database error, madam reni, guardian, roselyn, flora, and etc (european mythology and etc) created by tom fischbach

Rose from the Dead

Sketch of the 1236th page of TwoKinds.


Raine: R...Rose...?

Red: You're still here?!

Rose: Why wouldn't I be?

Red: But Trace said you were dead!

Rose: Yes... and? I was already dead. Didn't stop me before.

Evals: S-so you're a ghost? This estate is... haunted?!

Rose: I am the estate.

Evals: Eep!

Rose: But you have nothing to fear from me. The being that truly haunted the estate, Detritus, has been destroyed.

Rose: I remain... a fragment of my old self left behind to set affairs in order.

Rose: You may rest easy for now. However, I recommend you all make plans to move on from this place as soon as possible.

Rose: The mana lines in the greenhouse were destroyed. The energies maintaining the estate will last a while, but not forever. And once power is gone, so too will I be, at last.

Flora: (thoughts) Doesn't smell like a ghost...

  • Comments
  • Tom really out here giving Mike the "female character" eye lines in the sketch, that vanish in the completed panel xp

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  • I love this comic so much! Also, did you guys know Tom Fischbach and Markiplier are brothers?

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  • I like how easy it is to miss the stone guardians casually moving remus's dead body and just how casual it is.

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  • sekriess said:
    I like how easy it is to miss the stone guardians casually moving remus's dead body and just how casual it is.

    eh, they'll probably just return later casually wearing a fur coat

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  • crehvan said:
    Tom really out here giving Mike the "female character" eye lines in the sketch, that vanish in the completed panel xp

    What do you mean? Mike is the best girl

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  • anar_isil said:
    Of course, now we need to know how Flora knows what ghosts smell like.

    It might be that Rose HAS a scent, instead of a conspicuous absence of one

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  • crehvan said:
    Tom really out here giving Mike the "female character" eye lines in the sketch, that vanish in the completed panel xp

    He's been doing that for several pages. Throughout the entire mansion chapter, Mike keeps flipping back and forth between his male and female designs. It's driving me crazy. Just make him a canon chick and get it over with.

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  • flashypony said:
    He's been doing that for several pages. Throughout the entire mansion chapter, Mike keeps flipping back and forth between his male and female designs. It's driving me crazy. Just make him a canon chick and get it over with.

    Yeah his eyes are blue now, which is supposed to only be in transformed… form.

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