created by sampsonwoof

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(Story by Sampsonwoof)

I drew in a sharp breath as I unfastened the fly of my jeans.

Well, here goes nothing.

With a tug, I pulled them off and stepped out of them one footpaw at a time. Now I was only wearing my NastyHog jockstrap. Holding my breath, I stuffed my jeans inside the dark locker and clanged the door shut. A dog about fifteen feet away swiveled his head towards me. I shivered as the weak light managed to find its way to the back of his eyes, making them glow. The dog moved on, keeping his gaze on me for a few moments before disappearing into the showers. I released the air from my lungs then drew in a deep breath to let the dank, wet scents of the space fill my nostrils.

What the fuck was I doing here, anyway? Outside, somewhere past the surly guy behind a mesh screen at the front entrance was the City of Light. My unexpected business trip to Paris meant my evenings were free. Instead of wandering along the Seine or taking in the sights of the Eifel Tower’s light display, I found myself deep within the caverns of a sex dungeon somewhere north of the Centre Pompidou. A furtive online search brought me here. That and my raging libido.

I turned the key in the lock and wound the elastic cord around my bicep. Shit. No going back now. I adjusted my jock and gave the front of it a nice rub. Might as well advertise. Maybe it will go quick. Just a nice blowjob and I’ll be back outside having a kir before bed. My tail twitched autonomously as I strode out into the main space.

Dark figures moved about. Some of them were naked. Most of them wore underwear or a jock like me. I positioned myself against the wall and watched. A rhino knelt in front of a boar and began licking the boar’s cock before taking it into his maw. Two dogs were humping in a corner. Muted trance thrummed from speakers clinging to the ceiling. I swallowed hard as I made my way towards a darkened entranceway.

A maze crafted out of cheap, black-painted plywood could barely be made out past the light of the main room. The strong scent of men filled my nose as I pushed my way inside through the line of men on either side of the narrow hallway. My fur brushed against theirs as meaty paws fondled the front of my jock and my bare ass. More than one of them stroked my tail as I stumbled towards a glow of light. A door swung out of the plywood maze, temporarily muting the light. My night vision finally adjusting, I witnessed a tall canine pad out. He left behind a panting deer, still dripping cum from his asscrack and gripping the far wall of the small room.

Grunts, moans and howls punctuated the darkness. Smiling to myself, I wondered how many of the patrons had wives or husbands at home, freeing themselves from any repetitive sexual boredom…or lack of sex altogether.

A quick movement caught my eye. I jolted my head to the left. Beyond the glow coming from the next room, a figure slid into view. A tiger. A lean, young tiger. I silently took in a sharp breath.


He was naked except for a leather harness and a full-head rubber hood. His lean, lithe body moved effortlessly. I licked my sharp teeth and grinned as he tilted his head towards me. As if on cue, he ran a paw down his sculpted abs and grabbed his genitals.

He was mine.

Slowly, he began to move into the next room. Keeping his eyes locked with mine, he ran a claw across one of his asscheeks.

Seems I had more than a blowjob coming my way.

Casually, I padded behind him and into the cavernous space beyond. My eyes blinked in the light. More creatures groaned and ground against each other. An entire room of full-on fucking. It seemed the deeper I went into this sex cave, the more uninhibited the patrons became. The tiger padded silently between the heaps of rutting beasts towards a door. He unlocked it with a key tied around the top of his left bicep. I hurried inside behind him.

Darkness descended as I shut the door behind me. Only the dull glow of a dimmed bulb lit the small space. Instantly, I felt his warm tongue lap against my thigh.

“Es-tu timide?”

My brain searched for the meaning. Nothing.

“Uhhh,” I replied stupidly.

The tiger yanked down my jockstrap. My semi-hard erection slide into his warm mouth and began sucking.

“As tu peur?”

Okay. Fifty percent chance of a correct answer, I reasoned.


The tiger grabbed my testicles and eagerly returned to sucking my meat. Whatever he asked, I must have answered correctly.

Still holding on to my balls, he asked another question.

“Es-tu sauvage?”

Oh shit. Uh.


The tiger snarled and gave my balls a hard yank, triggering a stifled yelp from me. He pulled me a foot towards him as my knees collided with the side of a mattress. Okay. Guess this is happening now. My cock bobbed in the darkness, hard as a rock. I knelt on the raw mattress and pressed my thighs against the back of his.

“Fuck,” the tiger growled.

I knew no translation was needed.

Gingerly, I positioned myself closer. With one paw on my shaft and another fumbling around for his hole, I pressed inwards. To my delight, I slid inside him effortlessly.

Fuck, indeed.

I gripped his hips as I began to grind. Shit, he was perfect. Eager to shoot my load, I went full-speed. My thrusts made the tiger alternate between moans and snarls. Thoughts of Paris receded. Here, in this dark room underground, there was only me and my prey. I reached under his torso and gripped his erection as I came. Shuddering with each shot of seed, I snarled uncontrollably. Digging my claws deeper into his haunches, I let the wave of orgasm carry me.

The tiger snarled. He’d brought one of his paws underneath him, jacking his own meat. Quickly, he tensed and growled deeply as he came with me still inside. Chest heaving with heavy breaths, he turned to look back at me, eyes shining in contrast to his black rubber hood. I rumbled, pleased at our furtive encounter. I reached out and drew a claw down the side of his hood as if I were stroking it. He narrowed his eyes appreciatively.

Having shrunk considerably, my dick slid out of him. He scrambled to his footpaws and reached for the door handle. With a turn of his head, he stage-whispered one word.


And he vanished.

The next night found me in a far more typical Parisian venue – studying the traffic and passers-by at a small table outside a café in the Marais. My encounter from the night before buzzing in the back of my brain, I wondered how many of the folks I saw walking past knew this panther was still obsessing about the anonymous fucking I’d done the previous evening. Probably none. Perhaps they were reliving their own encounters as they hurried to the Metro or their flat.

I cradled the glass of red wine I’d selected from the menu in my black paw and gave it a slight swirl. This was the cheapest liquid in Paris and I was decidedly okay with this. The lemur who waited on me wasn’t so bad-looking, either. Turning my head slightly, I could see him chatting with another waiter. I nearly dropped my glass.

Was it him? The tiger smirked at the lemur and passed him five Euros. The lemur put a slip of paper in the tiger’s paw. He seemed to be about the right height and shared the lean frame of the tiger I’d put my cock into not 22 hours before. I drew in a sharp breath as the tiger strode outside the café and towards my table.

“Excuse-moi, monsieur. Un autre Beaujolais?”

I nodded, wiping the shocked look from my face with an awkward smile. “Oui.”

The tiger’s eyes locked with mine. The same eyes under that hood. The very same. I swallowed hard.

“Magnifique.” With a sly smile, the tiger spun on his heels and went inside, giving me a wink as he opened the door.

Within moments of my last swig of wine, he returned and carefully set a fresh glass on my table, along with the bill.

“Perhaps,” he spoke with heavily-accented English. “Monsieur may find…un autre vin…compliments of the house.” The tiger smirked and briskly returned inside. I looked down at my bill.

Scrawled in the blank space was his phone number…and a note.

“You said you were rough. I didn’t get enough of that.”

I swallowed hard.

“If you would like to try again, call me.”

I looked up. He was watching me from inside.

I smiled coyly and nodded slowly.

He returned the smile and nodded back.

As lovely as the wine was, I’d never finished a glass so quickly.

He returned for my payment. As he reached down to pick up the plastic tray with my Euros, I put a paw on his wrist. We locked eyes.

“Oui,” I rumbled.

He leaned into my ear.

“Call me at ten.”

He slinked away.

Our eyes met.

It wouldn’t be the last time they would meet that evening.

  • Comments
  • What a beautiful story! Although i'm interested in how it went further, the way that you use open endings is quite nice. Allows you to continue it in your head.

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