nintendo and etc created by allbadbadgers
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me me did a big write :3

Hope you enjoy~! Consider supporting for more artwork :3

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Change of Heart (Eevee TfTg Story):

You lean back in your chair and softly spin and fiddle with a poke ball in your hands. Staring blankly out the window while asking the age old question that all pokemon trainers have to wonder.
“Who to add to my team” you wonder, tapping the pokeball in your hands as two other balls jingle on your hips belt softly.

“Who best suits me? Who can MATCH me…. No… What pokemon can even keep up?” You ask aloud as a lady holding a pot of coffee steps by and raises her finger “u-um sir..? You can’t have your shoes on the table” she softly speaks as you lean back against the cafe seat and scuff the heel of your shoe slightly on the middle of the table, ignoring the lady as you continue to stare out the window and think to yourself.
Who could keep up…
The question circles you a few times as you finally move your legs down and get out of your seat, walking past what was now a manager and woman who have been yelling at you, but you’ve properly blurred them out from your attention as you walk past and out of the store with your hands now in your pockets. Your chest leaned back slightly and nose slightly uptilted to look down at those you walk past. You shove the ball of your foot against the glass door and shove it forward! Sliding it open too fast and abruptly forcing someone to stop in place who was walking by as you walk out and make your way through the street, walking across at the same pace before reaching the sidewalk on the other side and cutting over some shrubbery to get into the park without yet taking the path.

To the left you glance and watch people battling with their pokemon in the dirted arena’s made in the centre of the city.
A small set of people watching the encounters as you scan what pokemon are fighting.
Riolu - A baby mon personally..

Zorua - Just as much of a baby, and four legged as well? Psh.. any four legged pokemon isn't a real pokemon partner, you can’t converse and bond properly with something that weak..

Neither would make good team members, and you’ve already got a lucario. What pokemon looks badass? A zoroark? Mewtwo? He’d be lucky to be on MY team, you think to yourself before hearing a YAP below you.

You stop and glance down past your chest at a brown fluff ball staring up at you wagging its garlic shaped tail like mad.
A happy yipping eevee.
They walk forward and try to rub their face against your leg but you jolt your leg forward, forcing it back as it shakes its head about and looks up at you, not fully understanding that you don’t want the thing to touch you.
“Psh-... I bet you’re looking for a new partner huh?” you asked as you took a squat down in front of the eevee.
The eevee yapped and hopped up onto its hind legs! Planting its paws on your knee excitedly!

But your hand softly clicks the pokeball on your hip as you nod with a fake grin. “As if pip squeak! You’re not smart enough to even understand what I'm saying” you smirk before a lucario is released from your pokeball besides the eevee! The lucario twists! Shifting its foot against the ground, causing the other foot to collide against the vee’s side and sending it down the grass hill besides the dirt paths!
It yelps as it tumbles along, stumbling upright only to fall back on its side.
Watching you leave without even a second glance back at them. Though your lucario stares for a while at the eevee before grunting and resealing itself in its pokeball.

“HEY! DOUCHEBAG!” You hear from behind suddenly from a womans voice, causing you to turn, already prepping a cocky comment “Hey lady it’s just a fuckin eeve-” SLAP!!!!
“WHO DO YA BLOODY THINK YOU ARE!?” she yells at you!

Five fingers and a fast palm smacks across your face! Causing your head to whip to the right! The pain of the slap transferred up to your left eye lightly. Causing you to wince but only enough to stare forward and scowl for a moment. “Hahaaaaa ok. That’s your first mistake” you noted while tapping your hip, your lucario coming out of its ball and twisting on the ball of its foot! Raising its leg to kick against the girl! Only to be halted by a sudden Psychic grab from an alakazam! The scowling pokemon floating in the distance above the park, causing a man in a red hat to come jogging over “Hey hey heyyy! All pokemon fights must take place IN an arena people!” The man says, having not seen what was about to occur. He assumes it was just a general pokemon battle.
The girl and you simply scowl at one another. Her hand on her purse strap and her head unmoved from where the lucario would have kicked her. The eevee by the left of her leg watching with a sense of innocent curiosity even though it was attacked just before.

“Think you can handle that?” she asked while adjusting a flower designed ponytail scrunchie. This kind of stuff made you furious inside. Boiling even. You couldn’t just let this go now, not like she could best you anyhow. She’s just a lady.

“It’s Sooooooooo fucking on” you noted with a notable grit to your teeth as the two of you walked past the man who takes care of the park residents. He nods, happy people are going to enjoy some more pokemon battles today as the two of you walk towards the field. The eevee follows the girl but still slightly wandering to your side lightly. A big giggly and happy to see you still.
This causes you to scoff a little and roll your eyes as you take station at your side of the dirt arena, Lucario scowling near just as hard as you walking up by your side and past you. Giving you just enough time to whisper “Wipe the floor with her..” you grumble as lucario’s sights change from you to directly in front of him as the girl gets to her position, softly stretching her neck as the eevee waddles up by her side and takes a seat to watch in a bit of amazement.

“Wanna put a bet on this?” she asked with a certain level of confidence. Cocky prick..

“Obviously” you return with after a lacking moment of thought. Just enough to blindly accept a deal.

The girl nods with a smirk and softly twists her watch around, the thing clicking a few times before turning blue “perfect~” she whispered softly to herself as she bowed her head lightly. “What is your bet if I lose?” she asked, you give this one a proper thought. Trying to think how to ruin her the most after such an idiotic display… After a moment you smirk, feeling smart for this choice.
“If you lose, you have to quit pokemon battling for good.” he noted, the watch turning purple as she nodded with a grin. “Can do! And if Youuuuuuuu lose. You have to go on a date with the lil guy~!” she said while squatting down. Petting the eevee’s head, causing it to giggle in eevee yaps. While petting the eevee, and while you make an obvious stupid comment very loudly her way, she whispers into her watch. “And be their breeding good girl for life~” she speaks as the watch twists and turns red. Sealing the bet.

Happy with how this has all come together thus far, the girl stands back upright and plucks a pokeball from her hip. Holding it up to her lips and whispering “You know the drill boys~” to her team before tossing up the pokeball! The ball spins and twirls mid air before flying open! Spinning wildly as it spills red energy over her side of the field that condenses and fills together into a jolteon! The jolteon letting out a small electric cackle that sparks electricity around it as it aims its big grin across the field at your lucario.
Almost right out the gate the jolteon crouches down before FLASHING through a lightning streak through the field! Basically teleporting! Causing the lucario’s eyes to widen as it holds its hand out to spawn a long bone to fight with, needing the sweeping motions for such speed!

“Another weak four legged dog huh? Should have expected that’s why you cared so damn much!” you laughed out at her as the lucario swung up its summoned bone and slammed it down over a streak of light created by the jolteon as it bounced around the arena! A red flash appeared suddenly out of nowhere. Causing the lucario to blink with blurred vision as it swung at another yellow blur! Only to suddenly get BLASTED in the face with a shadow ball! A lone umbreon on the field far off on her side.

The light remaining from the jolteons lightning confused the lucario as she swapped out pokemon!?

Your lucario yells! Holding its head with a paw and its bone with the other as it blindly rushed forward! “WAIT YOU IDIOT!” you yelled! But the lucario ignored you, angry and frustrated it swung its bone to the right before SWEEPING to the left to take the umbreon that attacked it out! But just in time a flash of red appeared! Replacing the umbreon with the same jolteon!

“CH CH CH~!” the big teeth smirking jolteon chuckled once more before dashing past the lucario! Hopping up and kicking the lucario in the back of the head!

Your lucario struggles on the ground. Shaking slightly as a red flash appears, the umbreon staring down at him and grinning lightly before biting into his neck!

“S-SERIOUSLY!? A BITE!? HOW WEAK!” You yelled out in shock that this was how Lucario was defeated!

But you watched through the calming smoke that Lucario was.. GONE!?

All that was left was an eevee! Panting and drooling..!
It tried to stand but the bite on its neck FLUSHED with black fur! Its maw drooling pools of saliva as its ass bubbled up and expanded! Every part of its body jutting out in fatty masses as they cried out in blissful gasps!
The once lucario stumbling towards you in desperation and confusion!

“V-VAVOI!” it yelped as its eyes flushed with a golden hue! Its ears perking high up! Its tail high and its ass plump and fat enough to bounce an apple off of…

Softly the umbreon let a loooong lick down her ass and up her back… causing her to shiver as she giggled and started to yip “Umbeeee~” she giggled as you held lucario's pokeball in your hand… jutting it forward!
“R-RETURN!” you yelled! Only for the new umbreon girl to giggle and skip back to the girls side of the field. The girl places a pokeball on the floor and the umbreon boops it with her nose. Turning her red and sucking her into the pokeball!

Your pokeball POPS in your hand! Breaking apart as you lose lucario!

The male lucario grinning back at his beautiful new mate softly moves its eyes back to you with a smirk and a soft hard on.

“W-wwhat the fuck..!?” you yelled in a whisper to yourself before gripping your other pokeball and tossing it out!

“WAIT WAS YOUR BET FOR REAL!?” you question suddenly to her as she simply shrugs.
“Oh pleaseeee, how could that EVERR be reall~ not like I can make you into a pokemon.. Right?” she questioned as your heart started to pound! As your Blaziken came out to the field you immediately tried to call them back! But the pokeball buzzed and refused to take them back in!
(failed to escape the battle)

“H-HEY, CUT THIS OUT!” You yelled as Blaziken formed fire into a ball within its claws and threw it up into the air! The ball slowly floats up before pausing. And raining firebolts down across the field! The umbreon simply stands there knowing they’d be fine. A red flash appearing as the jolteon summons, chuckling as always with its stupid smile as it dashes across the field! Dodging fireballs that rain down and running up behind the Blaziken! Causing the Blaziken to freak out and turn around as fast as it could!

A red flash appeared afterwards as the blaziken made eye contact with you. “T-TURN AROUND ASSHOLE!” you desperately pleaded to the Blaziken, its eyes going wide as a flareon bit into its neck from behind!

The blaziken reaches its hands back! Gripping the Flareons fluffy neck and turning around in spirals! Trying to pull the flareon off as it fell to all fours with its ass facing you. Forcing you to watch as a flareons fat cock stuffed up his tailhole! Blazikens fur turning orange as his cock hardened and immediately slipped back into its fattening pussy lips.
His balls retreating up into the forming pussy lips to plump them up further as the flareon twists and drags the Blaziken onto their side! Causing them to shove their stubby new flareon arms out and kick their fattening legs wildly! Flipped onto their back with a cock up their ass they spit up saliva in a drooly haze as their world flips upside down in a somewhat literal sense and metaphorical.

You started to shudder watching. T-two of your pokemons turned into eeveelution fuck toys for the male fighters..!

“Dawww, isn’t it adorable~! They’re getting along!” The girl noted from the other side as cum spewed from the new flareon female's fat tailhole. Both of them panting and moaning out excited Flareon yips! Her fat tummy and body plump and jiggly as she flops to her side giggling stupid drooly flareon calls for more cock from her new sudden boyfriend.

“What’s wrong? I thought talking all of that shit would make you really good at holding your ground in situations like this~!” the girl laughed as your entire body shook in place.. Unable to play your next pokemon out of worry alone..!!

“F-Ffucking bitch..!” you stuttered from your end as you tried to back up, but your back runs into an invisible wall that perfectly comes up from the dirt arena’s perimeter!
You tap your hand against it and start to hit it while facing the field!
Your nose scrunches as you throw out your pokeball!

Summoning Greninja!

But you don’t even care about the fight anymore, you need fucking OUT!


You turn from the field and punch the invisible wall! Desperately grabbing at it as you watch your right hands fingers start to get fat a-and stubby..!
Your eyes widen as you shove your head against the invisible wall! “HEY!! HEY!!!!” You yelled out at people walking by in the park! They’re just 5 feet away! But they can’t hear you..! They can’t SEE you!

“HEYYY!! STUPID BASTARD!” you yelled at someone as you threw your watch their way! Only for it to hit the invisible wall and fall to the ground.

Meanwhile greninja is dealing with the nuisance that is jolteon, the fast bastard circling what will be his new fuck toy before long..
The flareon female having already accepted her new team and pokeballing herself just earlier.

The greninja whips its head around. Looking to you for what to do! Any advice!
But a jolteon bite chomps into its leg! Causing it to take a knee as 5 more bites riddle over the greninja’s body! Finally one into their neck!

A golden fur starting to rapidly puff up from every bite mark, the greninja’s legs starting to rapidly shake and quiver as energy FILLED its body!! Unable to contain such excitement and energy that the jolteon holds as the jolteon sprints up from a distance to gain momentum! Hugging around the greninja's chest and flying them back onto their back! The jolteon rapidly grinding and rubbing his plump cock and balls against Greninja's own! Fighting for dominance over the crotch space! Rubbing the frogs member away to a smooth and soon plumping golden garden for the jolteon to seed~

The lady, now sitting criss-cross on the floor, simply smiles while healing up eevee’s side leg that got a small bruise on it with a healing spray. “Hey, why don’t you help him out?” she asked the eevee while gesturing over to you.

The eevee excitedly nods and scampers over, around the field. Making their way over!

Once they reached halfway across the outer ring of the field, the greninja was already a panting jolteon taking dozens of thrusts every few seconds! The hastened sex causes them to get HYPER excited just like the jolteon! Both of them grinning with big teeth and proud smiles! Hugging around each other and humping hips against one another until they’d both explode in ecstasy~!

Your pokeball pops and shatters apart on your belt as climax bursts from the two in the middle of the field, leaving the jolteon panting rapidly and giggling softly through her big smile as she rolls the male over onto his back and pops his cock out of her plump pussy~ nuzzling her nose against his before jolting back to the lady to go get captured to her new team~!

You pant faintly while staring at the invisible wall and realising you’re out of options..

You turn, facing the open field and the lady. Standing upright and tall. Only for a JOLT of tingly feelings to fill your gut! Causing you to scrunch forward and forcing you down lightly!

“GG-RK-!” you grunted while trying to force yourself upright!

You manage but start to sweat as brown fur starts to cross up your tummy..!

“I-I’M.. S-S-SSO-SSOOR-RR-” you grunted through your rapid changing..! Your cock starts to harden forcibly! Tenting your pants as they slip down!

“Hm? What was that?” she asked a bit quietly from her side far away, raising a hand to her ear to cup them and hear you better.

“I’M!!!” you suddenly get jolted back down forward! Your back arches upwards as you hold your twisting stomach with your hand! Your other softly touching the ground needing the support otherwise you’ll fall!

You cough and pant as drool starts to pour down your tongue and onto the dirt below..! Your eyes widening as you watch one of the signs that happened to your other pokemon affect you..!

“I’M..!! EE-EEVVOI!” you yelped out at the lady! Groaning out as your cock wobbled and shook behind you! Your legs forced high! Refusing to let them fall to an arched eevee like stance!

The lady slowly walked up as you struggled to keep yourself together, your eyes still containing that bit of fierce hatred…

“Hmm.. I don't know if I'm convinced… You should be apologising to eevee here” she said as she pet along eevee’s head who quickly walked up to you and licked your face!
“S-sstu-uupi-w-wwuh….~?” you suddenly felt your mind daze as the scent of the eevee filled your nostrils… Your nose turning black and wet as you drooled over the vee’s footpaw..
“W-ww-wuahh-..?” you asked in a drunken haze as the eevee was called over by the lady.

The eevee turns and walks away from you. Revealing the scent that’s driving you fucking NUTS…

The eevee’s fat plump balls bounce and wobble away from you.. Causing your mind to absolutely SCATTER!

“W-WHA-!? V-VEE SO- C-CCUTE!?” you stutter as you stared forward! Trying to be angry..! Trying to hate! But it was being sapped out of you as your cock slowly slipped up into your crotch!

“N-NNO!..!! NO! NO NO!!!” you yelled through a panting lolled out tongue! Your paws forcing you upright as your arms extend! Your cock JUTTING OUT and turning red rocket shaped! “I’MM.. NOT.. S-SSOSSRR-RRRRR-!!!” you grunted!
The lady sighing as she taped her pokeballs. The umbreon, jolteon, and flareon appearing!

Immediately the umbreon gripped your shoulders and SHOVED you down! He pushes himself up on his hind legs and waddles forward, planting her paws on your plump asscheeks and PLAPPING his balls against your forehead and eyes! The scent of musk WAFTING down onto you and staining your fur and hair as he drags them up your head and against your growing ears. Simply holding you down to stare forward as the flareon large and powerful steps up behind you and slips their paws into your underwear before SHOVING their weight down! Forcing your underwear and shorts off in one fell SWOOP!
His warm wet nose presses right up against your new tailhole and starts sniffing! “HH-HHEEEYYyyyYY..!” you mumble through a scent overload!

Yet despite it all.. Despite all of the potent aroma’s flooding your nostrils and mind.. You could smell eevee through everything..!

“E-eeeEvoi..!” you groaned out..! Trying to call the vee!

The eevee’s ears perked! Turning its head and twisting around to sniff your face! “Eeveee~!” it called back at you, sniffing your face softly you can't help but moan with them so cc-close…. Y-your heart was fluttering.. Your body quivering..! The flareon shoved its tongue against your pussy and tailhole and started to lap up it in long strokes!! Your balls shrinking against every lick! Causing you to yip out a moan!
Falling weak and defeated against the floor as the eevee licks your cheek and drooly maw. Cleaning you up as you experience a world defining bitch-ifying that you’ve long deserved.

Eevee’s tongue slips against and into your mouth.. Staining your tongue and fur with his scent, everywhere you’d be, everywhere you’d run. You’d dream of him..! You can feel fantasies mix in your head of eggs getting pushed out of your fat fat pussy and with him by your side!

Fantasies of you both as umbreons! As jolteons! Flareons! Vaporeon!!!

You softly jut forward as your pussy squirts against the flareons tongue!

You yip and moan aloud in excited yips as your paws clench against the tattered and destroyed remains of your shoes! “EEVAAHH…~!” you mumbled in your lust driven craze, feeling the overwhelming blinding power of love pulsating through your stupid angry mind.
Every THOUGHT. Every FEELING. Every single moment you can imagine your future, it’s Enveloped by this eevee.. THE eevee..!

Your cheek thumps against the floor.. Your body falling weak and unable to process the orgasm that’s quaking in your body wanting to burst free..!
Whatever male power you were using to hold it back was trickling away as the umbreon and flareon hopped off of you..
“W-wwua…~ V-vavoi….~” you softly moan while on the floor drooly.. Pleading to be finished, pleading to cum..!

PLease…! I just want to be with you…!

Pleaseee….! I just want to Love him..!


You pleaded through love struck eyes, hearts thumping in your vision as the eevee watched the others leave you unsatisfied.

“E-evoi?” they asked, looking around and then at you. Sniffing your scent and looking faster around at the others.

The eevee stands up from its sitting position and yips at the others! “EEevvee! Eevee! Vee!” He’s trying to figure out why they won’t help you!
The eevee finally huffs while looking down at your desperate state and quickly moves behind you! Hopping up and trying to hop over your fat butt to get in a mating position! But your ass is too big! The eevee has to grip your fat asscheeks right over the maximum height they reach! Its arms squishing into the fatty plump hip cushions! Eevee squats down lightly and jumps harder! With an UMF-! The eevee lands over your back! Its paws pressed down against your back as your eyes slowly unblur… softly glancing back at the brown fur ball on your back…

It’s him..~!!...!!



Your soul ERUPTS with joyous glee! You hike up your butt and cause the eevee to bounce up a bit! His hard cock getting bucked up into the air! Only to land tip first right into your plump JUICY eevee pussy!


His cock felt bigger than anything you’ve ever even THOUGHT of experiencing!
Your mind so utterly clouded with love that you can’t comprehend that it’s just the tip of his normal sized cock, but instead it feels MASSIVE! Like it was MADE for your tight new pussy~!

Your eyes swirled with the spiralling hypnotic love as he thrust his hip forward! The entire length of the massive cock slipping in and causing your heart to get pierced with the biggest spike of love you’ve ever dang felt..!!

Your chest thumps! Thumps thumps thumps with your heart beat! The fur around your chest starting to turn white as you pant and huff rapidly to the point of nearly passing out!

“H-HAHH. HAH. HAH. HAH~!!” you excitedly bounce your ass up and down in a soft twerk as the eevee grips around your fat hips and humps to the best of his ability! His footpaws sitting on your calves like they’re a step ladder to manage to pound your giant towering mass of love apples.
The orgasm that was nearly taken away from you by the others was returning and stronger than ever! The pulsating energy in you shooting up your neck and evaporating your neck fluff! Turning your neck white and your snout a similar snowy white as pink fur envelopes around your head!

Your ear sprouts a cute bow at the base of your left one that SHOOTS out ribbons from both sides! Ribbons that quickly TIE the eevee on your back to your hips! Keeping him structurally stuck and firmly held as your ass GREW AGAINST HIM!

The eevee sweating and panting as he tried his best to satisfy such a giant eevee! Suddenly, the eevee thrusted DEEPER than ever! A knot POPPING inside of your pussy lips and causing your world to ERUPT into a blissful wonderland~!!

H-heaven is real and you are there… This is what you can only believe as eevee’s warm seed filled your womb… excess spurting past his tight knot seal and down your white tummy as you softly slumped down… your legs once standing tall finally slumping as all 4 of your sylveon ribbons rub and pet your tired eevee lover. Your eyes nearly shut as your trainer pets atop your head and smirks. “See, it wasn't that hard to pay him back now was it~?” she asked with a slightly smug grin as you softly tipped your nose forward into a pokeball on her leg. Red energy surrounding you as you capture yourself.

3 Weeks later:

You let out a giggle as eevee licks your nose on the walk over to the park. You wrap your ribbons around the handsome fellah and pick him up with them, plopping him on your back as you walk him to the park with your trainer and family~!

Finally at the place you take a lay down in the grass and calmly watch the pokemon battles your trainer takes place in while eevee rests atop of you watching along..~

The eevee and their giant girlfriend..~
What more could you ask for~?

  • Comments
  • Love the writing for your art, not the best at describing why this one in particular was so great to me, but it definitely was

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  • Yeah the protagonist definitely deserved his fate though their Pokemon didn't but since nothing was said about the others I imagine they were turned back after the battle and released since they weren't recalled into new pokeballs. At was a fun read.

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  • werewolfwill said:
    Yeah the protagonist definitely deserved his fate though their Pokemon didn't but since nothing was said about the others I imagine they were turned back after the battle and released since they weren't recalled into new pokeballs. At was a fun read.

    it mentions that they got captured into new balls by the girl by their own choice.
    They stayed tfed and were not released

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