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Survos! tevan Baxtale! an Mishto alakum tut!

oooooooooooookay so, this is the last agnsty post from notglue... buuuuut! thankfully the commission i'm currently getting will be a little more happier! after its done being paid for :'3
the song credit goes to: centreWorld's Rider's Lullaby. art is by @NotGlue9m on twitter! go check em out! more to come soon! i'll keep ya'll up to date!

story behind this: cryx was found by other rangers in the polaris galaxy and well... they weren't to fond of cryx since they never seen someone for likes of them.. something about Cryx sets them off about their strange magic that they weild. not so powerful enough to stop them though as they were both captured. cryx was dragged away with a promise that they were just "testing them". turns out.. it was torture. Ratchet couldn't do anything but stand there and watched the trauma unfold. ratchet has already been through enough crap as it it is so this one.. really broke him, after heading back to ratchet's garage after stealing Cryx from the facility, he did not say a word on the ride there. the only thing he could do was bandaging the poor little fox all night. no sleep. no eatng. just... not letting go of his partner. it was enough to drive anyone into overprotectiveness. after the arrival back to veldin at the Kyzil plateau only cryx slept that night. the following morning was... cautious. since Cryx being a alarmingly smaller height then Clank, it gave ratchet more of a reason to have this maternal urge to
protect them more, so much more then what he did with Talwyn. hopefully. things will change for the better.
during that night. Ratchet hummed them a song. after? well.. before drifting off to sleep ratchet whispered to himself "never again..."

  • Comments
  • Fantastic! Love the animation and love the comforting feeling blended with all the angst, great stuff!

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