cidari marae, emanuela, and naty (mythology) created by naty
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Venus Em Trap! FINAL

Not too long later, a roo would make her appearance in front of the duo. A roo Em had a few interactions with before. One rather adept when it came to botany! Especially for plants like these. But, one that also seemed to be susceptible to the plant's powerful scents, as by the time she had reached Em, she was fully nude and pressing her erect cock into Em’s very excited opening.

The pair had quite the passionate moment, even going so far to have Em’s vine-like clit wrap around and squeeze her cock and fondle her balls. But after getting a full load pushed into her, Naty, in her weakened, ecstasy high, was in no condition to fight back as the other bulb wrapped around her. It ate her up just as quickly as the other had Cidari, squeezing around her form even more hungerly with the desire to have such a ‘perfect specimen’ within its clutches. Being packed with ‘every food source’, Naty was finally the perfect catch, and she could barely make muffled mrffs and grmffs of surprise and desperation as she was hoisted into the air and sucked down into a near identical position as Cidari.

The only difference from the pair captured before would be the firm, pushed out and firmly presenting length between Naty’s legs, the appendage continually milked and fondled as the crotch was left open. Naty pushed up into the throws of continual, constant bliss, getting milked for every fluid she was worth, groped as firmly and as heavily as both the other women bound next to her, while Em deeply enjoyed every moment of it.

Her task had been complete, and with the inclusion of Naty, she felt well and truly full. She felt another bulb be created ‘just in case’, but her inner hunger was left truly satisfied. And with it, pleasure wracked the three of them fully, their bliss filled juices flowing freely. And they were left in the throws and shudders of ever present passion, until someone came to finally release them.

That time being a long, long time in coming indeed…

ANDDD it's donnnne ; v ; fheehe with a lovely lil roo Naty was so kind to be/provide as our final little victim here :3c. REALLY like just how tight and form fitting the 'pods' are here, just looks so friggen good and I like it a LOTTttt ; v ; everything about this whole sequence is really just hecken great, and I'm happy to finally get it all out into my gallery! :3 Though I will admit I got a bit 'spent' with the end here but I feel I did enough description for the previous parts that one can 'infer' the rest here feheh ; v ; but hope you enjoyed this long 'saga' as much as I VERY much enjoyed getting these imagesss >//>;

Art by Naty

Em is mine!

  • Comments
  • pc_building_yoshi said:
    They'll be okay, right? They wont suffocate or die?-

    i....did you...yknow what just gonna be nice and say. look at the first image in the set and press on the thing that pops up a paragraph

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