george o. pillsburry and republican elephant (republican) created by happyroadkill
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this is his second tower

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  • mere0


    Not to get political or anything but I'm trying to jerk off

    Updated by Versperus

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  • mere0 said:
    Not to get political or anything but I'm trying to jerk off

    I think there's a "politics" tag you can blacklist

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  • tesloco said:
    While it was a white guy, the shooter was a hard core democrat. He had a Harris sticker on his car.

    He was a Trump voter and a covid conspiracy theorist, I strongly doubt he was a "hard core democrat".

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  • fearofafurryplanet said:
    He was a Trump voter and a covid conspiracy theorist, I strongly doubt he was a "hard core democrat".

    Did some more research, he claimed to be independent, is a registered Democrat, donated to Democrat causes. He could have voted for trump before but now he's left leaning.

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  • kinda weird that BOTH shooters are such avid republicans they would try and kill their candidate on a hotly contested election
    like geez can you at least change the script a little bit for the second one
    but what do I know Im just a degenerate

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  • Instead of fighting with each other to the point of system instability like the Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies want, we should talk and discuss things with each other like normal people. Condensing information to erase nuance and assuming the worse of your political opposition doesn't help make things better or ease tensions.

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  • mere0 said:
    Not to get political or anything but I'm trying to jerk off

    Ever hear of the blacklist feature?

    It's amazing

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  • It’s so bizarre seeing that Republicans are just obsessed with trying to negatively paint Minorities and the LGBTQ+ community in an incredibly harmful and disgusting way that’ll only cause more violence towards these communities. Like this shit seriously needs to stop. Bigotry towards anyone is absolutely unacceptable.


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  • waywardneutrino said:
    Instead of fighting with each other to the point of system instability like the Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies want, we should talk and discuss things with each other like normal people. Condensing information to erase nuance and assuming the worse of your political opposition doesn't help make things better or ease tensions.

    Their efforts are by and large ineffectual and superfluous...... There has been something I have more or less been trying to explain before with all it's nuance and specificities, though I say it shortly and plainly now:

    The population is being driven insane by a structure, a system that no one man, no one party, no one business, ngo, firm, no one group of people had either collaborated to construct nor contributed toward with any other intent but the pursuit of personal profit. Their own gain. Individually pursued and in competition.
    We are living in the culminative entropy of over a century's worth of atomized pessimism about the human condition and through it's wasted efforts on shaping society in the wrong way.

    A society that is not functionally democratic, but merely operationally. Not functionally capitalist but only operationally.

    And so much of that society goes back to the moment news media had to become entertainment in order to be profitable.
    The moment journalism became theater.
    Not functionally informative, but operationally.
    Like a movie based on true events.

    But the problem with taking objectively real information in the context of local, national, global news, and transforming it into thrilling, exciting, suspenseful and theatrical entertainment, is that you are producing the same thing as a stage play or movie. You must always build toward the climax, the crescendo, the release of catharthis is something you must always build the audience up toward, you can't lose their focus, their attention and investment in what is happening on stage, you must keep them glued to their seats.

    And as one become more desperate for the retention of our emotional energy, as news distributors run out of events to stretch out, they must pull more and more out of their ass to show us.
    Awful enough is not profitable enough: You must harvest each sex scandal, every conflict, all killing sprees, each trial, everything, you are losing margins by not processing each carcass the same as you would for chickens, pigs and cattle and harvest even the brain and spinal cord to sell as protein for feed for livestock (Which is how mad cow disease happened).


    We are in a feedback loop of highly profitable hysteria that cannot stop and will not end until the world as we were born into it falls apart under it's own requirement to pursue monetary gains by any means necessary as if infinite growth was a reality that could ever manifest[/u].
    Noone can stop it because noone is in charge of it because there has never been any other conspiracy than the pursuit of profit and by the maxima of return of the minima of expense.

    And that is why american politics have degenerated to such a point that it is no longer worth the attention of even a child, who has better written cartoons and other children's shows to watch, which provide more insight than anything, from CNN to The National Enquirer, can provide.

    That is why legacy media in the US has become such a morbid fever dream, and why the most maleable of us suddenly go and do the psychotic things we do.


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  • mere0 said:
    No I haven't how do I do that

    Click the "Blacklist" thing on the upper bar between the "Help" and "Changes" things and then type in the tags you want to blacklist and then click save.


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