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  • THIS!!! This is what I'm looking for in snake porn! And it's even better since snakes are my very favorite

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  • Pretty great. Slight criticism: I feel like you wanted the female moans to sort of drown out the male ones, so you upped their volume but it's really loud comparatively.

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  • I know looping a section twice (including its audio) is great for video length but it's really distracting and off putting
    Would be better to just keep it slightly shorter imo

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  • furchee said:
    I know looping a section twice (including its audio) is great for video length but it's really distracting and off putting
    Would be better to just keep it slightly shorter imo

    I disagree with this personally, I've always wanted involved anims like this to just allow each segment to be longer. I also didn't notice it or find it off putting, myself.

    Just like how I adore that this doesn't have a pull out at the end. Nice.

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  • Pretty sure it's the model by VulgarVictor.
    I figure Victor's work in modeling and rigging helps push this animation by Twitchy to stand out from the norm.
    I usually see Twitchy use Petruz's models, while detailed, appear to me as overly muscular and stiff.
    Victor's models seem softer, which is ideal for more intimate animations. Bedroom eyes also seem to add some soulful sexiness to their appeal.

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  • I absolutely love it! Though it would be great if there was a version with out the male grunts and moans.

    Not to say the va did a poor job, they did well. But aside from personally not liking male grunts/moans in general aside, when it comes to a pov video especially, if I am watching it, it's to self insert as the pov, so when there are sounds coming from the character who it is supposed to be the pov of that aren't mine, I find it really takes me, and I imagine many others, out of it.

    Small personal gripe aside, this is truly a fantastic work!

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  • This comment will be to no avail, but the cheesy repteated hissing sound effect, animation, and kissing animation has to be done away with.

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  • In some cultures, being able to safely kiss a snake is a sign that you possess holy powers!

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