created by azathura
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Travel Log: 282

I don't think I was ever supposed to interact, let alone fall in love. It's been a year since I crash landed here, forty thousand years away from home, in the arms of a big strong lion. The crash had thrown me forward out of my seat, hitting the dashboard, gashing my shoulder and nearly breaking my arm. Before I passed out, I managed to crawl out of the time machine to a lush jungle. I woke up inside of a cave some hours later, a real live cave lion standing above me, a mountain of muscle and hair, I panicked a bit before reeling in pain. I was sure he'd kill me or eat me, but to my surprise, he gently brushed my hair before touching my arm. He made a wrapping motion in the air near my arm, he treated my wounds. I touched his mane, he smiled.

That was it, I was hooked.

As I slowly began repairing the machine, the cave lion, whom I named Lug, would never leave my side. I didn't mind, he offered a lot of protection from the fauna of the past. I think he considered me his mate, because, we'd fuck all the time. So much sex, I'd never ever been railed so much in my life. Tender but also rough, he'd do so much to me and I loved every minute of it. He'd teach me how to hunt and gather, he was surprisingly very smart I came to find, I felt like the caveman at times, but he was very gentle with me and even through the language barrier, we made it work. But now, I'm scared, the machine is nearly done and I don't know if I could leave him. I don't belong here, I know that, but I do know...

I'm his.

Originally posted on Subscribestar!

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