architype 008 created by 8i ll lon and transentience
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/// Saturday is art day, here is some new stuff! Spontaneous tongue science.

Due to the lack of a proper nose, commander Eight has to resort to tasting the environment through her bionic tongue. This advanced appendage compensates for the few olfactory sensory neurons remaining within the barely visible nostrils above her mouth, which were shaped this way through numerous bodily modifications. The nostril modifications were part of an extensive process designed to enhance her sensory perception and adaptability in various environments.

The bionic tongue itself is a marvel of bioengineering, capable of detecting even the slightest changes in taste (smell), moisture, and temperature. This heightened sensitivity allows commander Eight to sense chemical changes in the air, identify potential toxins, and even recognize minute variations in atmospheric pressure. When the tongue is in use, the tissue lightly inflates, and the tip flares up, spreading the individual receptor tips apart to maximize its surface area and sensor accuracy. This process, while appearing unusual when fully exposed, is essential for her effectiveness in her role as an Architype. Moreover, the tongue has many other uses. Combined with specific NEUROLINK implants in her body enables commander Eight to analyze and interpret complex data from her surroundings, providing real-time feedback on environmental conditions. This capability is particularly useful during exploratory missions or in hostile environments where traditional senses might fail.
As a more or less useful feature, the tongue is also able interface with various digital systems, allowing her to 'taste' electric current and data streams directly. Otherwise, the tongue retains to function similarly to her old human organ.

In confrontation scenarios, the tongue's enhanced sensory capabilities give Eight a tactical advantage. She can detect wild fauna and hidden opponents, track chemical trails, and even predict environmental threats before they become obvious to others, unless these hazards do not make themselves apparent through conventional means. This foresight enables her to strategise and respond precisely, transforming potential disadvantages into opportunities. The tongue's capacity to detect minute changes in the air renders the commander nearly impossible to ambush, since she can 'taste' the presence of others long before they display. These abilities make up for her otherwise (in comparison to most other sophonts) weak body.

So, while her smile may appear strange or even disturbing, it contains many secrets, and without it, she would not be nearly as advanced as she appears - but this also applies to other bodily parts she possesses, since she is ultimately responsible for her own survival in a completely alien galaxy.

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