amelie created by crimsoncolored
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Amelie's Self Discovery

Moments where she felt like a woman were fleeting, they were her little treasures, her most prized possessions.
Amelie had a few things that made her unlike others, ever since she can remember. Girls usually complained about their noses being too long or being too hairy, Amelie could complain about those things too, in her eyes she had more reasons to than anyone else.
All her life she was made to hide and suppress habits that to her felt right by an ever disappointed mother. Nothing she tried ever made her feel like she was one way or the other, there was always something in the way, usually her tail.
She couldn't blame her mother, she came out too fuzzy compared to other babies in the maternity ward. What at first seemed impossible but simple enough to deal with became a challenge when she first tried to speak. That's the moment when her parents realized they were dealing with something truly extraordinary.
She was smart and learned quickly how to deal with a world not meant for her, how to go about using the appliances at home, how to read and write using her muzzle(she preferred typing of course), how to deal with people’s prejudiced views of her and all the heartbreak she felt over and over again in her teenage years.
Her life as a librarian was infinitely better. Life after school became more pleasant, with more people around her that tried to understand her condition, and her time in university taught her so many things she needed to be independent in addition to what she learned in grad school. Kids loved the fluffy borzoi lady, and she was surrounded with people that were used to her appearance most of the time.
Yet the feeling that she was never quite a dog or quite human wouldn't go away, the creeping loneliness that followed it came and went. In one of these lonely, cold evenings she stayed late in her office, lapping wine out of a bowl while idly browsing Goodreads on her phone,eyes scanning side to side though round glasses, hoping that the ideal story that would fill the hole in her heart would spontaneously materialize.
She raised her head from the couch after hearing a knock on the door, she hastingly covered the bowl and sat up, straightening her dress with her long snoot.
“Yes yes please come in.” She yapped at whoever was at the door.
A lanky young man came inside, one of her new interns, Michael was his name. Amelie liked him so far, something was different in the way he looked at her, it reminded her of how other guys looked at women they were into. That look puzzled, terrified and captivated her all at once, how could that be? And to make it all more awkward he quickly became one of her most valued interns, managing to fulfill all his tasks with little instruction and complaints.
Amelie was reluctant to admit to herself that he fit the profile of men she liked, men she liked to watch while pleasuring herself with a magic wand. At times she imagined them having fun in all sorts of lewd manners with her just as she is, not caring at how impossible it seemed.
All that made it so much harder to deal with Michael in a professional way, she was glad she couldn’t flush or it would be obvious to all in the building how much she wanted to even just kiss him… In whatever way she managed to.
He wore a button-up shirt and jeans, his dark and curly hair was not as neatly groomed as her wavy fur but it still had its charm. Amelie wagged her tail twice as she realized he was in front of her, holding on to his bag as he typed something on his phone before looking at her.
“Hey Miss Gallucci, I know it's late but I realized you were still here. I just wanted you to know that the report on what books are missing is finished.” He said with a look on his face that showed how proud yet relieved he felt, Amelie wondered what else was going on with his life.
“Oh thank you darling, I’ll never understand what gets people to steal books from a library like this, can you please print a copy tomorrow? Someone will want it faxed at one point, you know…” She sighed, resting her head back on the cushion. “Would you like to sit? i don’t know if you’re ready to leave or not but you’re welcome to” she added.
Amelie noticed and always appreciated how he managed to sound natural and polite when speaking with her, never with the tone she heard others use with her, he was genuine like that, she saw his eyes move to face hers, and both of them blushed. Michael smiled and sat next to her, placing his bag next to him.
“Of course, also it just started raining, so I might as well try to wait it out right? Would you like a ride after?” He asked, sounding actually excited to offer her a ride. “Sorry for never asking about it before, i have no idea how you get home after work and we could’ve been riding together for a lot longer” he had a sorry look on his face, like he committed a way more serious infraction.
“Oh no no no no it’s not a big deal at all! I live somewhat close and usually when it's raining I just put a coat on, it doesn’t bother me too much.” Amelie tried as hard as she could not to sound flustered but the half bottle of wine she had was not helping.
“It’s gotta be just, so hard y’know…” Michael reached over to pet her head, feeling her soft wavy chestnut hair, currently tied in a bob. They both stood quiet there for a little while, Amelie curling down with her eyes closed, until he raised his hand.
“Oh man should I have done that? or…” He inched away from her, placing both hands on his lap “Sorry Ma'am, if i offended you.”
“Aw Michael, don’t say that, i never felt more comfortable with someone petting me” She rested her head on his lap, layed belly up on the couch.
“You can keep doing it, I would appreciate it very much. Just please put my glasses on the side table.” she said, downing her ears and closing her eyes. “Would it be too much if I told you 're the only one here that talks to me like I'm a real person? I truly appreciate you for that” She felt herself blush under her creamy white fur.
Michael’s erection was throbbing under her at that moment, and she didn't mind it at all. God what was wrong with her? 38 years of loneliness, that's what. Amelie spread her legs open, her dress slid up a little, showing more of her soft and fuzzy thighs, her swollen cunt’s contour slightly visible against the fabric.
“Amelie you’re the sweetest woman I’ve ever met, perfect in all ways i could think of!” He confessed after taking the glasses off of my muzzle.
“So if you say that you mean…” Amelie tried to say, stunned.
A Woman.
The word felt foreign to her. She heard others: Bitch, good girl, freak, demon.
Not even her mother referred to her as such, she heard her classmate’s moms refer to their daughters proudly in that way, she waited for her turn. It never came.
When people called her a woman and then realized what she was they corrected themselves.
“Yes, I'm into you, you're hot, sexy, due to all your mannerisms and your body, fur, muzzle, all of it.” He said with a light stutter, gently rubbing the fluff of her neck.
“But since when?” She said while sitting down next to him, her heart racing.
“The longest time, you just fascinate me.” he said, turning to face her.
Her fuzzy tail wagged nonstop, she couldn't help panting in excitement.
“Would you kiss me? sorry if its sloppy its my first, and well, muzzle.”
His face lit up and he reached forward, she leaned into and soon their lips met, Amelie tried to compensate more with her tongue due to the shape of her lips but Michael still seemed to enjoy it, she placed both her paws on his shoulders and he held her back, they held each other close for what seemed forever while the rain tapped softly on the roof and the window before they looked at one another again, serenely and fulfilled. Then Amelie lapped his face, making him giggle.
Before they noticed, Michael had helped her out of her dress and left his pants somewhere else in the room. They laid together drinking what was left of the wine for the longest time, his hand inching closer to her pairs of nipples and sex. She reached to kiss him again once his fingers touched her genitals, exploring their strange, swollen shape, circling around the dark chubby lips and stroking the freckled opening. Amelie was so wet within, she could not keep herself from moaning as Michaels fingers delved in, her juices flowing out as her spade was prodded by the slender hands.
Amelie’s long snoot had picked up a very specific scent, that at that moment drove her insane, she inched closer to it, and had to fill her nostrils with it.
Michael’s cock was right in front of her. She poked it with her nose, taking the musky fragrance in, giggling, she figured she was lucky that it felt richer and more differentiated to her than anyone else. A Wonderful treat, just for her.
“All yours Maam!” He said with a chuckle.
She wanted to please him, so damn much, make him moan and squirm, and she figured it was time to reward the kid for all his hard work. Her tongue circled around his wet glans,pulling back on his foreskin, she could taste him, and it was all so new to her, sour, acrid, somewhat zesty and salty. More pre kept coming as she licked that cock as large as her muzzle, and she welcomed it, she gave in to instincts buried in and to the beast that made her flesh. Amelie took his throbbing cock in her mouth, bobbing her head, eager to milk him. Michael made the strangest noises as she kept slurping on his penis, her tongue draging along its veiny skin, he held on to the fur on her neck but otherwise resigned to being her plaything for the moment. Power was a thing she was not used to wielding, though within her domain she had plenty, yet she never acted like it. Well if it felt as good as making Mikey here squirm and beg, maybe she could get used to it.
Amelie lapped all his cum up when it came, not much remained in her lips, but Michael kissed her once more anyway.
“So how was it?” She inquired, nuzzling on his cheek.
“Marvelous i think, it was my first actually. The only other time I had sex ended up being so rushed.” He smooched her neck.
“And you're making me feel like a teenage girl for the first time, or at least there's nothing ruining it this time” she said, still wagging her tail with enough force to break a bone.
“You're really not the same as you usually are and i like it, dear” He took her in his arms and held her against him, they gave each other playful licks, until Amelie gave into a fit of giggles, hopped onto the floor and picked his pants up on her mouth. They played tug for a while, Michael giggled, she growled playfully.

The rain tapped gently on the roof of Michael’s car, Amelie was wrapped up in his hoodie, on the passenger seat. She could feel his hand caressing her ear while all she smelled was him, him all around her. Heaven. She even let him carry her stuff with him to his car, Lord, what was wrong with her? All that she needed this whole time was a scrawny dude and the bare minimum? These were things to worry about later, now she had a few deep wounds to heal.
He took her stuff to her second floor apartment, it was minimalistic save for the bookshelves, but she liked being able to clean it easily. Not that there was room for a lot of stuff, being just one bedroom with a kitchen attached to the living room. Michael left her bag on the couch, and moved over to scan the titles on her shelves.
“This is a really nice place, I don't know what you were talking about. You should see where I live, the only thing I can say for myself is that it's just a room to stay in during the week.” He pulled a book and read the blurb on the back. “Chess? Would you play with me sometime? I'm not great, just saying.”
“I gravitate towards things that are practical to do with paws” she said, flusteredly waving her paws to him.
“I guessed so” He petted her chin, making her nethers heat up all over again.
“So are you free this weekend? I have some ideas of what you like to do but I think we are both very alike, we’ll come up with something.” He had that warm, gentle smile on his face again, Amelie wished she could smile.
“I rarely go out but I’m sure I can muster the courage to go out for dinner, I haven’t in too long.” She said, half-embarrassed by how much of a hermit she was, but avoiding new places made her life more comfortable and kept the stares away.
Amelie was not ready to let him leave, This could not end so soon, not when he was right here in her home. Thinking quickly, she opened a cabinet and pulled a wine bottle from it.
“Would you like to share it with me before you go? It was a gift and I can't open corked bottles on my own, so you’d also be doing me a favor.” She yapped between tail wags.
Not long after they were mingling on the couch, her bowl next to his glass on the center table. Their clothes left their bodies before the bottle depleted, having all the time they wanted in that seemingly endless friday, they felt and explored each other's bodies to their leisure.
“You called me a woman earlier today” Amelie commented while laying on his chest, her muzzle resting right over his chin.
“You’re a woman, and you're wonderful” He reiterated, scratching under her ear.
“No one calls me that ever” She growled, not at him but at everyone, life, fate.
Micheal’s hand was again caressing her ass, cunt, making her body twitch and whimper. He kissed the underside of her muzzle.
“I’ll call you that often then, honestly, I can’t believe how full of losers the world is. Their loss, I have the best right here.”
Amelie bent down and kissed him, placing both paws on his chest.
“Prove it to me then, make me feel like it. Fuck me like it” She ordered him.
“Of course Ma’am, have I ever let you down?” He teased.
She was literally swept from her feet, Michael had lifted her and then put her belly up close to one of the corners of the couch. She Spread her hind legs wide, having some idea of what he was going to do, giggling.
It was not hard for him to wrap his lips around the edges of her swollen sex and dip his tongue in, and that's what he did. Suddenly her lower half was on fire, jolts of pleasure shot up from her nethers and felt so intoxicating to her mind. She found it hard to breathe, she was panting and lolling her tongue, whispering his name as she continued to feel her hot sex explored by that thick strong tongue, circling and dipping into her canid vulva. When he pulled away he played with her set of nipples, stroking her soft bare tummy while looking at her in the eye.
“It does taste the same as a human’s if you're wondering, but it does feel more supple and warm, so so special.” He purred to her.
Amelie could once again smell his oozing cock, she again welcomed it. This brought back so many repressed feelings, so many unresponded crushes and fantasies she had throughout her life. Things she convinced herself for the longest time that she didn’t need and were so foolish!. Oh she was the foolish one, because deep down there was something that made her human and this deep need proved it, the need to feel beautiful, equal, loved, hot, valued. Right now she was that needy teen craving cock and she needed that fulfilled.
“I swear if you dont fuck me till i can’t walk tomorrow ill fucking maul you…” She whispered under her breath.
Michael chuckled “Guess I’m taking too long, I should take that seriously though, borzois were used to protect herds from wolves”
“Uh, you learn something new every day i guess” Her ears perked up.
His tip brushed against her wet sex, making her whimper and groan, she lapped at his face, and they kissed as he pushed in. It felt just right, she wasn't sure of how it would feel actually, but she was so small and slender compared to him, she at times would think human cock would feel too big in her, but now with the real thing sliding in and out of her soft, warm insides her mind was somewhere else, it felt more encompassing and filling than his tongue, her lips being pulled out half an inch when he did, their swolleness gripping tight on his cock, as they would around an inflated knot.
This was nice, but she wanted something that gave her more control.
“Put me on top, I wanna ride you” she said in a low growl.
“I like the sound of that” He answered to her, clumsily flipping them both around.
Her riding ended up being more of a hop, still felt great to be in charge. A mighty spike of heat and pleasure went up her spine every time her cunt touched his groin. Michael held to her like she was the most precious thing in the world, playing with her nipples and supple pelvic area.
“not pulling out, okay?” she asked him.
He nodded at her “almost there babe.”
She leaned forward, laying on top of him as she could already feel his seed gush into her, that sticky warmth that quickly became one of her new favorite pleasures. They shared a kiss as their glow slowly faded.
“Dinner? I’m actually starving.” Michael asked her.
“I could have one of those wolves, doesn’t sound half bad” Amelie said giggling.
They had pizza for dinner, while sharing gripes in common with the literary scene.
“I ended up interning at the library because i had no idea what to do with my love for books, and i never saw myself as a writer, eventually i kinda ended up there. Sorry if I'm not more passionate as you might’ve thought I am.” He ended up confessing at one point.
Micheal sat at the other side of her dinner table, surrounded with titles from her shelf.
they had spent the time until the food arrived discussing them.
“I get that, hun, I do. In my case I also loved reading, its one of the only things in my childhood that I truly loved. I also did consider writing at one point, and I still might. It was a path that made sense for me, and in it I found so much compassion for myself compared to anywhere else, it might've been blind luck but I like where I am now. Still not good enough for mom though.” She told him between a bite of pizza and another.
“God, did she want you to lose the fur and grow hands or something…You're doing so well, human standards considered.” The disgust on Michaels face was palpable.
“Joys of being the eternal familiar disappointment” She said rolling her eyes. “Now I have someone to show off during Christmas dinner,right?” Amelie added in a joking tone.
“Do you think she’ll like me?”
They shared a mutual laugh and tail wag.

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