nintendo and etc created by regulartf
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A New Rubber Lucario

I had ordered a pokeball online, and was excited to go catch myself a pokemon, especially since I had managed to find one so cheap. The website was a bit sketchy, but the pokeball looked official when it came in the mail. However when I held it up, it felt slightly heavy for an empty pokeball, like there was already something inside. I pushed the the button on the ball, and when it opened, it sprayed me with blue and black liquid latex!

"Agh! What the hell!?" I shouted and tried to wipe off the latex, but it stuck tight to me and wouldn't come off. In fact it was spreading all over my body quickly. It also completely dissolved my clothes wherever it touched them! Not only that, it was tightening over me as it spread, and making changes to my body too. It fused two of my fingers together on each hand, and after dissolving my shoes, it fused my toes into three toed paws. It also forced my ankles to stretch backward, changing my legs and giving me a digitigrade stance, as it made my thighs grow thicker and larger. And suddenly the latex started to tighten even more around my cock and balls. I gasped as it forced my shaft fully erect and started to change its shape. My balls were covered with blue latex and they swelled and grew larger, and the latex on my cock changed color to red as it was forced to grow larger than ever before. A knot formed at the base of my shaft, and the tip grew pointed, giving it a canine shape.

"Wh- what is this? What's happening to me!?" I gasped as I looked down at my changing body, and my newly canine cock throbbing despite the situation. I blushed hard as my body continued to change, and the latex started to solidify into different colors as it covered me. My torso became bright yellow, my upper arms and thighs blue while my hands and paws became black, and white spikes started to grow from the back of my hands and middle of my chest. A blue tail grew from the bottom of spine as the latex spread up over my head, and soon I could feel and move my new growing tail.

The latex forced its way into my mouth and ass, changing my insides too as it covered my head and started to change its shape. My ears moved to the top of my head and became long and pointed, as the blue and black liquid latex covered my face and forced my jaw to stretch forward into a long muzzle. My eyes changed color to red as my hair was covered and fused into what looked like thick black rubber dreadlocks. The latex finally covered me completely, and started to solidify as it continued to tighten around my body and fuse with my skin. I couldn't stop myself from letting out a moan as the latex squeezed and converted my body into living rubber, sending waves of pleasure through me and forcing my cock to throb hard. And as I looked down at my body, I realized it had changed me into a rubber Lucario!

"Wait- this can't be happening... I'm not a Lucario!" I whined. But despite myself, my cock kept throbbing hard. I felt so embarrassed that I was horny at a time like this, but I couldn't will my erection down. Somehow the change had just felt too good, and I needed to cum. Finally I started to stroke my cock with my rubber paw hand, and I gasped at how good it felt. The pleasure was so much more intense than I'd felt before as a human, as if the change made my cock ten times more sensitive than it had been.

I panted as I stroked my rubber canine shaft, unable to stop myself from moaning at how good it felt. My body trembled with pleasure, and I fell to my knees, subconsciously tucking my tail between my legs as I felt myself getting closer to cumming. Finally I reached my climax, blushing hard as I shot ropes of thick warm cum up into the air. Little did I know, that's why the liquid latex had made the transformation feel so good. Now that I'd cum, the change was permanent...


The guy getting TFed is me of course

And this artwork was done by the very talented RegularTF

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