pyre (pokemon mystery dungeon and etc) created by gau (artist)
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Not much lewd in the story, mostly just set up for the scenario~


It was another busy day at Everstone, as the Shugi Trio had come for one of their now fairly regular visits.

The Guild was always a lucrative stop for them. From their usual trade of more mundane goods to the sale of their range of toys, the Guild always helped them top up their coffers when they visited.

Perhaps the most profitable of all was the sale of Belue Juice, a particularly viscous juice that worked perfectly as a lubricant. They had pushed the sale of it to go alongside their toy range but its popularity had reached even those looking for a little help with their partners.

Pokemon were durable creatures and often took on more than they were prepared for, both in battle and in sex. It was quite remarkable to see what sort of partners ended up making it work, type and size seeming less of a limitation than one would expect when it came to ones enthusiasm. The Shugi Trio's Belue Juice had quickly become a must have for such daring experimenters.

So as it were, Spire the Meowstic found himself down in the Everstone lounge selling what mostly amounted to large orders of Belue Juice. Thankfully they had had the foresight to stock up on the stuff before visiting the Guild.

He steadily made it through the many Guildies, both on and off duty who had been eagerly awaiting the next Shugi Trio visit. They had already added an extra visit onto their usual travel route but honestly it was looking like that still wasn't enough, as many a Guild Member asked them to visit more often.

When his line of customers finally seemed to come to an end and he began putting products back in his Arcanine size satchel, a voice perked up from behind him.

“Heeeeey Spire!”

He turned around to see another Guild Member,

“Oh hello Pyre” he greeted the Litten with a smile “Were you looking for some Belue Juice aswell? I still have a couple of jars”

The Litten scoffed “What? No, I don't need that stuff!”

Ahh Spire thought, of course Belue Juice wasn't for everyone. Some just didn't like it, some thought it was unnatural and some, like the Litten in question really just didn't need it. He had realized that most Fire types specifically really weren't all that interested in it, having no problem with going in dry.

He cringed a little at the thought, Fire types of course had some natural lubrication but it wasn't much compared to other types. Even so, these toys could be pretty rough without the extra lubrication, he couldn't picture someone using one without at least giving it a tongue lashing first.

“Right, you Fire types are your own breed for sure..” he replied, voicing his inner thoughts a little with a smirk.

Pyre puffed out her chest a little as if this was quite the compliment.

“So, what can I help you with then Pyre?” he asked curiously.

The Litten had never showed much interest in their everyday wares but had had a keen eye on their toy line. She had been the first in line to grab one of their first toy run, naturally taking one of the ones modelled by her own mate, Jaze the Shinx.

She had also bought the special two ended toy her teammates Myra the Sprigatito and Rue the Skitty had so kindly demonstrated the use of in the very longue they were standing on his last visit.

So he had to wonder what she was after “I'm afraid we don't have any new products today..” he admitted.

“Oh, I know” she replied simply.

“Then..” he went on, before realizing what he thought she may have been after.

He dropped his voice and bent down a little as he whispered to her “Did you need a replacement for one of your toys?”

Pyre narrowed her eyes "Why would I need a replacement?"

Spire looked a little awquard, doubting his conclusion but unable to backstep, he explained his thought process "Well. I know our toys aren't very fire resistant so.."

Pyre gave a loud snort "You think I melted it like Zeal did hers?”

“Uhh..” Spire muttered, a little stumped at what to say.

Zeal was an energetic Flareon who, Spire's work partner Shisa the Arcanine was quite smitten with. He had given her the toy in question and supposedly given her at least one replacement due to accidents. He never asked for details as Shisa always paid for it out of his own share of their earnings.

“I swear between her and Kano, us fire types are getting a bad name! I have more self control than that!" Pyre declared in mock indignation.

Spire, rubbing his cheek with a stubby paw gave her a sheepish look as he apologised "Ah Sorry Pyre, I didn't mean to offend you..”

He then tried to change the subject “So what were you after today then?"

Pyre's pout returned to a smirk "Well I thought I'd try something different.. My little Jaze is great for scratcing an itch when the real thing is busy, but I thought maybe I should broaded my horizens a little..”

Spire nodded, seeming to get the geist "So you wanted to try a different style?”

“Something like that! So let's have a look what you have for me!” she exclaimed as she got up and bounded forward, brushing against the Meowstic before plunging into the open satchel.

Without invitation, she began to rifle through the various goods inside.

Spire let her be, knowing better than to stop her. He watched her, his eyes following the swaying of her squat Litten rear that was giving him quite the show as she searched.

“I'm not sure we have anything suitable for you..” Spire admitted, assuming the Litten was struggling to find anything that caught her eye.

Despite him saying they had nothing new, they had actually expanded their range a little since they last visited, but most of these were bigger models.

While the Guild was still their best customer for these items, they had began to do some good trade in their travels and in most places there was more demand for bigger sizes. So they had found some willing models outside of the Guild and expanded their range.

They now had various other options such as a Gabite and a Zebstrika that put even Shisa to shame. Naturally these were far too big for the Litten. In fact knowing the smaller clientele of Everstone they hadn't even bothered to bring any of these with them, for they weren't exactly easy to lug around even for an Arcanine.

In truth Spire had been hoping to request for more Guild models to expand their smaller selections. His work colleagues were off talking to the Guildmaster about just that in fact.

Russle russle, the Litten continued to search, her happy rump bouncing back and forth, back and forth.. back and forth.

Spire shook himself as he found himself staring at it, he could swear she was doing it intentionally..

Instead he tried to consider what would actually be suitable for the Litten. Although putting his mind to imagining which of the insertable toy range would fit inside that tight Litten slit dancing in front of him only made such indecent thoughts worse..

He felt a tightening in his sheath which he tried to conceal with a casual flick of one of his large fluffy tails.

He cleared his throat, then with an effort to keep some form of professionalism he bagan to offer some suggestions.

“For your size, we still have the Lust model which is more or less the same size as Jaze's, without the barbs of course..” He began to explain.

Pyre, still head deep in the bag called back in a muffled voice “Lust is an alright fuck, but I was thinking of trying something a little bigger..."

"Bigger?” Spire asked curiously,.. “Well there is Kano's but that's probably too big.. I heard Suma tried it out and found it a little too much.."

A loud snort of laughter echoed out of the satchel “Ahh I remember that! She got that thing stuck so tight that Lyka had to prise it out of her! She was limping for a week..”

“Her pussy must be as tight as she is! She won't move to our team no matter how many times I ask. She prefers to stick with the rodents over on Team Chisai!.. I just don't get it..” she complained, clearly irked that there was a feline in the Guild she had failed to recruit to her team.

“But I've taken Kano no problem!” Pyre then added proudly.

Spire wasn't so sure if he believed her, she was about the same size as Suma the Shinx was and they were both felines.

There was no way the Growlithe's toy could fit in a hole that tight, well maybe without the knot..Oops he was staring again.

“Still, I'm not all that interested in canines myself so...” Pyre went on before breaking off in exclamation “Aha!

Finally pulling her head free of the satchel, she turned and spat out the toy she had found onto the floor.

"This has to be the one!" She exclaimed with an almost malicious looking grin of satisfaction on her face.

Spire inspected her choice. It wasn't anything unique, it was a perfectly smooth taper with no ridges or barbs. It wasn't huge but it was significantly bigger than Jaze or Lust's.

It took Spire a moment to realize who's model it was and when he did his face flushed a little.

This was enough to give it away as the Litten cried “I knew it! Still I gotta admit you're a bit bigger than I thought you'd be..”

Spire didn't respond to that, He wondered just how big she had expected him to be, he wasn't exactly huge for a Meowstic after all. Not that he dared to ask this out loud.

“I'm surprised you don't have barbs though..” she then admitted, sounding a little disappointed.

Spire gave a half smile. It was unusual for feline Pokemon not to have barbs, it was true. Personally he preferred it that way.

“Some Meowstics do but no, I don't..” he confessed.

“Well no matter! I'm sure you're still a mighty fine fuck! I'll take it!” she announced with a smirk.

Spire blinked, a little uncertain. Despite her confidence, he still felt he had to ask “Are you sure? This might be rude coming from the one who modelled it but don't you think it might be a bit too big for you?”

He had held on the word bit, a little stung by her earlier remark, only rubbed in more by how easily she seemed to think she could manage it.

Pyre narrowed he eyes and fell into a crouch as if preparing for a pounce “Ohh is that a chellenge?”

Spire shook his head “Noo I jus..” but before he could correct her, she cut him off.

“If that little fairy friend of yours can take you, so can I!” she taunted him.

The Meowstic was a little taken aback by that “Fairy friend,.. you mean Mei? What makes you think we..” he began to ask before getting cut short once again.

“Don't play dumb! There's no way you arn't fucking..” she giggled “I've seen you too sneak off to the restroom when things get frisky in the longue during your visits and your scent doesn't lie. You always leave a good pungent musk in there before you leave and Mei's is always mixed with it.”

Spire didn't have a retort for that. She had hit the nail on the head. Even though they had got into the market of selling sex toys they still never quite adjusted to the sexual antics of the Guild.

Every visit, as soon as they entered the main lounge they could just smell it on the air/ Rhe potent aroma of the sexual antics the Guidies got up to.

While sex was a pretty casual thing wherever they traveled, the Guild was an extreme. Kosa the Guildmaster seeming perfectly content to allow his members to casually infulge in their sexual desires around the Guild premises.

Spire had gotten use to it, even making scheming a little as he managed to coax some volunteers into testing the double ended toy they had just designed. Pyre would have joined if she hadn't been beaten to the punch by her own teammates.

In fact of all the Guildies, Spire had come to notice it was that team of felines he had to watch for the most. It was usually them who got him so worked up he that he always had to make a restroom break so he could go and take the edge off, to which Mei often joined him,

“Still I'm impressed that pixie can handle this thing.. She's even smaller than Kosa..” Pyre admitted.

Spire couldn't help but smile a little at that. Despite being the Guildmaster, Kosa the Mew was one of the smallest in the Guild but even he was probably about fifty percent taller than the Ribombee in question.

If the Litten's assumption of his size had been based on Mei it was no wonder she was surprised. Her size only stood out more, given she worked alongside a giant fluffball of an Arcanine..

“She's tougher than she looks” He admitted, unabashedly proud of his work partner.

It had been a bit of a rough going their first time of course, they hadn't even used Belue Juice. Still, through perseverance she had come to adjust impressively well and she could consistently handle him, although she now preferred to use the juice. .

Even so, he was still reluctant to suggest such a size for the Litten. It was after all a lot more difficult using a toy by yourself than having partner to help ease you into it.

Evidently, the Litten disagreed as she blustered “And so am I!”, fire now in her eyes.

"Then how about a bet!" she went on "I bet I can bottom out and take this thing no problem!"

Spire frowned, “I'm not sur...” he began to object but Pyre wasn't done

"If I can't, I'll suck your dick and deep throat you instead.."

Spire faltered at the sudden declaration. Was that any more feasible anyway? he thought but was unable to voice further objection before the Litten went on.

"But If I CAN, you give me this for half price and I get to ride the real thing."

"Wait, hang on now.." Spire desperately tried to stop her.

Pyre wasn't listening however. Disregarding his reluctance at the sudden proposal, she picked up the toy in her mouth and stood it up right before turning around with a swift flick of her behind so it was facing the dumbfounded Meowstic.

She lent back, lifting herself a little until the tip of the toy pressed against her comparitavely smaller sex.

"Hang on Pyre, I don't think this is a good idea..." Spire called out a last ditch attempt to stop her.

But yet again Spire's voice was ignored as with in one swift movement Pyre pushed her hips down

With that, the entire toy was gone, swallowed up by the Litten who was now sitting upright where it had been but a moment before.

Spire was lost for words, not only had she taken the entire length that was almost twice the size of her standard partners, but she had done it in one go and without even a drop of lubrication. She hadn't even worked herself up to offer the limited amount of lubrication a fire type would naturally produce.

She had quite literally taken it dry.

A moment of silence followed and Spire who had been staring blankly at her broke free from his trance and called out "Hey Pyre, are you okay?"

No reply.

The Meowstic padded foward and walked around her to look the Litten in the face.

She had a strange, almost contorted expression on her face "Did you hurt yourself?" he asked, now concerned. "Should I call for someone, Allium is good with healing right.. let me call..."

"Uhhh” Pyre's voice finally called out " qu...iet" she muttered in barely comprehensible broken words.

Spire blinked at her "But.."

"Immm.. cuummmmm...iiiingggggg" she groaned in a deep throated purr.

Spire took a moment to figure out what on earth she was mumbling. but when it finally hit him his face grew hot.

Her expression, one Spire had thought was from shock or pain was simply the Littren's intense orgasm face.

The evidence was thick in air, the already zesty fire type scent of the Litten had grown heavy. The immediate area was enveloped by her hot scent. Just breathing it in left a spicy tang on the Meowstic's tongue that made him feel remarkably thisrty.

Spire had seemingly been correct about the Litten taking on a little too much, although not quite in the way he expected. Rather than hurt herself, she had forced herself into performing what the Guild liked to call a Kano.

Having taken the toy so quickly with not so much as a little prep, she had greatly overstimulated herself and ended up breaking into an immediate orgasm.

Spire simply stood there, bewildered by the Litten's audacity.

It was quite the sight to see. Her contorted facial expression, her visible trembling and the fact that her juices were now leaking from the tight clamp like hold she had on the otherwise dry toy made it clear this was quite a remarkble orgasm.

While the length of the Meowstic toy was firmly nestled inside the Litten's clenching folds, the member it was based on was now fully aroused and standing to attention.

This didn't go unnoticed by the Litten, as when her orgasm finally seemed to subside, her voice returned as she spoke clearly once more "Damn that was good.." she cooed as she licked her lips.

Her head then lifted as she looked up to meet the eyes of the still staring Mewostic "And I see you have prepared my reward. Now to try out the real thing.."Spire held her gaze. He no longer had the resolve to object and the Litten knew it. He was hers to do with as she pleased, even if hadn't actually agreed to the one sided bet....

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