nier (mythology) created by pinkshinyhorns

nier's transition is going well

  • Comments
  • xandar_c said:
    Someone's going to have to explain to me what's going on here

    It was only said that, "it messes with your libido".

    They assumed it would lessen.

    Instead, it grew.

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  • xandar_c said:
    Someone's going to have to explain to me what's going on here

    Lots of layers here, funnily enough. Going on feminizing hormone replacement therapy messes with your libido. For a lot of trans women, it decreases it. For some it increases it or doesn't affect it much. Hormones are a funny thing like that. The comment above is also right: it didn't specify how it was messing with the libido

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  • thedragonrider said:
    Lots of layers here, funnily enough. Going on feminizing hormone replacement therapy messes with your libido. For a lot of trans women, it decreases it. For some it increases it or doesn't affect it much. Hormones are a funny thing like that. The comment above is also right: it didn't specify how it was messing with the libido

    But it DOES say "I'll miss being horny all the time" suggesting a decrease.

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