farah and fryx created by dr.bubblebum

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This month it's Copper!

  • Comments
  • dragonc said:
    I still dislike him

    Yeah, he's in this situation because he slept with another fox's mate then partially blinded him in a fight instead of running away. When she asked to come with him, he could have said no; because he didn't, he verbally abused her until she died, then transferred the abuse to his kit. When his kit was rescued, he was warned to stay away, but rather than heed the warning of the sympathetic person who saved his kit's life, he decided to assault and possibly murder someone else, then lie to an entire tribe to gain admittance under false pretenses while insulting and berating them. He's the very clear villain of this story, and not a sympathetic one either.

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  • bwiljk said:
    Yeah, he's in this situation because he slept with another fox's mate then partially blinded him in a fight instead of running away. When she asked to come with him, he could have said no; because he didn't, he verbally abused her until she died, then transferred the abuse to his kit. When his kit was rescued, he was warned to stay away, but rather than heed the warning of the sympathetic person who saved his kit's life, he decided to assault and possibly murder someone else, then lie to an entire tribe to gain admittance under false pretenses while insulting and berating them. He's the very clear villain of this story, and not a sympathetic one either.

    Except she's the one that initiated it. The dude could have held out entirely sure, but it took a whole blowjob to get him to break. Up until then he had been saying no.

    As for the fight Fryx literally tried to explain the situation and the other fox attacked him. Can't exactly blame a dude for defending himself.

    Nor can you blame him for being him. Grouchy and vocal is just kind of how he rolls. He's shown a lot of obvious compassion throughout his flashbacks. He's basically a tsundere.

    Honestly, I think the main reason he's being seen in such a bad light is the order of operations.

    Like, the first comic HEAVILY implies that Copper has some hand in the death of literally everyone Clover had ever known and loved. If that had been the first thing we saw with Copper we'd be looking at that relationship very differently.

    Fryx aint been perfect, but he's certainly not been a bad person.

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  • ok so goated art, i did want to say when i type your name into Google, your e621 link doesn't come up anymore like it was previously, just wanted you to know!

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  • bwiljk said:

    Yeah, he's in this situation because he slept with another fox's mate then partially blinded him in a fight instead of running away. When she asked to come with him, he could have said no; because he didn't, he verbally abused her until she died, then transferred the abuse to his kit. When his kit was rescued, he was warned to stay away, but rather than heed the warning of the sympathetic person who saved his kit's life, he decided to assault and possibly murder someone else, then lie to an entire tribe to gain admittance under false pretenses while insulting and berating them. He's the very clear villain of this story, and not a sympathetic one either.

    Please go reread the previous chapters, you are quite clearly wrong on multiple accounts.
    1. He could of potentially resisted more, but that grew quite hard to do when she downed his dick plus whatever pheromones he may have been inhaling being near her while she's in heat.
    2. He fought back because he didn't have the option to run away because he was actively being bitten after attempting to defuse the situation.
    3. She knew the risks and decided to go with him anyways.
    4. While he could of course be nicer about it, the desert is no place to sit idle longer than you strictly need to if you have no reliable source of water, he's desperate, frustrated, and trying to get them both out of danger of dying from dehydration as quickly as possible and it's made him a bit snappish especially with someone who is in part why they're in this situation to begin with.
    5. He's expressing his frustration with the kit (who is too young to understand him) not eating/being unable to eat out loud. How is that abusive? Especially considering his litteral next sentence?
    6. He's finding his kit, whatever it takes. Are his actions to do so logical or good? Doesn't matter they don't have to be.
    7. Just because a character is far from perfect doesn't make them the villain or stop them from being the hero. Congrats we got complex characters in a porn comic.

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  • TheAquaticLemon said:
    She's going to turn out to be his daughter, isn't she?

    Most likely not for two reasons:
    1. He's got a son not a daughter.
    2. He's a fennec fox and she's an otter I'm pretty sure.

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