koziu created by koziu (artist)
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Riika threw herself at me, pressing my neck to the floor with her knee.

-YOU LIE ! you don't even know what happened in the last year !!!?
Maybe they let you fresh out of the incubator like that !!!?!?!!

She put a piece of glass to my muzzle.
I grabbed her hand with all my might, wrestling with her to keep the glass as far away from me as possible.... considering that the sharp end was right at my neck it was exhausting as fuck. My whole life began to fly before my eyes like a movie in accelerated speed.... Until I remembered Kori, Krisa and Daria........ It can't end like this.... not for them... I gathered all the strength I had and began to even with a scream twist Riika's paw more and more so that the glass was aimed at her, then I pushed the glass hard against her thigh, pushing with my whole body.


Riika threw herself in the opposite direction crawling away from me. In the living room, she propped herself up against the cabinet and stared like a fool at the piece of glass sticking out of her thigh.
The fur was slowly getting wet with tears.... And slowly spilling blood.

I hurriedly got up from the ground and ran to the kitchen to get something to defend myself.

-FUCKING BITCH! I didn't do anything to you! I'm not guilty of anything!

I grabbed the knife and hid behind the living room partition wall, holding the tool in my shaking paws.

-T-they kept me in this facility. I saw the documents, I saw that they wanted to make a perfect copy of me. I remembered everything, the whole year of torture, how they put me to sleep by drugs, made me crazy just to experiment, gave me I don't knows what and now? I'm a wreck of myself, They created you for sick satisfaction or who knows what! Everything is the fault of that bitch Scarlet, not my!
-P.... Please.... Call an ambulance.... If you have at least the last shred of humanity in you...and you didn't show up here to get rid of me.
I'm scared... I... I can't stand up.
-I-I didn't want to do anything bad to you! I had no idea about you, that you were a copy of me. They erased my memory so I wouldn't know about it.

I say in a weepy voice and slowly walk out of the kitchen

-A-all can be fine, we can separate and not fight, we will both survive.
-Everything will be fine.... Help me ... ... at least give me a phone.... I-I'm Sorry.

I grab the phone and cautiously approach Riika keeping a distance at arm's length

-You got it, just n-no tricks.
-H.... Hello...? Rikka.... I wanted to call an ambulance..... I was attacked in my own home.... NOOOO! STOP!!
-Y-you whore!

I knocked the phone out of her paw and threw myself to the ground with her, putting the knife to her chest.

-I trusted you! You're setting me up!
-They will lock me up and you will live my life!?

Tears streamed down her cheeks.
She curtly tried to push the knife away from her.

-I left my family...my hometown to start life anew here...I found a job- She swallowed her saliva.
-That night...in the pub...I am lonely.... I have no one.... The people I invited didn't show up.....
-Hello Riika are you there? The emergency phone operator tried to make contact with Wolfness again.
-Why did you want to kill me!? What did I do to you!?

Tears began to run down my cheeks, still bringing the knife millimeters closer to Riika's body.

-I was afraid... I found out about something.... about which I shouldn't....
It hurts... something inside me broke.... it feels like my body is not m-my!
-Rikka !!! If we don't hear from you we will send a patrol!
-E-even if I wanted to.... I can't trust you.... You were ready to kill me.... how do I know you won't do it again? I-I CAN'T TRUST YOU...!

The cold blade of the knife touched Riiki's skin and began to sink into it slowly.

-Sorry... I'm so sorry Riika... Forgive me...

I cried seeing the girl's grimace on her muzzle.
Riika began writhing and squealing as she felt the knife slowly sliding in.
After a while the squealing starts to turn into whimpering.

-....D...d.don't replace me....

The jerking of paws begins to slow down more and more.

-... There is only place here for the real one of us.... I apologize to you Riika.... you were great, even though you were a copy of me....

I push the knife deeper, feeling the girl stop jerking.... In a fit of fury and despair, I began to stab the girl's body to the accompaniment of screaming and crying. I feel hatred for myself because of what I did. When I fell down from stabbing the already dead Wolfness I looked at my paws.... The same as when I dipped them in the bloody pond in Limbo.... I just looked at the phone lying on the ground, where the dispatcher was trying to call Riika....There was only the sound of quiet but rapid breathing from phone.

I picked up the phone with my paw all smeared with blood.

-... hello...
I spoke up in a dazed voice.
-...I... I don't want to know WHAT you are... Put down the knife, the police are on their way!
-... up until now I was a normal person.... now I don't know what I am...
-I understand you.... I understand the emotions that were in you....
it can still be fixed.

I snorted with laughter.
-This is the fucking end...

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