arti created by artifyber
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Something off of an archive I found on X. I don't know if this is publicly available anywhere else besides there, so I'm uploading it here.

  • Comments
  • These really should get removed, Arti only lets a very small select of people/people she knows see her lewd art, she even does background checks on whoever’s accepted. Don’t think she’d like her private art being posted publicly


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  • thatonedude829 said:
    These really should get removed, Arti only lets a very small select of people/people she knows see her lewd art, she even does background checks on whoever’s accepted. Don’t think she’d like her private art being posted publicly

    looking at the describtion, this sounds like a fake arti, just sayin

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  • meteor_dragon_raymon said:
    looking at the describtion, this sounds like a fake arti, just sayin

    Even if the account isn't legitimate, it's still Arti’s private art being shared without consent. Regardless of the source.

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  • thatonedude829 said:
    Even if the account isn't legitimate, it's still Arti’s private art being shared without consent. Regardless of the source.

    Artifyber will need to file a Takedown to have the pictures removed. If she wants either a full DNP or a Conditional DNP, she needs to specify so in the Takedown (with the necessary conditions if applicable).

    That's so e621 knows that this is indeed the artist's (or commissioner's or character owner's) desire, and so we have a paper trail to point to if necessary. E621 operates under the assumption that the uploader already has the permission of the artist, but obviously, that's not always the case, including when the pictures are uploaded in bad faith.

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