag, but as Horace had said it wouldn’t come out. The fox’s mouth was bound, and his mouth was filled with the taste of rubber... not as bad as he’d thought. There was something strangely appetizing about having the large rubber ball in his mouth, pressed up against his tongue, he had to resist the urge to suckle on it. As the door swung open, Robin threw it open to reveal nothing behind it but a hallway.

Going down the hallway, Robin soon came across the door that he’d seen before, the one locked with the key that he’d obtained. “I should’ve crawled through the tunnel...” he said to himself internally, but even then when he looked at that tunnel... he wasn’t certain he could stand the overstimulation any more than he had. Just standing there with his rubber still damp, the coolness of the tunnel, and the ball in his mouth... Robin felt like a different person at that moment. He wore something similar to his old suit, but he was clad in rubber, and he felt pent up like never before. Much to his own shame, he was starting to enjoy the strange games Horace was playing for him, and he might want to continue them for a while longer.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, Robin continued on his way, the key still clutched in his hand, though it was useless. Not to say that he didn’t try it, he attempted to use it on the collar around his neck, but it was no use. The lock to his gag was too small for the key, so that wasn’t going to work either. He expected more games, something else waiting for him... so he was a bit surprised and disappointed when he entered a large room leading to a flight of stairs.

Horace was standing there, waiting for him, twirling the finger around on his finger with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Hello there, Robin, how are you enjoying the ball gag?” Robin just grunted, instead staring at the key on the wolf’s finger. “Oh, do you want this?” Horace asked in mock surprise, glancing at the key before looking back to Robin. “Well, why don’t you come and get it?”

Not wanting to waste time, Robin did exactly that, sprinting towards the wolf. What he didn’t expect was the floor to be slick with more lube, so he slipped and fell, sliding across the rubbery floor and bouncing off of a wall. “Whoops! Guess I forgot to mention, I got the floor nice and slick for a roll around,” Horace laughed. The wolf threw himself across the floor, sliding around, cackling in joy as Robin struggled to climb back onto his feet, only to fall down again.

The fox felt foolish for falling into the wolf’s trap... and yet he felt strangely amused, it was as if he’d met someone who was just as wily as he was. The archer didn’t stand out as someone particularly special, and yet he was managing to match the fox’s own wits with his strange little ploys. Horace clambered up to his own feet, almost slipping before smiling and showing off the key once more. “Do you still want this, Robin? Or... perhaps you might want to play some more games?”

Despite himself, Robin’s ears twitched at the thought of another game. He felt... strangely compelled to do more of this, and he really didn’t mind the rubber at all. That admission to himself felt like he was admitting defeat in a way, and Horace seemed to notice his attentive ears. “I thought you might,” the wolf said with a sly smile, “well... if you’ll play along with me for a while longer, I have a friend who wants to take a turn as well.”

This caused Robin’s eyes to turn suspicious, he was certain that any friend of the wolf might lead to the sheriff or the king stumbling across them. “Don’t worry, he can be trusted. I promise you, we both share the same interests,” he purred, eying Robin’s rubber form hungrily. “But, if you want to play some more games, you’ll need to do something for me.”

Robin waited for the other shoe to drop, and watched as Horace gestured to some chains hanging off of a wall near him. “You’ll need to chain up again, just for a little while as my friend and I will make plans for more rubber traps. What do you think? Or... I could give you the key, and you can just leave. You’ll probably never see me again.”

Robin knew that his friends were likely waiting for him outside, he should get back to being Robin Hood, friend to the people... and yet, there was something so tempting about the personal pleasure he was feeling. Much to his own surprise, the fox stumbled his way over, and allowed Horace to lock him up once more. This time, he was allowed to stand, though his arms did ache as they were over his head once more. “There ya go, glad you’re so willing to participate,” Horace purred, and then slid down towards the fox’s crotch. “And as a little reward for you...”

Horace leaned forward and started to suckle on Robin’s rubber bulge, the fox letting out a yelp of surprise... that slipped into a moan of pleasure, dulled by the gag in his mouth. The wolf’s mouth suckled and sucked on the rubber, squeaking it, causing the fox to get fully hard within the confines of the tight rubber bulge. His hips gyrated and squeaked as the wolf licked and kissed his locked away bulge, the fox’s mind being fried with pleasure. By the time Horace stood back up, Robin was slack with exhaustion, his eyes fluttering, his breathing frantic. “Look forward to some more fun like that, big boy,” Horace said, slapping the side of the fox’s face a couple of times before he sauntered away, leaving the fox chained up.

Walking away, the sounds and smells of the rubber had Horace unable to stop rubbing himself. He truly couldn’t believe his luck, when he’d told Barney of how he’d found the fox, they’d both been unable to contain their excitement. Of course, they could have become standouts in the regiment’s of the king’s men... but the pleasure he’d gotten from teasing and pleasuring the fox. Horace’s toes curled as he let out a shuddering breath, his face pulling into a wide smile. “This is much better than turning him in for any paltry reward,” he laughed, his voice bouncing off of the walls of the dungeon.

Soon the wolf found himself in front of a large door which unlocked with a twist of his key, letting out a sigh of relief, Horace slipped the rubber hood off of his head. He loved the stuff, but it certainly could get hot if worn too long. As he opened the door, a large form behind the door shifted and came into view. A large rhino man, clad in a rubber outfit of his own, looked at the wolf eagerly. “So?” he asked, rubbing his hands together.

“Well Barney, I think we’re going to get quite a bit more fun out of this!” The rhino grinned at him, his own massive bulge squeaking with excitement. “It’s your turn, buddy. Go knock it out, and make Robin squirm.”

“With pleasure,” the rhino growled, grinning as he started towards the stairs, his rubber squeaking loudly with every move. The two would make sure to enjoy every moment they had with the fox, after all, how often did someone get a chance to play around with the fox of legend?

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